Staff Bulletin | May 28, 2015


Computer Sale June 23

The district will sell approximately 400 desktop computers with 19-inch LCD screens on June 23. The sale will be at Emporia Middle School, Room D3 (Tech Ed) from 8 am and to 3 pm. The computers will be sold for $60 each on a first-come, first-served basis. Each person will be limited to two computers; the limit will be removed after 1 pm. Computers must be picked up that day.

For buyers unsatisfied with their purchase for any reason, there will be a three-day no-questions-asked return policy. The computers are 6 years old.


MHEC Summer Hours
Summer hours at Mary Herbert Education Center will be 7:30 am - 4 pm Monday - Thursday June 1 - July 31. The building will be closed Fridays during June and July. All district buildings will be closed Fridays in June and July.
Emporia Board of Education

Personnel Report


Jennie Woods
5th grade, Logan Avenue

Katherine King
music, WA White

Katrina Goscha
language arts, EHS

Emily Boehm
intermediate level, TPA

Sarah Second
primary level, TPA

Brianna Boyce
special education, EMS

Jacquelyn Cerv
8th gr language arts, EMS

Elizabeth Belt
early childhood, Maynard

Gary Rivera
Rule 10 soccer, EHS

Alexandria Ecert
Rule 10 bowling, EHS

Sherry Nelson
Rule 10 asst bowling, EHS

Alisha Henery
Rule 10 asst volleyball, EHS

Rebecca Hamman-Hernandez
assignment to be determined, EHS

Bethanie Tait
6th gr math, EMS

Rescind Resignation

Jacinda Vinduska
special education, USD 251



Cheyenne Lindeman

5th grade, Timmerman


Janet Marcotte



Lisa Lauer

special educ, Chase County


Tasia Markowitz

2nd grade, Timmerman


Tamera Ridenour

1st grade, Logan Avenue


Amy McAnarney

associate principal, EHS




Jan Spade

art, EHS


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1700 W 7th Ave
Emporia, Kansas 66801
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Emporia Public Schools
2015-16 Salaries & Benefits

The board approved the 2015-16 Master Contract and salary and benefit packages for licensed professional, classified, classified-exempt and administrative employees including the superintendent. The total salary package for 2015-16 represents an average 1.1 percent increase.


Under the new master agreement, licensed professional employees will receive an experience increment on the salary schedule plus movement for educational advancement. The board also approved the salary schedules for administrative and classified exempt employees to reflect a 1.1 percent increase plus movement for educational advancement. Classified employees will receive the earned experience increment on the salary schedule.

Employee Wellness
The board heard a report and recommendations from the District Wellness Committee, which has been meeting for the past year. The group is recommending a voluntary employee wellness program to begin in 2015-16 that encompasses all pieces of employee well-being - physical, emotional, mental and financial health. The program will include more healthy food options, a district health fair in September, classes on stress management, financial well-being, fitness, cooking, smoking cessation and more.

Other Board Business
  • The board approved payment of Schools For Fair Funding membership dues totaling $27,156
  • Received a schedule for budget development and public meetings in July and August.
  • Tabled requests to accept a Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program grant and a request to purchase three new 10-passenger vans.
  • Retired board policies JE and JGFC
Board Reports
FHTC Board - Grant Riles reported the board has approved a new strategic plan for the college and raised approximately $63,000 at the annual foundation fundraiser.
Recreation Commission - Mike Helbert reported the commission is working on a budget for 2016.
Legislative Update - Rob Scheib reported the legislature is still in session and has not yet passed a budget for the next fiscal year starting July 1.

Consent Agenda

The board approved the following:

  • Accepted a $3,000 donation from the Timmerman PTO
  • Annual software agreements for NWEA MAP assessments, SchoolNet & OdysseyWare
  • School site council annual reports
  • Memorandum of Understanding with ECKAN Head Start
  • QPA annual reports