April 2016

Arresting Degenerative Brain Disease  -
Dr. Naomi Nevler 2015-2016 APF Fellow 
Dr. Naomi Nevler
Dr. Naomi Nevler is trying to arrest degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer's before symptoms become obvious, allowing for earlier intervention, better quality of life and someday, maybe a cure
"What we'd like to do is to catch the pathological process before degenerative changes have caused too much damage," says the 36-year-old neurologist and 2015-2016 APF Research Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania's world-renowned Frontotemporal Degeneration (FTD) Center in Philadelphia. "People won't even be aware of the changes at this point, although they have already been going on for a long time.

"Then we can more successfully use medical interventions such as medications. And we are now also experimenting with the use of non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) for Alzheimer's and other cognitive impairments."
How Israel Builds Trauma-resilient Communities
at Home and Abroad- a Michigan APF Event
From left: Dr. Robert Kelman, APF President; Talia Levanon, Speaker; Dr. Jeffrey Devries, APF Board Member; Dr. Randy Bernstein, and Dr. Eliezer Basse
The Israel Trauma Coalition (ITC) addresses the issues of terrorism, war, natural disaster, tragedy and bereavement with a seasoned eye and aims to lend its experience elsewhere. The ITC ensures not only a comprehensive view of needs but the delivery of a continuum of trauma services in a timely fashion. In response to international disasters, this unique organization sends delegations of trauma and emergency response experts to provide aid and support to local professionals and volunteers working around the world.
Trauma reality is not limited to direct victims but extends to first responders, caregivers and policy makers. Over the years, Israel has developed a wide variety of trauma related interventions at all levels.

In March, APF hosted an enlightening and well-attended event with ITC Director Talia Levanon.   
Talia described the vital work of ITC and its responsibility for strengthening Israel's social resilience on a national scale, building "trauma-resilient" communities. She also spoke directly to ITC's (and Israel's) functioning as "a light unto the nations" through the organization's international outreach. In recent years the ITC has sent delegations to Toulouse, France, Boston, Japan, Haiti, the Philippines and several other countries. 

We extend our warm gratitude to Adat Shalom Synagogue at Farmington Hills, MI, who hosted the gathering. And a special thanks also goes to our dedicated APF Michigan Chapter Organizing Committee for making it all happen! Kudos to all!
Remembering Dr. Thomas Hodgkin, Jaffa, Israel
A ceremony was held on April 4th at the grave site of Dr. Thomas Hodgkin at the old Anglican cemetery in Jaffa, commemorating 150 years since his death. 
The granite obelisk erected by Sir Mosses Montefiore, Hodgkin's long time friend, was renovated last year thanks to the generosity of Mrs. Amalie Kass, an APF longtime supporter.

The ceremony was attended by 40 doctors and preservationists, who listened to lectures about the distinguished doctor's life and his contribution to medicine.
Upcoming Summer Medical APF/Birthright Trip to Israel - For Healthcare Students
APF is once again partnering with Taglit-Birthright Israel and Israel Outdoors to provide a 10-day experience in Israel designed for medical students, nursing students, and other medical professionals (admitted medical students qualify). This enhanced Birthright Israel experience combines all of the highlights of an Israel tour along with special medical programming such as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Medical Corps Training Base in the Negev, and speakers that highlight the unique aspects of medicine in Israel. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore Israel and also network with Israeli healthcare peers.

Registration is closing April 18th 

2015 APF Medical Birthright group on their trip to Israel

APF Medical Birthright is in the NEWS!!

Click to read more 
Please click on the link below to view the Provisional Program 

American Physicians Fellowship for Medicine in Israel