January 2016

2015-2016 APF Fellow Dr. Eyal Ben-Assa Journeys to the Depths of the Heart
Dr. Eyal Ben-Assa and his family
Interventional cardiologist Dr. Eyal Ben-Assa regularly journeys to the depths of the heart.

The Beersheba native, and a 2015-2016 APF Fellow, is an expert on the way blood flows in the cavities of the heart. He is advancing his research in this innovative field at the Harvard-MIT Biomedical Engineering Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge.
"For years, we were blind to a whole part of our physiology due to the lack of technology," says Ben-Assa. "But now, we are shining a light on another aspect of cardiac physiology that will have its whole chapter in cardiovascular textbooks.
Due to an Increased Demand - Additional Course This Spring in Israel! Register NOW!
Click and watch APF Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Course in Israel Video
APF's 18th (חי) Annual Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Course Will Take Place in Israel, May 21-26, 2016
Please complete the 2016 Course Registration Form and return it to APF along with your deposit to reserve your spot today!
For additional information please Click Here or contact APF office. 
Help us Raise Much Needed Funds for Life-Saving Emergency All-Terrain Evacuation Vehicles (ATV) in Israel

During these most difficult times in Israel we face daily stabbings, shootings, vehicular attacks and the hurling of Molotov cocktails, as well as the ongoing threat of missile attacks and earthquakes. It is imperative that we help the Israeli medical system prepare for any and all eventualities. We urge you to support our efforts to raise much needed funds for procuringlife-saving emergency ATVs. These vehicles are designed to allow first responders to quickly and effectively retrieve casualties from dangerous, inaccessible terrain and bring them to awaiting ambulances and helicopters. Saving time and utilizing resources appropriately will save lives and decrease disability.

Vehicle naming opportunities are available for individuals or groups.
Please clearly designate your gift for the Israeli Polaris ATV Campaign 
American Physicians Fellowship for Medicine in Israel