December 2015

A step ahead: North American Podiatrists visit Israel on an APF organized Scientific Mission
2015 APF's Podiatric Scientific Mission in Israel
Almost 20 years since our last Podiatric trip to Israel, APF and Drs. Paul Scherer, Marlene Reid, and Prof. Larry Harkless organized a 10- day Podiatric Scientific Mission to Israel in November. Thirty-three American and Canadian healthcare professionals participated in this amazing trip, which included inspiring lectures from Israeli and American speakers. In addition, attendees visited three medical centers as well as the IDF-Airborne Rescue & Evacuation Unit 669. Participants also visited the Golan Heights, Tsfat and Rosh Hanikrah; floated in the Dead Sea, toured Masada, visited Yad Vashem and much more.

The Mission provided Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits through Western University's College of Podiatric Medicine in Pomona, California.

Click Here for More Photos 

2015 Kass Research Grant Recipient in Israel: Dr. Shlomo Elias Attempts to Translate the Microscopic World of Blood - Seeking Cures for Cancer and Other Diseases
Dr. Shlomo Elias
In the Israel Defense Forces Shlomo Elias
 did research and translation for the   
 military's intelligence arm. 
 In hematology Dr. Shlomo Elias, the most
 recent recipient of the Dr. Edward H. Kass
 Research Award, researches and tries to
 translate the molecular world of blood,
 particularly malignancies that affect it.

"In the intelligence service, I thought that 
 maybe I was using some of the appropriate
 skills needed for medical research, because
 it was a similar kind of research, in a way,
 that I did there," said Elias.
                      (Click to Read More)
Israeli Pain Management Nurse Practitioners on a Study Tour in Boston Funded by APF 2015 Solomon Hirsh Nurses Education Fund 
Four Israeli senior pain management nurse practitioners from four healthcare institutions in Israel are on a training visit at world-famous Massachusetts General Hospital's Institute for Patient Care in Boston. There they are studying new interactive pain management practices, hoping to raise the standard of pain management nursing in Israel. The four nurses are undergoing eight days of rigorous scheduling in different departments of the hospital.

The fund 
was established through the generosity of former APF Board of Trustees member Dr. Richard N. Hirsh, in memory of his father. 
Join us in Boston for a discussion with Ziv Hospital General Manager, Israeli doctor Salman Zarka who tells us what it's like to regularly treat Syrians at his hospital in Tsfat, Israel
For more information and registration, click below:

American Physicians Fellowship for Medicine in Israel