Marist High School
December 2013 January 2014
Family Newsletter
Stay current with Marist news and events
Letter from the Principal

Dear Marist Families:


This past Tuesday, Br. Tony Leon, a Marist brother from the Australian Province, addressed our students on the topic of vocation.  He asked a very important question so appropriate for today's youth:  "Who are you listening to?"  He encouraged the students to listen to those who tell them the truth, who inspire them, who build them up, as opposed to those who drag them down, or tempt them away from their goals or from the good person God is calling them to be.  I feel Br. Tony's message is appropriate for us all;  it is so easy to become distracted.


This is so true especially now as we anticipate the arrival of Christmas.  Advent is such a special time of the year:  a perfect time to ask ourselves, "What am I waiting for?"  It's a perfect time, (as difficult as it may be), to peel away the commercialism, the hubbub, and the fray, to focus on what really matters.  So much of the celebration of Christmas has become about "things".  Truly, is that what we're waiting for?  The next Xbox?  The next smartphone?  Or is life for us more about the people we love and the values we hold?


Marcellin Champagnat, the founder of the Marist Brothers, encourages us to seek truth in the faces of the young people.  I know, from speaking to our students, that this is what they are looking forward to as they prepare for Christmas:

  • This Wednesday, December 4 at 1:45 pm, we will host a "Celebration of Life" for Kylin Polhill who passed away on November 4.  The event will take place in the gym.  Please join us if you can.  

  • We are looking forward to the start of the basketball season.  We will kick off the season with an evening pep rally on Friday, September 13 at 7:00 pm.  

  • Our annual Christmas Pageant and Prayer Service to be held on Monday, December 16 at 9:45 pm.  

  • Percussion Discussion Extravaganza hosted by our own Ms. Vargas on Thursday, December 19 at 6:30 pm.

  • Spirit Week, along with the Champagnat Games, is an opportunity when our students compete against one another to claim the plaque and the pride of being this year's winners!

All of the above events speak to the spirit of Marist, and to the spirit of family, which all add up to the spirit of Christmas.  


Advent prompts the question: "What are we waiting for?"  Let's take a look at what our spirits long for; where our treasures lie, there also will we find our hearts.


I wish each and every one of you a blessed Christmas, filled with the joy of Our Lord, Jesus, and a new year filled with health, happiness, and peace.




Ms. Miesnik


P.S.  This newsletter addresses both December and January, so please be sure to read carefully and keep the information on hand.  I'll be in touch again after mid-term exams.

A word from Mr. Carbone

As we experience daylight savings time, I want to caution you to think carefully about your child's safety.  The school building closes at 4:00 pm daily.  This means that the only students who may be in the building are those who are with a coach or teacher.   Even those students with a coach or teacher are not allowed to return to their lockers after 4:00 unless they are accompanied by an adult.  Furthermore, it is far too cold and too dark for students to wait outside for rides.  You can help by making timely arrangements for pick up.  This is equally true after basketball home games which will end around 9:00.  Please be sure pick up is punctual.  


The administration has met along with a faculty advisory council to reestablish guidelines which support our disciplinary code.  There have been no changes in the code; however, we look for your support in helping your child remember that:

  • Seven hours of detention incurs an in-school suspension

  • A student is placed on probation after a second suspension

  • A third suspension can lead to an immediate expulsion.

You'd be surprised by the path that can lead to detentions:

  • Being out of dress code incurs an hour's detention

  • Lateness to class incurs a half-hour detention

  • Lateness to school over 30 minutes incurs a full hour detention

  • Failure to show up to detention within 24 hours accrues an additional hour.


If these facts and procedures seem unfamiliar to you, please refer to the Student/Parent Handbook pp. 31-54, which you read and signed off on at the start of this school year.  Discipline delivered in a caring manner is the hallmark of every Marist school.  Our ultimate goal is that the sooner each student internalizes the discipline code, the faster the progress to academic success will be for all.


I invite you to read this newsletter carefully.  Marist is the school that never sleeps; a welcoming home that offers something for everyone!  It's important to encourage involvement and to become involved yourself.



Mr. Craig J. Carbone

Student Winter Raffle

The Student Winter Raffle, the second of two annual mandatory fundraisers that our students are responsible for each school year, is set to begin. Funds raised from this event underwrite educational program expenses thereby benefiting all students enrolled at Marist High School.


There is an attractive line-up of prizes to be won this year, including a 55" LCD HDTV, a sound bar with bluetooth capability, and a 10" tablet. These quality prizes should make selling the chances quick and easy. Students must turn in their completed ticket books with the $50.00 no later than Wednesday, December 18th.


The student incentive prize this year is a $100.00 Visa gift card.  The Raffle Prize Winners and the student incentive award will be determined on Friday, December 20th at 11:30am at a drawing that will take place during the final day of Spirit Week.


Please remember that all students are responsible for the $50 minimum. Balances will be billed to the student's account.


Please explain the importance of your child's involvement in this important event as a direct benefit to them and their fellow students. Remember that fundraisers such as this help keep tuition affordable for all.

Academic News

Study Hall began November 13 for any student that failed two or more subjects.  This mandatory supervised quiet time will enable students who need it to start their homework, read or review for the next day, and to obtain tutoring.  Each Friday a weekly progress report will be mailed home to you so that you too can keep up on your child's progress in the subjects that they had failed.  Encourage your son/daughter to take advantage of this opportunity to turn around a failing grade. 
NHS Tutoring is available Monday-Thursday in the LMC from 2:40-3:40.  This is a reliable source of extra help.  Be sure your son/daughter takes advantage of this free service. 
Progress Reports for grades-to-date at the mid-point of the marking period will be ready on December 12 and will be sent out via e-mail.  Please be sure that the school has your correct e-mail address.  If you have changed your e-mail address, please contact Mrs. DePoalo (201-437-4545 x201) and let her know. 
Second Marking Period ends on January 17th. Report Cards will be mailed home on January 30th.  Remember anyone who has an outstanding tuition balance will not receive a report card. Please make sure your address is up-to-date, if you have a change of address please contact Mrs. DePoalo. 
Chapter 192
Eligible Freshmen were already invited and sessions have begun.  Very few have signed up for this free assistance.  Parents should contact Ms. Yuknalis at if you'd still like to enroll your son/daughter.  Letters to eligible sophomores and juniors will go out this week.  Participation is highly recommended.  This after school program assists students whose most recent standardized test scores fell below the 40th percentile.  It's computerized, it's free, it's one hour a week... it's important.  Say "yes" if you get the invitation.

Mid-Term Examinations, which count for 10% of the final grade, will be administered according to the following schedule:

  • Tuesday, January 21:  English and Religion
  • Wednesday, January 22:  Mathematics, Spanish, Language Arts, Economics
  • Thursday, January 23:  History, Criminal Justice, Science, Psychology
  • Friday, January 24:  Exam Conflicts and Make-Ups
Students will not be given a make-up exam without a doctor's note.  Failure to present a doctor's note will result in a student receiving a grade of zero (0) for that exam.

Mid-Term Exam Preparation has two aspects:  What the teachers and students do together in school and what you and your son/daughter do at home.

  • In school, preparation begins Monday, January 13 and extends through Monday, January 17.  Teachers will outline what material is to be studied, provide study guides and review sheets, etc.
  • At home, please be sure to encourage your son/daughter to set a study time each evening during review week.  Ask to see the review materials and contact the teacher if your son/daughter tells you that review materials were not provided.  Please insist that your son/daughter prepares each night before the scheduled exams and allow them to have a study area that is free of distractions.  Encourage your son/daughter to get at least 8 hours of sleep before each exam, eat breakfast before each exam, and arrive to school on time for the exam.

We look forward to very positive results from each of our students.


Students will be dismissed at the conclusion of the second exam each day and buses will run after each exam. No bus transportation will be provided on Friday of exam week.


Exams cannot be administered to any student who owes tuition.  Please make every effort to satisfy your financial obligation so that you son/daughter's education will not suffer.
Campus Ministry News

Coat Drive!  During Advent (December)  we will help with the JERSEY CARES COAT DRIVE. Receptacles will be in the front lobby. Please send your student in with any gently used, clean coats to be distributed to those who need them. We are trying to emulate what the Catholic Worker founder, Peter Maruin, said; "The coat in your closet belongs to the poor."

Advent: December 1 marks the beginning of the season of Advent.  During these four weeks we reflect on and prepare for the celebration of Jesus' birth on Christmas Day. During this season, Campus Ministry will lead each of the religion classes in special Advent Wreath prayers.  
Kylin Memorial:  On Dec 4th
at 1:45 we will hold a school-wide Celebration of Life for Kylin Polhill, one of our freshmen who sadly died on November 4. All are invited to join us as we pray for the repose of his soul and for his family, and to celebrate the gift of his life.

Philippines Relief:  On Dec. 4th
we will use the Campus Ministry Dress-Down Day to raise money for the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines. Our Marist connections (we have many schools there) will enable us to get the money speedily to the victims.

Faculty Reflection Day On Dec. 6th the faculty will hold their day of prayer and reflection at the Shrine of St Joseph in Stirling, where we will reflect on the Marist Mission and call to spirituality, evangelization and vocation. The students have learned all about this and the upcoming gathering of the Marist Family in Africa next year, so the faculty will have their chance on Friday the 6th.  No classes for students on that day.  

Christmas Prayer Service:  Our Christmas Prayer Service will take place on Monday, December 16 at 9:45 AM.  If you're free, you are invited to celebrate Jesus' birth with our entire school family. Traditionally, the Senior Retreat Leaders present a very stirring pageant, reenacting St. Luke's story of the Nativity.  

In January we will celebrate the Feast of St Marcellin Champagnat, founder of the Marist Brothers, St Elizabeth Seton, founder of the Sisters of Charity and Dr. Martin Luther King. Come and celebrate saints and heroes at our MLK Services.

Encounter: The next Encounter for Seniors is Jan 30-Feb. 2  This more serious retreat offers Seniors an opportunity to review their lives, their spirituality and their future goals. Interested Seniors should sign up early at Campus Ministry. 
Guidance News

PSAT Results will be made available to Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors during the month of December.  Remember, that Freshmen and Sophomores will have a chance to retake the PSAT and that only Junior year scores become part of their permanent record.  The PSAT at their level is meant to provide added opportunity to practice for the SAT and to help them monitor their growth over their three years.  The Guidance Department will be helping the Juniors understand their scores and then sign-up for their own, personal CollegeBoard account before midterms.  This will help them jumpstart their college search and application process.

SAT/ACT Tests: Our Senior class has been very diligent to sign up and take the SATs early this year, with 98% having already taken the test at least once.  December 7 is the next sitting for the SATs, and December 14 is the next ACT test date.  Students taking those exams are encouraged to take advantage of the free practice tools on both websites, and to get a good night's rest the night before. Be sure to read over your Admission Ticket for test-day tips and a list of items you need to bring with you to your test site.
Upcoming Test Dates:  January 25 is the next available date for the SATs. Seniors who have not taken the test yet are STRONGLY encouraged to sign up for this administration. Please note that the January SATs are not going to be administered at Marist. The deadline to sign up is December 27. Juniors are also welcome to take the January SATs, but will be strongly encouraged to take the March 8 administration that will be offered here at Marist. The next test date for the ACT test is February 8. The deadline to sign up is January 10. Both Seniors and Juniors are encouraged to consider taking the ACT test.
Financial Aid Night: Senior Parents, please be sure to clear your schedule on December 11 for our annual Financial Aid Night at 6:30pm.  Dorothy Gilliard, a representative of the NJ Higher Education Student Assistance Authority (HESSA), will be joining us to walk you through the financial aid process from step one.  The Guidance Department will also be doing mini workshops with the Seniors during Religion class to reinforce what Ms. Gilliard goes over on the 11.  If you have any questions, please contact your child's guidance counselor today. 

College Acceptances:  Go to Marist, Go to College! Congratulations to those who have our first acceptances of the year:


Nicole CortezBerkley College, NJ

Sabrina Lopes

Union County Community College, NJ
Jamie MarshallYork College, PA (with scholarship)
Kevin Pun

Berkley College, NJ

Mary RusselSUNY - Adirondak, NY
Christy SzeJohnson & Wales, FL
Abraham UrquietaBerkley College, NJ


Other News

Marist Transportation:  Please be advised that all students riding the morning and 2:40 bus must have a bus contract.  Evidence of this contract should be indicated on the front of your student ID.  Please be ready to show your ID to the driver if asked.   Also, you should be at your assigned stop five minutes early.  Bus drivers can stop, but they cannot wait. Finally, if you are riding the 4:00 or 6:00 bus without a bus contract, you must pay $1.00 to the driver per ride.  The only students who should be riding the 7:00 pm bus are athletes who have just finished practice.

Blood Drive sponsored by our American Red Cross Club, was conducted on Friday, November 22. Sixty-eight pints of blood were collected!  Thank you to Brother Bob Warren and Mr. Jeremy Kay, moderators, and the members of our American Red Cross Club for organizing and coordinating this important activity. 
Feast of the Immaculate Conception is December 8 which falls on a Sunday this year.  This is a holy day of obligation, commemorating Mary the Mother of God in a special way.  Students are encouraged to celebrate the day by attending mass. 

Dress Down will be held on Wednesday, December 4. Students who choose to dress down will contribute $1.00 which will support our Campus Ministry Program who plans to donate the funds to the victims of the disaster in the Philippines.

Christmas Vacation begins at 12:00 noon on Friday, December 20 and extends through Friday, January 3. School resumes on Monday, January 6.  Enjoy your time with family and friends.

Sophomore Trip to Philadelphia: Stay tuned for details.  The tentative date is Saturday, January 25, right after the mid-term exams! 

Winter Sports Pictures and Activity/Club Pictures for the yearbook will take place during the 6th and 7th periods and after school on Tuesday, December 10. Please make sure your son/daughter is in school that day if they are involved in any after school activities within the school or if they are involved in a winter sport.  

Freshmen Trip to NYC: In an effort to expand our students' educational experience, Marist invites each year level to tour a major city.  Seniors already visited Washington, D.C. in October! Freshmen will visit NYC for a Christmas Walking tour on Sunday, December 8.  Permission Slips are available in the Main Office. Cost is $10.00.  Ms. Miesnik will be the tour guide! The bus will leave Marist at 1:00 and return around 7:30.  Any parent willing to chaperone this trip should e-mail Ms. Miesnik at


Safety and Security Reminder: We remind you that the Knight Club and the Library Media Center are open every day after school and there are other activities and clubs meeting at that time. However, the school closes at 4:00 PM.  Students are not allowed to be in the building after this time unless they are supervised by a faculty member or a coach.  In addition, as we start our winter sports program, home basketball games will be over by 9:00 PM and the building will be closed at 9:30 PM.  Please keep this in mind as you make arrangements to pick up your child if they are attending these games.

School Closings:  In the event of inclement weather, you will receive an automated phone call from the school.  Please listen to the message carefully and completely.  You can also find out if school is closed or if there is a delayed opening by logging onto our website at School closing or delays will be placed at the top of the Marist home page. Should you suspect that school will be closed or delayed, you can also contact the school (201-437-4545) and listen to the pre-recorded message. 

Student/Partner Alliance Holiday Party takes place in the Marist Cafeteria on Wednesday, January 8 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM.  All SPA families should already have received an invitation from Mrs. Margaret Momber, Executive Director.  All SPA families are expected to attend.  Mark your calendars!    

Martin Luther King Holiday is celebrated nationally on Monday, January 20.  There is no school on that day.  Marist strongly encourages students to devote this day to service in their local communities.

Open House will be held for prospective students on Thursday, January 9 at 7:00 Sharp.  Please encourage friends and neighbors with high school age children to take a good look at Marist.  We will have a 1:40 Dismissal on Friday, January 10.

Performing Arts at Marist: Are you aware that Marist offers drama, dance, and chorus as after school activities?  We also have Percussion Discussion for our drummers and Knight Jam for those who play a musical instrument.  If your son/daughter has a strong "performance gene", why not have him/her look into these opportunities?

Percussion Discussion Extravaganza! This favorite event has been moved from May to December to take off the chill!  Come and join us the night before the Champagnat Games, Thursday, December 19, 6:30-9:30pm.  Let's see what Ms. Vargas has planned for this year. 

A Perfect Christmas Idea: If you are interested in purchasing Marist Gear as a gift for your son or daughter, just let Mr. Romano know or stop by!!



Comedy Night: Our alumni director, Chris Hansen '99 wants to invite you a comedy night being held on Saturday, December 7 at 8:00 in the school cafeteria.  One of our teachers, Jeff Nirenberg, will be hosting!  Click here for more info.

Percussion Discussion Extravaganza! This favorite event has been moved from May to December to take off the chill!  Come and join us the night before the Champagnat Games, Thursday, December 19, 6:30-9:30pm.  Let's see what Ms. Vargas has planned for this year. 

Spirit Week 2013

Spirit Week begins on Monday, December 16 and continues through Friday, December 20.  Each year level has a theme, a color, and participates against each other in friendly competition.  "Secret" judges award points during the week for enthusiasm, sportsmanship, teamwork, and of course, winning various competitions.  The week culminates with the Champagnat Games, an indoor field day.  Here is a schedule of the week's activities:

  • Monday, Dec. 16: Christmas Prayer Service and Pageant
  • Tuesday, Dec. 17: Tree Judging Twin Day Dress Down
  • Wednesday, Dec. 18:  Dress Down:  Year levels dress according to Holiday Themes
    • Seniors - 4th of July
    • Juniors - Valentines's Day
    • Sophomores - Veterans Day
    • Freshmen - St. Patrick's Day
  • Thursday, Dec. 19: Dress Down:  Music Day
    • Seniors - Hip Hop
    • Juniors - Country
    • Sophomores - Reggae
    • Freshmen - Rock
  • Friday, Dec. 20: Champagnat Games; Dismissal at 12:00
Spirit Week is lots of fun.  Stop by the school any day during the week to see why.
Parents' Association News
Volunteers Needed:  If you'd like to work the concession stand at the Vendor Bazaar or at the home basketball games, contact Mrs. Aimee Auree at
New Event:  Under the leadership of Committee Chair, Ms. Jillian Flores, Marist will be hosting a 40 vendor Arts and Craft Fair with a holiday theme.  Enjoy lots of fun, festivity and holiday cheer.
Come and check it out in the cafeteria on Saturday, December 7 from 9:00-3:00 pm!
Next Parents' Association Meeting will be on December 10th at 6:30 in the cafeteria.   Please come and join us. 

Vendors Bazaar: Calling all Marist Parents! Support the Parents' Association's Vendor Bazaar.   Hot food and drink will be on sale.  PLEASE PASS THE WORD ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!





You can help by dropping off a homemade baked good to be sold at the concession stand or by volunteering to work!  Contact our chairperson, Mrs. Nancy Marshall at
Athletic News

HCIAL Football All County Selections


Offensive Player of the Year

     D'Ondre Robinson

Co-Defensive Player of the Year

     Steven Harper

HCIAL Volleyball All County Selections

1st team

  • Princess Igiri
  • Angela Lenzo

2nd team

  • Gineyda Lopez
  • Ashley Peralta

Winter Season Begins


With the fall sport season behind us, we look forward to the winter sports.

  • Bowling season begins December 2nd.
  • Boys and Girls Basketball season kicks off on December 20th.
  • Boys and Girls Track tryouts are underway. The season will open up December 28th, site TBA.

Sports Calendar

Refer to the homepage of our website and click on "Athletics"! The calendars are linked to each sport! Hope to see you at the games!!

Winter Pep Rally

Site: Marist gym

Date:  Friday, December 13th

Time: 6:30pm to 9:00pm

Cost: Students $5; Adults $7

Retired Jersey Day


January 14th the Girls and Boys Varsity basketball teams will take on Snyder in a double header. In between games, we retire the jerseys of accomplished alumni basketball players .


Go Marist Knights!!

Upcoming Events - December 2013

Basketball begins

Student Raffle begins

Dress Down Day for the Phillipines

Service Day

1:00 PM Dismissal

Faculty Retreat Day - No Classes

7:30 AM: SATs

9:00 AM:
Arts & Crafts Fair

7:00 PM: Comedy Night

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Freshmen Trip to NYC

Winter Sports & Activity Club Pictures

6:30 PM: Parents' Association Meeting

Activity Period

Schedule B

6:30 PM: College Financial Aid Night

Progress Reports emailed home

6:30 PM: Winter Pep Rally

9:00 AM: Vendor Bazaar

9:50 AM: Christmas Prayer Service

Schedule D




Spirit Week
Christmas Break
January 12

Founder's Day
Christmas Break
Upcoming Events - January 2014


Founder's Day

Classes Resume

Activity Period

Schedule B

6:00 PM: SPA Holiday Party

7:00 PM: Open House

1:40 PM Dismissal

9:00 AM: Vendor Bazaar

2:45 PM: NHS Meeting

6:30 PM: Parents' Association Meeting

Dress Down for Model UN

End of Second Marking Period
Martin Luther King Day

No Classes

Mid-Term Exams

Mid-Term Exams

Mid-Term Exams

Grading Day

6:30 PM: Accepted Students Reception

Sophomore Trip to Philadelphia

MLK Prayer Service

Schedule B


Report Cards mailed home


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1241 Kennedy Blvd., Bayonne, NJ 07002 | 201-437-4545