3755 E. Main St., Suite 185, St. Charles
Issue No. 31                                                                February 2015

In This Issue

Children Need to Practice Good Computer Ergonomics, Too

At least 70 percent of America's 30 million elementary school students use computers, according to a recent New York Times article. As a result of this increased usage, doctors of chiropractic are treating more young patients suffering from the effects of working at computer stations that are either designed for adults or poorly designed for children. Many children are already suffering from repetitive motion injuries (RMI) such as carpal tunnel syndrome and chronic pain in the hands, back, neck and shoulders.

A recently published study conducted by a team of researchers from Cornell University found that 40 percent of the elementary school children they studied used computer workstations that put them at postural risk. The remaining 60 percent scored in a range indicating "some concern."


Read the rest of the article here. 


Good Posture is Essential for Good Health
Here are some tips to help you maintain good posture 
NOT good posture for work!
Good posture:
* Helps keep bones and joints in correct alignment so that our muscles are used correctly, decreasing the abnormal wearing of joint surfaces that could result in degenerative arthritis and joint pain.

* Allows muscles to work more efficiently, allowing the body to use less energy and, therefore, preventing muscle fatigue.
* Helps prevent muscle strain, overuse disorders, and even back and muscular pain.



Several factors contribute to poor posture - stress, obesity, pregnancy, weak postural muscles, abnormally tight muscles, and high-heeled shoes. Decreased flexibility, a poor work environment, incorrect working posture, and unhealthy sitting and standing habits can also contribute to poor body positioning.


How do I sit properly?
* Keep your feet on the floor or on a footrest, if they don't reach the floor.
* Don't cross your legs. Your ankles should be in front of your knees.
* Your knees should be at or below the level of your hips.
* Relax your shoulders and keep your forearms parallel to the ground.


How do I stand properly?
* Bear your weight primarily on the balls of your feet.
* Keep your knees slightly bent.
* Stand straight and tall with your shoulders pulled backward.
* Tuck your stomach in. 


How do I lie and sleep properly?
* Find the mattress that is right for you. While a firm mattress is generally recommended, some people find that softer mattresses reduce their back pain. Your comfort is important.
* Sleep with a pillow. Special pillows are available to help with postural problems resulting from a poor sleeping position.
* Avoid sleeping on your stomach.

Dr. Hertz can assist you with proper posture, including recommending exercises to strengthen your core postural muscles, and can also assist you with choosing proper postures during your activities, helping reduce your risk of injury.


Issue No. Month Year

Spinal Stenosis Risk Increases for Those Over Age 50

Spinal stenosis is created by the narrowing of the spinal canal which may be causedby mechanical problems or by abnormalities in the aging spine. It may or may not result in low-back pain, limping, and a lack of feeling in the legs.  


Stenosis is often a degenerative condition. It may exist for years without causing pain or discomfort, but a fall or an accident can trigger characteristic stenotic pain. Numerous factors can cause stenosis, such as thickened ligaments, expanding infection, abscess, a congenital or developmental anomaly, degenerative changes, vertebral fractures or dislocations, or a spinal cord tumor.


How is spinal stenosis diagnosed?
Spinal stenosis can be diagnosed based on the history of symptoms, a physical examination, and imaging tests. An MRI is a very poor predictor of future disability in stenosis; an electrodiagnostic study is more dependable. To diagnose stenosis caused by an abscess or an infection, blood work analyzed by a laboratory may be required, while vertebral tumors and spinal tumors require finely tuned imaging.


How is spinal stenosis treated?
There are three basic treatment approaches to spinal stenosis: the conservative medical approach, which frequently involves bed rest, analgesics, local heat, and muscle relaxants; the conservative chiropractic approach, which includes manipulation, exercise and self-care techniques; and surgery. The source of the stenosis often dictates the treatment.


Ultimately, stenosis is a chronic condition that cannot be "cured," but it often can be improved, and improvement can be maintained over the long term. Patients can work with a health care provider, such as a doctor of chiropractic, to reduce symptoms and improve their quality of life.


Signs and Symptoms of Stenosis
* Pain triggered by walking or prolonged standing, which is usually improved by sitting in a forward leaning flexed position 
* Numbness, tingling, and hot or cold feelings in the legs 
* Muscle weakness and spasms
If you experience any of these symptoms, talk to Dr. Hertz or your physician about possible causes.

Can a Healthy Diet Reduce Your Stress?

Stress and nutrition have always been linked - it's a fact. Someone with a healthy, balanced diet is likely to be far less stressed than someone with a poor diet. Healthy, nutritious food and breathing

exercises are the simplest methods for relieving stress. These methods are not only cost-effective but readily available - and without any side effects.  


Foods with high vitamin and mineral levels actively help to reduces stress levels. Among foods that are good for helping to reduce stress:

  • Water

  • Fresh vegetables

  • Fresh fruits

  • Fish

  • Soups

  • Yogurts

  • Herbal products

There are certain foods and drinks that can aggravate stress. It doesn't necessarily mean that you should avoid these completely, just consume them in moderation:

  • Tea, coffee, cocoa, energy drinks

  • Fast food

  • Butter, cheese

  • Meat and shellfish

  • Sugar

  • Alcohol

  • Soda, soft drinks and chocolate drinks

  • Almonds, macadamias and other nuts

  • Coconut oil

Tea, coffee, cocoa and energy drinks may be refreshing when you're tired, but they also contain neuro-stimulators like caffeine and theo-bromine, which are proven to heighten stress. Stress makes you anxious - further stimulation can heighten this anxiety and even cause insomnia.  

Issue No. Month Year
What Does Cher Say About Chiropractic?
"Thank God I have a great chiropractor.  
I only wish I'd never introduced him to  
Madonna and Janet and Tina. Now I  
have to share him."

Dr. J
Dr. Jacob M. Hertz
is a Cum Laude graduate of the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. Following graduation, Dr. Hertz practiced as an Associate Chiropractor in Peoria and for four years successfully treated over 5,000 patients and their families with many different health conditions. He moved to St. Charles in 2010 to open his own practice. 


He has been involved with chiropractic almost since he was born -- he was adjusted as an infant by his uncle, a chiropractor in Wisconsin where Dr. Hertz grew up.


Dr. Hertz uses a number of gentle and safe chiropractic techniques for adjusting the spine including Diversified, Activator, and Drop Table. He is also Nationally Board Certified in Physiotherapy and uses exercise and rehabilitation to help patients heal faster and reach optimum health.  


St. Charles Pain & Wellness Center also offers nutritional aids for those who seek to supplement their diet and improve their health, which have proved successful in preventing unnecessary surgeries for many patients.   

for more information about health, wellness 
and chiropractic care 

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