3755 E. Main St., Suite 185, St. Charles
Issue No. 29                                                          Fall/Winter 2014

In This Issue

Prepare for Winter Activities to Prevent Injury
Winter recreational activities and chores can pose problems for the outdoor enthusiast whose body is not in condition. Winter sports like skating, skiing and sledding can cause painful muscle spasms, strains or tears if you're not in shape. Even shoveling snow the wrong way, clambering awkwardly over snow banks, slipping on sidewalks and wearing the wrong kinds of clothing can all pose the potential for spasms, strains and sprains. Read more here.

Back Pain Exercise Tips Video 
Exercise can help to ease back pain. Check out this video from the American Chiropractic Association for some exercises and tips to stay pain free.
Back Pain Exercise Tips
Back Pain Exercise Tips
Surviving the "Holiday Olympics"


The holidays are here -- and along with them, the stresses and strains of frenzied holiday shopping. Are you ready for the holiday shopping challenge?

Our bodies have the capacity to do a little more than we normally do, says Dr. Hertz, but our bodies do not adapt very well to doing a lot more than we normally do. "Since the added demands of this season can stress the capacity of our bodies, we need to do everything we can to help ourselves. Eat right, drink plenty of water, stretch, exercise and take a few minutes to slow down and reflect on what the season is all about."

So relax and enjoy the holidays! Consider the following tips to stay healthy, happy and safe this season.
  • Stay hydrated! Drink eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water a day. (Coffee, tea, soft drinks and alcohol are dehydrators. Don't substitute them for water.) On shopping days, you may need to drink even more water.
  • Be sure to stretch before and after a long day of shopping. When you are stressed-out, your muscles are less flexible than usual.
  • Wear shoes with plenty of cushioning in the soles to absorb the impact of walking on those hard shopping mall floors.
  • Make sure your clothing is as comfortable as possible. It's a good idea to wear layers, because you may be going from a cold environment (outdoors) to a warm environment (indoors).
  • Leave your purse at home. Wear a light fanny pack, or if necessary, a light backpack instead. Pack only those items that are absolutely essential (driver's license, credit card, etc.).
  • If you start to feel some pain, nip it in the bud. Apply an ice bag to the affected area for 20 minutes, then take it off for a couple of hours. Repeat a couple of times each day over the next day or two.
Chiropractic Care Can Help
If you experience pain or discomfort as a result of holiday shopping, consider a visit to Dr. Hertz at the St. Charles Pain & Wellness Center. He can help alleviate your pain naturally, so you can enjoy the holiday season as it was meant to be.

Eat Healthy This Holiday Season

How do you maintain your healthy eating habits during the holidays? How can you make sure that the turkey is the only one stuffed during the holiday season? 

These guidelines from the UCLA Student Nutrition Awareness Campaign (SNAC) can help you make healthy food choices and limit tempting, high-calorie foods during the holidays and other special occasions.

To start, think about people, not food! Concentrate on socializing, making new acquaintances, and having fun. Spend time catching up with relatives you don't see often during the year, and reminiscing with old friends. Think about what you're celebrating, not just about how great the food is!

Another tip is to plan before you eat. When you arrive at gatherings, check out all the food options and develop a plan that will let you sample and enjoy foods without abandoning the good habits you've been following. Remember, it's OK to enjoy some holiday treats - just spend your calories wisely and enjoy the foods you choose.

Grown-Ups: Take Time to Play!

Play is important not only for children, but for adults too. According to several studies, those whose lives don't include play have an increased risk of mental health issues, diseases related to stress, addiction and violence.  

What do most Nobel Laureates, entrepreneurs, artists and performers, well-adjusted children, happy couples and families, have in common? They play enthusiastically throughout their lives!   


As we age, we encounter barriers to playing. We not only have far less time to play, given the demands of work and family, but play is often frowned upon by our peers, who feel we should not be "goofing off" when we have responsibilities to meet.  


But, play is as important to our long-term well-being as sleep, eating well and exercising. Play stimulates the areas of the brain responsible for memory and clarity, and encourages the development of creative strategies for dealing with problems.  


Play can help make you more productive and innovative at work too.  When a problem comes up at work, studies have shown that those who take time out to play a quick game of basketball in the company parking lot or who take a break with colleagues to go out for a few laughs come back feeling refreshed and can approach the problem from a different perspective.

Play is also important to our relationships. Couples who play together develop better communication skills, foster a greater sense of trust and increase their ability to cooperate. Play stimulates the area of the brain that processes emotions, to help us deal with stress in a constructive way rather than taking it out on our partner.

No matter what your age, take some time each day to play and rediscover the joy and energy that play brings to your life!

Dr. J
Dr. Jacob M. Hertz
is a Cum Laude graduate of the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. Following graduation, Dr. Hertz practiced as an Associate Chiropractor in Peoria and for four years successfully treated over 5,000 patients and their families with many different health conditions. He moved to St. Charles in 2010 to open his own practice. 


He has been involved with chiropractic almost since he was born -- he was adjusted as an infant by his uncle, a chiropractor in Wisconsin where Dr. Hertz grew up.


Dr. Hertz uses a number of gentle and safe chiropractic techniques for adjusting the spine including Diversified, Activator, and Drop Table. He is also Nationally Board Certified in Physiotherapy and uses exercise and rehabilitation to help patients heal faster and reach optimum health.  


St. Charles Pain & Wellness Center also offers nutritional aids for those who seek to supplement their diet and improve their health, which have proved successful in preventing unnecessary surgeries for many patients.   

for more information about health, wellness 
and chiropractic care 

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