3755 E. Main St., Suite 185, St. Charles
Issue No. 24                                                                      May 2014

In This Issue
How Healthy is YOUR Heart?
Find out at our next Heart Screening  
Wednesday, June 11
  • Are You At Risk For Heart Attack or Stroke?heart screening
  • Do You Have Plaque In Your Arteries?
  • Are You Genetically Predisposed to Heart Disease?
  • Are You at Risk for Peripheral Neuropathy? 
Get answers to these and other questions on Wednesday, June 11 at St. Charles Pain & Wellness Center, with the latest technology that measures hypertension and nervous system health, and learn how we can predict, identify, and monitor patients
with hypertension and other cardiovascular illnesses.  
This simple 20-minute screening will
  • help you determine your risk for heart attack or stroke;

  • detect plaque in your arteries;

  • indicate whether you're predisposed to heart disease; and

  • determine your risk for peripheral neuropathy.

You receive a copy of the results immediately, including heart rate,  blood pressure, pulse wave (circulation testing) and heart rate variability (how well the nervous system controls the heart function). 


This life-changing screening is just $40 for first-time patients, or $20 for those who were screened in February and want to learn their 90-day progress. The cost may be covered by your insurance.


Call 630-513-7770 today to schedule your June 11 screening! Appointments 8am-noon and 2-6pm 

What is Wellness?  
"Wellness" has become a buzzword among the public, health care practitioners and legislators alike. But what exactly does it mean, and how can people benefit from it?

The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) defines wellness as "an active process that promotes health and enhances quality of life."

"With the enactment of health care reform legislation, the public is going to hear more and more about the importance of wellness, staying healthy and ultimately reducing health care costs caused by chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes," says ACA President Dr. Rick McMichael. "It's time for people to understand that they have the power to take charge of their health and be well enough to do the activities they enjoy."

Finding a wellness coach
If you're interested in health and wellness, a good place to begin is by talking about it with a doctor of chiropractic. Doctors of chiropractic (DCs) are known for their expert care of back pain, neck pain and headaches, and offer patients a variety of conservative recommendations and counseling on general health and wellness.

You may ask, "What can a doctor of chiropractic offer that is different from a medical doctor?" The answer lies in the way the two professions approach wellness. To achieve "wellness" in traditional terms, a medical doctor will simply screen you for diseases. You might be examined or have lab tests. For medical doctors, wellness is about staying ahead of diseases.

DCs, on the other hand, will screen you for diseases, but will also talk to you about your lifestyle and behaviors that may put you at risk for injury or illness. The chiropractic's approach is drug-free; instead of writing a prescription, a DC offers spinal adjustments, rehabilitative exercises, nutritional counseling and lifestyle modifications to move patients toward optimum function and wellness.

Typically, when a new patient visits a DC, one of the first things the doctor will assess is functional capacity. The DC will focus on decreasing pain and returning the patient to normal daily activities, including exercise. In the intermediate stage, a chiropractor will continue therapeutic care, but also begin to address factors that may have led to the patient's pain by recommending lifestyle modifications. Intermediate care might include managing the patient's obesity with counseling on diet and exercise. In the final stage of wellness care, a DC will help the patient take responsibility for his or her own health through patient education, enabling the person to independently maintain and even advance the level of wellness achieved. Read more here.

Spring Cleaning Health Tips
Time to open up the windows in your house, let in some fresh air and give the whole place a good scrub. . . . just be aware of some of the possible health hazards involved in getting your place spic and span. You don't want to be breathing harmful chemicals, and it's a good idea to remove any health hazards that may be lurking in seemingly innocent areas of your house.

Instead of using chemical-laden cleaning products, try to use simple non-toxic cleaners include vinegar, baking soda and water in varying combinations. They are just as effective for many jobs and will not expose you to harmful fumes. Read on for some healthy spring cleaning tips:

For sparkling windows:
This window washing solution is non-toxic and leaves no streaks: Combine 1/4 cup of vinegar, 2 cups of water and 1/2 teaspoon of liquid dish detergent in a spray bottle, and voila! You've got window cleaning solution that will cut through the waxy buildup of years' worth of cleaning products, leaving your windows crystal clear.

More tips:
* Try to clean your windows on an overcast day. Sun shining directly on windows can dry the washing solution too fast and you end up with streaks.
* Use either a rubber squeegee to remove the solution, or use newspaper. Dry newspaper will not leave streaks or wipe marks the way that paper towels can.
* When removing the washing solution, use vertical strokes on one side of the window and horizontal strokes on the other. That way, if you leave a streak or two it is easier to figure out which side of the glass the streak is on.

Remove the dust:
Dust is heaven for dust mites, which can trigger allergies and make life generally uncomfortable. Old wool sweaters or fabric make good dust cloths, as they will pick up dust easier than other cleaning cloths. At the same time, replace air conditioning and heating filters so they do not serve to redistribute the dust and other airborne allergens around your newly clean house.

Get rid of mold and mildew:
Provoking allergic reactions and worsening asthma, mold and mildew are constant enemies in areas of your home that remain warm and damp for extended periods of time. The most effective non-toxic mold remover is tea tree oil. Mix two teaspoons of tea tree oil with two cups of water and use it in a spray bottle on any mold or mildew. The scent will dissipate in a few days, but if it is too strong for your taste, straight vinegar works almost as well, killing 84 percent of mold spores. You can add a few drops of your essential oil of choice if you do not wish your bathroom to smell like a salad for a few hours.

To clean sinks, counters and bathroom tile:
A mixture of one part baking soda, two parts vinegar and four parts water makes a good scouring cream for these surfaces. One of the most germ-laden locations is your kitchen sink, so give this an extra scrub with straight vinegar every so often to kill pathogens.

To clean and polish wood surfaces:
Use a solution made of equal parts lemon juice and olive oil. Rub in and let it dry.

Falls Among Seniors: What You Should Know,
and How To Prevent Them
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in three adults over the age of 65 has a fall in any given year. Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death for adults in this age range, as well as the most common cause of trauma-related hospital admissions. More than 1.6 million older adults go to the emergency room for fall-related injuries each year in the United States. Whether you are above the age of 65, or you care for someone who is, knowing how to prevent a fall could help you save a life.

There are several risk factors that you can address to help prevent a fall.

The first is lack of physical activity. It becomes more difficult to exercise on a regular basis as adults grow older, which can lead to a decrease in strength and loss of bone flexibility and mass. Fifteen minutes of an exercise designed to increase bone and muscle strength should be done every other day. This can be as simple as taking a walk or going for a swim a few times a week.

The risk of falls also increases when seniors do not
take adequate time to carry out daily activities. It is important to stay safe and to take your time when bending over and when lifting things. Be sure to recover your balance first before taking a step when getting out of bed or a chair.

Seniors on medications may find that their balance is impaired and their mental alertness is reduced. Some medications can cause a drop in blood pressure while you are standing up, throwing you off balance. Be sure to understand all of the side effects of your medications, and be clear with your doctor about any fears you have about your balance.

Environmental hazards
are one of the biggest risk factors for senior falls: items on the floor that are easy to trip on, loose rugs, unsteady furniture, and poor lighting. To reduce risk, take time to walk through the house to spot potential hazards. Rugs can be secured with nonskid tape and throw rugs can be removed altogether; furniture should be kept in good repair and clutter should be kept to a minimum. Consider having grab bars installed to help you get up and down securely.

Look Who Else Uses Chiropractic:
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Long before his days as governor of California, before his acting career, Arnold Schwarzenegger was a bodybuilding champion who could boast 13 world titles. And as any world-class bodybuilder can tell you, the sport is hard on your musculoskeletal system.

Schwarzenegger was lucky enough to have his first encounter with chiropractic when he was training in the 1970s, and he has been a fervent supporter ever since.

Schwarzenegger's bodybuilding workout partner, Franco Columbu, began attending chiropractic college while they were training together. "Franco would go very intensely to chiropractic college every day," Schwarzenegger said. "He worked on me all the time. He got incredibly good with both the theoretical and the practical [elements of adjusting] ... every time I had an injury, I could call Franco ... I would get an adjustment, and the problem would be gone. So you know, when you see that happening in your own body, that with chiropractic you will be 100 percent, it's just fantastic."

As to skepticism about chiropractic's ability to treat pain without pain relievers, Schwarzenegger said, "They say, 'I can't believe that this can make me feel better just like that, without a shot, without drugs. . . .' It is amazing, and I have seen first-hand how it works."

Addressing chiropractors at the International Chiropractors Association's 7th Symposium on Natural Fitness, he said, "We've got to let the people know that there is a necessity - it's not even an option - it's a necessity to have a chiropractor. . . You chiropractic doctors are really miracle workers."
The Weakening of America: Richard W
Dangerous Health Trend Grows

by Richard Wolff, RD, LDN,

MEDFITNESS of St. Charles
Behind the epidemic of growing waistlines is another epidemic that gets little attention: the weakening of America.  Starting in our 40s, we lose about � pound of muscle per year, and gain at least that much in fat. Once we reach the age of 50, muscle loss accelerates.  This trend has become a major contributor to chronic illness and premature death in the United States.     

In 2008 the first ever Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans were issued.  These guidelines which are the most scientifically based of their kind can help Americans avoid the damaging effects of muscle loss.  The guidelines provide an evidence-based framework for recommending physical activity to prevent and manage chronic illness.  Since their release fitness professionals have been using the guidelines to help Americans live healthy lifestyles.  

Despite the attention the guidelines have received, most Americans are still sitting on the sidelines.  This is unfortunate given we spend billions of dollars to manage chronic illnesses that could easily be prevented.  For many Americans the medical treatment of diseases like diabetes carries significant costs yet doesn't always improve the quality of life.  

In an attempt to reverse this trend, the Surgeon General has urged all Americans to make physical activity a daily priority.  According to Dr. Steven Blair at the University of South Carolina, "As a treatment for chronic disease physical activity produces significantly better results than drug therapy or surgery - yet costs much less".  In other words, adding physical activity to your lifestyle can save you money while improving the quality of life.  Here's what you need to know to get started.    

Read the rest of the article here.

The MEDFITNESS Workout takes less than 25 minutes and provides all the benefits of personal training without the expensive appointment.  To schedule your Free Trial Workout, call (630) 762-1784 or visit www.medfitnessprogram.com.

Dr. J
Dr. Jacob M. Hertz
is a Cum Laude graduate of the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. Following graduation, Dr. Hertz practiced as an Associate Chiropractor in Peoria and for four years successfully treated over 5,000 patients and their families with many different health conditions. He moved to St. Charles in 2010 to open his own practice. 


He has been involved with chiropractic almost since he was born -- he was adjusted as an infant by his uncle, a chiropractor in Wisconsin where Dr. Hertz grew up.


Dr. Hertz uses a number of gentle and safe chiropractic techniques for adjusting the spine including Diversified, Activator, and Drop Table. He is also Nationally Board Certified in Physiotherapy and uses exercise and rehabilitation to help patients heal faster and reach optimum health.  


St. Charles Pain & Wellness Center also offers nutritional aids for those who seek to supplement their diet and improve their health, which have proved successful in preventing unnecessary surgeries for many patients.   

for more information about health, wellness and chiropractic care 

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