Issue No. 15
August 2013
In This Issue
Back-to-School: Children Also Need to Practice Good Computer Egonomics
What Are Food Cravings?
Is Chiropractic Safe for Older People?
Acupuncture & Massage
Failure-Proof Fitness
child at computer
Children Also Need to Practice
Good Computer Ergonomics
At least 70 percent of America's 30 million elementary school students use computers, according to a recent New York Times article. As a result of this increased usage, doctors of chiropractic are treating more young patients suffering from the effects of working at computer stations that are either designed for adults or poorly designed for children. Many children are already suffering from repetitive motion injuries (RMI) such as carpal tunnel syndrome and chronic pain in the hands, back, neck and shoulders.

A recently published study conducted by a team of researchers from Cornell University found that 40 percent of the elementary school children they studied used computer workstations that put them at postural risk. The remaining 60 percent scored in a range indicating "some concern."

"Emphasis needs to be placed on teaching children how to properly use computer workstations," stated Dr. Scott Bautch, a member of the American Chiropractic Association's Council on Occupational Health. "Poor work habits and computer workstations that don't fit a child's body during the developing years can have harmful physical effects that can last a lifetime. Parents need to be just as concerned about their children's interaction with their computer workstations as they are with any activities that may affect their children's long-term health," added Dr. Bautch.

What can you do? Click here for tips on fostering or improving your child's computer ergonomics.

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bandaged heart
Save the Date!
Wednesday, October 16 is
St. Charles Pain & Wellness Center's
next heart screening
Issue No. Month Year
What Are Food Cravings?
Is Your Body Really Trying to Tell You Something?
donut- good cravings
For some years, researchers had believed that having cravings for a particular type of food may be an indication that you are missing a particular nutrient in your diet. For example, if you crave red meat then you may have an iron deficiency, or if you crave ice cream you must need calcium.

However, studies have shown that cravings have nothing to do with a nutritional deficiency, but are actually caused by chemical signals in the brain. Says nutritionist Karen Ansel, "If cravings were an indicator of nutritional deficiency, we'd all crave fruits and vegetables. The fact that we all want high-carb, high-fat comfort foods, is a pretty good indicator that cravings aren't related to deficiencies."

Yes -- it's really all in your head. When you crave a food, the same reward centers in the brain that are responsible for drug and alcohol addiction are more active: the hippocampus (memory), the insula (emotion and perception) and the caudate (memory and learning). These areas are all very receptive to dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters that are responsible for feeling relaxed and calm and which spur reward-driven learning. The reason you crave things such as ice cream, potato chips and chocolate is that these items are full of fat and/or sugar, which increase production of serotonin and other chemicals that make us feel good.

There is a great societal aspect to cravings as well. Women in Japan, for example, tend to crave sushi, and only 6% of Egyptian women say they crave chocolate. Half of American women claim that their cravings for chocolate reach a peak just before their period, although research has found no correlation between fluctuations in women's hormones and cravings.

The more we try to deny cravings, the greater the craving we have for the forbidden food, so it's better to give in to the craving in a controlled way instead of denying yourself altogether. Just be sure to restrict what you consume to a reasonable amount.

Exercise and distraction are two good ways to reduce food cravings. One study found that a morning workout can reduce your cravings for the whole day. Smelling a non-food item can also help. Keep a small vial of your favorite perfume with you when a craving comes on and take a whiff when the craving hits you, to occupy the aroma receptors involved in cravings.
Issue No. Month Year
Is Chiropractic Safe for Older People?
older woman adjusted
As a nation, America is getting older.  3,000 people turn 65 every day, and the number of senior citizens is growing at more than twice the rate of the general population.  But just because we're getting older, doesn't mean that we have to feel older!

Many changes may take place as we get older -- our muscles, spinal discs, facet joints and ligaments become less hydrated, weaker, and less able to withstand normal stresses. Chiropractic care is a completely appropriate medical treatment for the kinds of health problems that an aging population faces.  

One recent study compared two types of chiropractic manipulation in 240 men and women over the age of 55: high-velocity low amplitude manipulations versus low-velocity variable amplitude manipulations.  Researchers found that the chiropractic techniques produced superior results in relieving chronic lower back pain when compared to traditional conservative medical care. 

Not only was chiropractic care found to be more effective in relieving lower back pain, the researchers also concluded that the two approaches (the first producing the "cracking" sound often heard during chiropractic manipulations, the second not) were equally useful  with no adverse effects recorded. This study points out that chiropractic care can be tailored to some extent to the age and preferences of the individual patient.

It's important to note that chiropractic care isn't limited to spinal adjustments.  Modern chiropractic also focuses on improving the patient's overall state of health and well-being.  Dr. Hertz and his staff can offer advice on diet, exercise and lifestyle choices tailored to the specific needs of our patients, young or old.  If you have questions about whether chiropractic care is right for you or someone close to you, please call or visit our office.

Acupuncture & Massage at St. Charles Pain and Wellness Center

jacquelyn taylor We're delighted to be associated with Jaquelyn Taylor, a licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac) and Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner nationally certified in Oriental Medicine & Acupuncture. Her training includes more than 3,400 hours of study, focused on acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and integration with western biomedicine. Jacquelyn is offering a free introductory 30-minute consult  and stress reduction treatment. Call 630-513-7770 today for your appointment, and experience the centuries-old health and wellness benefits of Chinese Medicine acupuncture.

Massage Therapist Carol Hayes Carol Hayes is nationally certified and a member of the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP), and been doing massage for three years. She graduated from the Elgin Community College Massage Program and is certified in both prenatal and post-partum massage. Stop in to meet Carol or call 630-513-7770 to make your appointment and take advantage of her one-hour massage for just $40.
Richard W

Failure-Proof Fitness

by Richard Wolff, RD, LDN,
MEDFITNESS of St. Charles

Busy schedules and uncooperative weather can leave you inactive and overfed at any time of the year. Less exercise and more eating usually isn't a problem. It's when these behaviors become everyday occurrences that problems arise. Unfortunately, America is becoming a country that overeats and under-exercises but never does anything about it.


Contrary to popular opinion, staying fit does not require super-human discipline. In fact fitness is more about good decisions and setting your self up for success. Here are five real-life strategies guaranteed to help you make better decisions.


Work the Numbers

Why bother with eating right and exercising when everyone around you is doing just the opposite? As a nation we have lost perspective when it comes to our health habits. We approach sensible eating with an all-or-nothing mentality. We make bad decisions without realizing how easy it would be to make good decisions. One way to regain perspective and get back on track is to Work the Numbers. Working the numbers allows you to see what's really happening.


That five-pound weight gain that seems all too common is easy to prevent when you work the numbers. Those additional five pounds are only an extra 125 calories per day when you average them out over 4 months. Cutting those calories is as easy as eliminating an ounce of cookies, cake, pastry, chips, mayonnaise, butter, margarine, peanut butter, chocolate, nuts, gravy, salad dressing or cheese from your daily diet. By working the numbers it's clear that good decisions are within reach.  


Click here to read the rest of the article 


Richard Wolff the president of WOLFFfitness and a nationally acclaimed speaker and author. His fitness column has been published in award winning newspapers and magazines including The Daily Herald, Weightlifting USA and Nautilus America's Fitness Magazine. Richard has lectured to health professionals and physicians at UCLA and the University of Pennsylvania. To experience the trademarked MEDFITNESS program schedule a free trial workout by calling (630) 762-1784.


Dr. J
Dr. Jacob M. Hertz
is a Cum Laude graduate of the Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. Following graduation, Dr. Hertz practiced as an Associate Chiropractor in Peoria and for four years successfully treated over 5,000 patients and their families with many different health conditions. He moved to St. Charles in 2010 to open his own practice. 


He has been involved with chiropractic almost since he was born -- he was adjusted as an infant by his uncle, a chiropractor in Wisconsin where Dr. Hertz grew up.


Dr. Hertz uses a number of gentle and safe chiropractic techniques for adjusting the spine including Diversified, Activator, and Drop Table. He is also Nationally Board Certified in Physiotherapy and uses exercise and rehabilitation to help patients heal faster and reach optimum health.  


St. Charles Pain & Wellness Center also offers nutritional aids for those who seek to supplement their diet and improve their health, which have proved successful in preventing unnecessary surgeries for many patients.   

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for more information about health, wellness and chiropractic care 

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