A happy new year! May St. Therese draw you more deeply into her "way of confidence and love" this year. This month I devoted the whole newsletter to two special stories:: :
with all good wishes,
Maureen O'Riordan
The cure of Carmen:
the process opens in Valencia, Spain. Will this be the miracle that makes Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin canonized saints?
On October 19, 2008, Louis and Zélie Martin, the parents of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, were beatified in France. Four days earlier, on the feast of St. Teresa of Avila, a little girl named Carmen was born in Valencia, Spain. Carmen's parents prefer to remain anonymous. They had looked forward happily to the birth of their second child, but the pregnancy was a high-risk one, and Carmen was born most prematurely, after only six months, with grave complications. The midwife's first words were "Expect the worst." The baby had a grade 4 ventricular hemorrhage (severe bleeding in the brain). "It started with a brain hemorrhage but was complicated by the lungs, the heart . . ," the parents recall. Carmen did not respond to treatment. The doctors could do nothing for her, and her parents prepared for her death.
Read the full story and see a film and photo of Carmen
St. Thérèse of Lisieux: Her Last Conversations online in English with an analysis by Claude Langlois