Sandy MacDougall

Sandy MacDougall
President and Founder


Mortgage Vintage, Inc.
 3334 E. Coast Hwy., #408
Corona Del Mar, CA 92625
(949) 632-6145
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We Are Experts At What We Do. Mortgage Vintage, Inc.

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One of our specialties is the Business Purpose Cash Out Loan.  These types of business loans assist borrowers grow and enhance their business.  Whether for working capital, investments or an acquisition these loans make a difference.  We are experts at what we do and we are focused on providing fast and professional private money loans.
~ Sandy MacDougall
Recent Business Purpose Cash Out - Orange, CA  

Address: Orange, CA   

Property Type: Single Family Res.

Loan Type: Business Purpose Cash Out
Loan Amt: $75,000

Loan Position: 2nd Trust Deed 

Loan Term: 40 Year Amortization, Due in 2 years  

Appraised Value: $640,000 

Combined Loan to Value: 60.63% 

Rate: 14% 

Broker Points: 3 pts   


 Click here for more information   

Business Purposes Cash Out Loan Program 

This loan program provides 6 months to 5 year loans for capital to grow a business, secured by residential and/or commercial real estate

Criteria/California Lending Guidelines: 

  • 1st TD LTV <=65%, 2nd TD CLTV <=55%
  • Rates starting at 11% for 1st's and 14% 2nd's
  • Non-Owner Occupied and Owner Occupied
  • Loan amounts from $50k to $500k
  • Purchase, cash-out or refinance
  • 6 months to 5 year balloon loans amortized over 30 years
  • Partially Amortized Loans
  • Lender Fees are $1,995 and 3-5 Points
  • FICO/BK/NOD issues OK

 See the loan program specifics here