Paul Zubrys, REALTOR / Broker Lake Michigan Lakefront Property since 1987 Southwest Michigan's #1 Real Estate Websites TheDailyListings.com and LakeREALTORS.com ** New. Keep your inbox clear of unwanted listings. |
TheDailyListings November 10, 2014
It has been several weeks since our MLS switched vendors, causing me to completely rework the newsletter. It couldn't happen at a worst time as there were not enough hours in a week to get everything done. Well, its finally finished! I've even added a few new features like links to the map view of all search results. Finally, I'd like to welcome the addition to two veteran real estate agents to my company. Melissa Finley and Mike Allen are very experienced throughout Southwest Michigan, specifically with waterfront property on inland lakes in our market.
The links below include all new listings, price changes, and sales with selling price, days on market, ask to sell ratio, price per square foot, etc... for the past 14 days. If you need additional information, please don't hesitate to ask.
Harbor Country
Includes New Buffalo, Union Pier, Lakeside, Harbert, Sawyer, and Three Oaks. This location is approximately 1 to 1-1/2 hours drive from Chicago.
Saint Joseph
Includes Bridgman, Stevensville, St Joseph, and Benton Harbor. This area covers about 15 miles beachfront located 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 hours from Chicago.
South Haven
Includes Coloma, Covert, South Haven, Douglas, and Saugatuck. Approximately 2 to 3 hours from Chicago. The city of South Haven is 55 miles north of my office in New Buffalo.
Only Lake Michigan Lakefront Property
Includes all waterfront properties along the entire coast of Lake Michigan from Long Beach, IN to South Haven, MI. This is a 65 mile stretch of beachfront property.
Visit the Lake Michigan Lakefront webpage. |
Southwest Michigan Lakefront Property Map
Are you looking for waterfront property, but are not very familiar with the locations of the best inland lakes, or which towns are located on Lake Michigan? I created this map for you, with links to property sorted by lakes as well as by areas along Lake Michigan.
Visit the Southwest Michigan Lakefront Property map.
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Our Real Estate Agents 
Melissa Finley
Melissa is one of our All-sport Lake Specialists. She lives in Cass County Michigan, home to Southwest Michigan's best All-sport Lakes. Edwardsburg, MI has Eagle Lake, Christiann Lake, Juno Lake, Painter Lake and Pleasant Lake. Cassopolis, MI features Diamond Lake. Waterfront homes for sale on Diamond Lake have values exceeding $2M. Vandalia, MI features Donnell Lake, Birch Lake, and Paradise Lake. In Jones, MI you will find Shavehead Lake. Union, MI is home to Baldwin Lake, Long Lake, and Indiana Lake. The St Joseph River runs through Berrien Springs and Buchanan, MI and is the source of water for Lake Chapin..
Phone: 269-591-5114
Mike Allen
Mike is a veteran real estate agent with over 100 transactions under his belt. His market area includes Lake Michigan lakefront property in St Joseph and South Haven, Paw Paw Lake, Sister Lakes, and Lake Chapin, to name only a few. Mike is an expert when it comes to Southwest Michigan inland lakes throughout Berrien, Van Buren, and Allegan Counties.
Phone: 269-591-5114
Mortgage Broker
307 W Buffalo St New Buffalo, MI 49117
269-469-5552 Office 708-507-1644 Cell 269-469-5523 Fax
Thank You
I've been in this business since 1987 and many of you are repeat clients. I love my job and you make this possible. If you enjoy receiving this weekly newsletter, please share it with your friends, family, and associates at work. We look forward to working with all of you.
Paul Zubrys, Broker / REALTOR More than 27 years of experience 307 W Buffalo St, New Buffalo, MI 49117 (269) 783-5253 / paul@lakerealtors.com http://pzubrys.lakerealtors.us http://www.thedailylistings.com/paul-zubrys/
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