October 28, 2015Volume 6, Number 9
In This Issue

This Sunday's Lections
All Saints
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Bishop Benhase on Evangelism
The video above is Bishop Benhase starting the discussion on evangelism for the upcoming diocesan convention. As we open up the theme "Spread the Good News" we will hear from lay persons, deacons, priests, and even our then newly consecrated Presiding Bishop on how we as Episcopalians might share our faith in Jesus. 
In the video above, Bishop Benhase opens up the topic. We are creating a longer version intended for use in a Christian Education class as a discussion starter on how to share our faith with those closest to us.
Diocesan Office Update    

This Sunday, Bishop Benhase is  attending the Installation of Bishop Michael Curry, 27th Presiding Bishop, National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.

Canon Logue will preach this Sunday at Christ Church Savannah using the lens of Deaconess Alexander as a means of understanding saints from an Episcopal perspective. Sunday evening through Tuesday, he will be in Lexington, Kentucky meeting with fellow canons from the southeast United States.
All Saints', Tybee 
Bishop's Visitation 

Bishop Benhase, Pastor John Anderson, Deacon Alex Moreschi with those received into the Episcopal Church. 
Upcoming Ordinations 

Dale Jones - November 6
God willing and the people consenting, Dale Jones will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons at 7 p.m. on November 6, 2015, at Trinity, Cochran. Dale will join the team ministry in place at Trinity, serving together with the Rev. Joy Fisher as part of a Total Ministry plan put in place during Bishop Louttit's episcopacy. Clergy wear cassock, surplice, and tippet. 

The Rev. Deacon Aaron Brewer - November 7
God willing and the people consenting, The Rev. Deacon Aaron Brewer will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests at 11 a.m. on November 7, 2015, at St. Luke's, Hawkinsville. Aaron currently serves at St. Luke's, Hawkinsville, where he will become the Rector. Clergy wear cassock, surplice, and red stoles.  
Youth Programs 
Register for November New Beginnings 
New Beginnings will take place during the weekend of November 20-22, 2015, at Honey Creek. The cost of weekend is $118. The deadline to register is Wednesday November 11.

New Beginnings is a weekend retreat for teenagers in grades 7-9 led by a team of mostly teenagers, with a few adults, and two clergy spiritual directors. The weekend takes participants through a discovery about ourselves, our friends, our families, our faith, and how to live out our faith in our daily lives.

How might this discovery happen? Through making new friends and sharing with old ones, through singing, skits, talks given by teens, videos, games, worship, and conversation with each other! You are encouraged to bring friends from your church and an adult who will stay through the weekend. Everyone will take an active part in the program. You can go to New Beginnings as many times as you'd long as you're in grades 7-9. We know once you go, you will want to go back. There is even an opportunity to serve on the'll hear more about that at the weekend.
If you have any questions please contact Jason Peaslee at [email protected] or Maggie Bloodworth at [email protected] and 478-892-9373. For information visit

St. Patrick's, Albany
Service to Mentally Challenged Persons Honored
Albany's Advocacy Resource Center (ARC) awarded St. Patrick's Episcopal Church the Community Award at its annual dinner celebration. ARC works with mentally challenged persons to help them find housing, work, and community interaction.
At the church's Lap a Leprechaun race in March, they provided special activities for mentally challenged persons, along with special race categories and donations toward participation fees. "It was the first time in memory that an activity included our consumers with everyone else," the head of Albany ARC said, "instead of having a separate event for us."
Pictured above after accepting the award are St Patrick's Faryn Hackett and Deacon Joy Davis. 
Celebrate Thanksgiving at Honey Creek
In a growing tradition, Honey Creek is offering Thanksgiving at the Creek again this year. There will be a traditional Thanksgiving dinner (turkey, ham, green beans casserole, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, salad bar, pecan and pumpkin pies, and more.

Thursday, November 26 at Noon
Reese Dining Hall
$25 per person
$12 for 8-3 yrs old
Free for under 3 yrs old
If you want to stay the night, lodging is available too. Lodge 1 room $89, Lodge 2 room $78, Chapin or Hunt Cottage (minimum 5 persons) $35 per person.
Church Medical Trust
Open Enrollment Starts Today for Insurance
For clergy and church vestry and treasurers, please see the detailed information below on church medical trust insurance rates for 2016. Please note open enrollment starts today and ends on November 6. After that time, no changes can be made except in the case of a life altering event.

Insurance rates are seeing an increase in premiums this year from 2015 to 2016. The Diocese of Georgia began the move to encourage its members to participate in the High Deductible Health Plan. This year the Church Medical Trust is offering two new available High Deductible plans. The Bishop and Diocesan Staff led by making the move to this plan first and most clergy have followed since Diocesan Council made this the compensation standard.

The annual opportunity for clergy and lay employees to review and adjust health coverage for will occur between today October 21 and November 6 of 2015. The options selected during the open enrollment period will be in effect for the 2016 calendar year. This is your one chance to change, add or adjust coverage unless there is a life-altering event such as a birth, marriage or job change during the year.

An interactive resource on detailed information on plans can be found below. The Diocese of Georgia is active in Anthem BCBS plans:

Convention 2015
Diocesan Convention 
You can find all Diocesan Convention related material at the convention website: 

Prayers for Weekly Liturgies
Our one-year prayer cycle combines prayers for every congregation in the Diocese of Georgia with prayers for our ecumenical partners and for our Companion Diocese of The Dominican Republic. The 52 weekly prayers are available in one document: 

Prayer for October 25-31
In our diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for our congregation in Thomson, Holy Cross, and for our ecumenical partners in Thomson, especially Zion Lutheran Church in Guyton and Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Lakeland. In our companion diocese of the Dominican Republic, we pray for the congregations in Santo Domingo, especially the Cathedral of the Epiphany (La Catedral de la Epifan�a).

Prayer for November 1-7
-In our diocesan cycle of prayer, we pray for our congregation in Tifton, St. Anne's. We also pray for our ecumenical partners in Tifton, especially Our Divine Saviour Catholic Church and for Holy Family Catholic Church in Willacoochee. In our companion diocese of the Dominican Republic, we pray for the congregations in Santo Domingo, especially Holy Family Church (Sagrada Familia).
Behind the scenes (with a nice story)

A change in the Bishop's schedule meant that we couldn't film a video on evangelism at The Foundery, a Methodist coffee shop which offers Common Grounds, a Methodist and Episcopal led discussion of faith. On short notice, the owners of Six Pence Pub in Savannah offered their restaurant. Owners Ken Martin and Ron Anderson are faithful members of St. Paul the Apostle, Savannah, and they were gracious about extending the welcome. Then we learned that today the two closed on buying the property and Bishop Benhase was able to bless the pub after wrapping on the video that leads off this issue of From the Field. If you stop by the pub, thank them for use of the restaurant for the video.
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Diocesan Staff                             
The Episcopal Diocese of Georgia