March 17, 2015Volume 5, Number 29
In This Issue


This Sunday's Lections
Fifth Sunday in Lent
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Chrism Mass in Two Locations 

In order to facilitate more priests and deacons taking part in the renewal of their ordination vows, two Chrism Masses will be offered this Holy Week. On Tuesday, March 31, St. Anne's, Tifton, will host the liturgy at 11 a.m., with lunch following. Then on Maundy Thursday, April 2, Trinity, Statesboro will host the liturgy, also at 11 a.m. with lunch following. There is no charge for the lunch.


At the Chrism Mass, the clergy (including the Bishop) are invited to renew the commitments they made at their ordination. The liturgy takes its name from the most eminent of the three holy oils which the local bishop blesses for use in his diocese's parish churches during the coming year.  


Clergy please let the Rev. Lonnie Lacy know if you will attend the liturgy at St. Anne's and let the Very Rev. Joan Kilian know if you will attend the liturgy at Trinity.

Diocesan Office Update    
The Diocese of Georgia office is closed today for St. Patrick's Day. Diocesan House is along the parade route and our parking lot is inaccessible all day.

This week Bishop Benhase is attending the House of Bishop's Spring Meeting at the Kanuga Conference Center in North Carolina.

This Sunday, Bishop Benhase is make his visitation to Annunciation, Vidalia, in the morning, and to St. Thomas Aquinas, Baxley, in the afternoon. 

Canon Logue will preside and preach on Sunday morning at St. Patrick's, Pooler. In the afternoon, he will preach at the Cursillo closing.
Save the Dates for Clergy Conference, Convention  
This year, the Spring Clergy Conference will meet April 26-28 and the Fall Conference will be held September 27-29. Both will be at Honey Creek. Registration information for the spring conference is found below.

Diocesan Convention
As previously announced, Convention 2015 will be held on November 12th through 14th in Savannah. This date is moved back by one week from our anticipated pattern as the first weekend in November our meeting would have to compete with the Rock and Roll Marathon which tangles downtown Savannah with traffic and visitors. More information on the convention will follow.

Companion Diocese
St. Anne's Mission Team Home from the DR  

The St. Anne's mission team returned home on Saturday, March 14, after working in the village of Las Carreras near the large city of Azua on the southern coast of the Dominican Republic. Their primary task was to clear the rubble from the floor of the building being constructed for the congregation of the Church of the Holy Spirit and then to pour the concrete for the new permanent floor, but they also were able to assist a needy villager by pouring a floor for that villager's house and participating in several worship services with the vicar of the three congregations in the area, the Very Rev. Jes�s Mosquea, including the first service on the new floor of the Las Carreras church. They also found time for a visit to the nearby beach and for lots of playing with the local children and visiting with the villagers. Photos from their trip are posted here: St. Anne's mission trip photo album 

St. Anne's current work on the building for the Church of the Holy Spirit is part of a multi-year project in partnership with two other Episcopal churches: St. Patrick's Episcopal Church in Albany GA, and Grace Episcopal Church in Charleston SC. Three more steps remain to complete the building: plastering the interior and exterior, installing windows and doors, and painting the interior and exterior. The Rt. Rev. Julio C. Holguin, Bishop of the Diocese of the Dominican Republic, is hoping that this building can be completed and dedicated in 2015, and if that goal is reached it will mark six new churches dedicated in one year, a new record for his episcopate that has featured a steady expansion of the number of Episcopal churches, schools and other social welfare institutions in the Dominican Republic.

This St. Anne's trip was the third sponsored by the Diocese of Georgia in 2015. The next scheduled mission trip is the annual Christ Episcopal Church (Valdosta) trip to the village of El Pedregal from June 15-22, 2015, in partnership with a team from St. Matthew's Episcopal Church (Orlando, Diocese of Central Florida) and a youth mission team from the Diocese of Nebraska. For more information on the Diocese's work in the Dominican Republic, go to the
Companion Diocese web page here 

Photos above show the team working to mix concrete for the church floor; some of the mission team wit a member of the congregation, food at the work site, and the Rev. Lonnie Lacy presiding at the first Eucharist on the new concrete floor.

Calling all Cursillo Alumni 

The Closing Service of Cursillo 119 will be this Sunday. This joyful worship will celebrate a milestone for those attending and also for Cursillo alumni across the state. The closing service is set for 4 p.m. on Sunday March 22, 2015 at the Chapel on Honey Creek. So mark your calendars, get your voice warmed up to sing, and support our Diocese's newest class of Cursillo pilgrims!

Also, the Cursillo Community is working on a newsletter for those who have already participated in Cursillo. If you have participated in Cursillo in any diocese and would like to be kept informed about dates, pilgrim lists, and Ultreyas please follow the link below and give us the information we need to keep in touch. In the meantime, please pray for this week's Cursillo, which starts March 19.


Sign up for Cursillo Newsletter:

You know the heart of an alien, for you were aliens in the
land of Egypt." 
-Exodus 23:9b
The Loose Canon
A Heart Opening Pilgrimage to East Africa 

"I never knew I could be a human being 

and could make something of myself." 

These words were said with wonderment by Zewditu, a refugee from Ethiopia I met last week at RefugePoint in Nairobi, Kenya. She was looking back on the life she had as she fled her homeland from the perspective of being a small business owner in Kenya. The life she and her children now share is one she could not have imagined when she fled persecution at home. (Zewditu is pictured here at right).


Taking part these past two weeks in Episcopal Migration Ministries' Pilgrimage to Kenya and Rwanda has opened my heart as well as my mind to the plight of refugees. Along the way, I discovered anew more about the big-hearted nation in which we live. For those who don't know, my wife, Victoria, and I were in a group of 8 pilgrims from across the Episcopal Church. Our group included Spencer Cantrell, who grew up at St. Michael and All Angel's, Savannah. 

The eight pilgrims and staff on our trip used the lens of the people living in Gihembe Refugee Camp in Rwanda to learn about issues facing refugee populations across the globe. 
But this was not simply a visit to a developing nation. This was a trip to meet those who faced the ravages of war head on and were now stuck in limbo as their homes and lands have been confiscated and they can never go back (I detailed the reasons this group can never return home in a blog post here). Photo by Wendy Karr Johnson


During the trip, we visited the Genocide Memorial in Kigali, which recounts in some detail how the 1994 genocide occurred in Rwanda (read about that visit here). The tragic 100 days in that small country touched off the war which would engulf most of the nations in the middle of the continent. This became Africa's World War in which three million died, millions more displaced in their own country, and hundreds of thousands refugeed to Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda and elsewhere.

Stories of Hope

On our pilgrimage, we met people of great resilience, both refugees and the humanitarian workers who assist them. In Gihembe, I met with 38 women who joined together for a farming cooperative program growing mushrooms and passion fruit. These HIV positive women have taken advantage of the little control of their lives made possible while in Gihembe have worked together to till the soil and tend the plants. In the process, they have raised one another up (Read more online here). Photo by Wendy Karr Johnson


We also met Alice Eschuchi of Heshima Kenya who provide a safe haven for girls under 18 and boys under 10 who have suffered rape and other gender-based violence, which is a world wide means of victimizing the enemy in war. Heshima provides childcare, education, mental health and medical services, and a chance to earn income (More on that visit is online here). More stories can be found at Just scroll down the page to see those above and others from our journey.


The Objective of Working with Refugees
The goal for both war refugees and the 148 countries that assist them through the United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) is to keep persons displaced by war and other threats safe until the refugees can return home. This happens in most cases. Another group is resettled in the country to which they fled for safety. The smallest group, just 1 in 100 refugees, must be moved to another nation as these are persons who for various reasons can never return home and can not remain where they have fled. Roughly 3 in 4 of this group resettles in the United States as we are the nation that receives most refugees worldwide according to targets set in a process which involves both our State department and the US Congress. Photo by Wendy Karr Johnson

How the Episcopal Church Helps

Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) and the others of the nine agencies which work with resettling refugees in the U.S. Episcopal Migration Ministries, its affiliates, and church partners provide assistance to arriving refugees as they adjust to their new communities and begin building for the future. While our meeting this group serves as an example of one of the many refugee crises around the world, this is one we have assisted with and will continue work on in the coming years (pictured at right is Kaltun, one of three Somali Community Health Volunteers in Nairobi who go door to door where western aid workers fear to tread).


EMM assists in resettling more than 5,000 refugees each year. Episcopalians can be a part of that story through co-sponsoring a Congolese refugee family and other refugees from across the globe with similar stories. In an upcoming article here in From the Field, I will share more about how your congregation can be a part of this effort.

-The Rev. Canon Frank Logue, Canon to the Ordinary 

Book Rooms for ECW Annual Meeting by March 23

Join us for a spirit filled weekend for the ECW Annual Meeting on April 24th and 25th.


Speakers & Workshops

Bishop Benhase

Gabriella Caballero

Prayer Workshop with Rev. Helen White

ECW ABC's & 123's with Beth Mithen

Brushes with Fate "interactive prayer and painting" with Roger Speer


Registration forms can be found online in two locations: 


Room stay should be booked and paid for directly to the hotel: $174.00 includes breakfast & parking. Our rate of 174.00 is for single and double occupancy. Hampton Inn and Suites Midtown 912-721-2305. Code: ECW The block of hotel rooms is available at the advertised rate until March 23rd.

Register for the 2015 Spring Clergy Conference

Registration is now open for the April 26-28 Clergy Conference at Honey Creek. Our main presenter will be the Rev. Chuck DeGroat whose latest book is Toughest People to Love. You are encouraged to read the book prior to the conference: Toughest People to Love at Amazon

 Cost for the meeting including the conference presentations, room and board are Lodge Room Double for $158, Lodge Room Single for $240, Shared cottage (or Dorm) for $118 and Tent Camping and Commuters for $100. 


Click here to Register online for the Conference 


Then call Honey Creek at (912) 265-9218 at your convenience 
to confirm your rooming preferences.

In keeping with an All Saints' Tybee Island tradition, Barabbas And The Tribe, a group of Junkanoo musicians from the Bahamas, brought their unique music to worship this past Sunday. An album of photos of is online here: Junkanoo at All Saints

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Diocesan Staff                             
The Episcopal Diocese of Georgia