February 24, 2015Volume 5, Number 26
In This Issue


This Sunday's Lections
Second Sunday in Lent
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Summer Camp Registration is at an All-Time High 

"Early camp registration has taken off like wild fires. We have double the amount of campers registered to date then we have in passed years," says Dade Brantley, Executive Director of Honey Creek.


Parent and Child session are already half way full.  Don't hesitate any longer to sign up.  Lot's of people are taking advantage of this opportunity to got to camp with their younger children in K-2nd grades.  This new mini session was a huge success last year, and it will blossom even more this year.


Camp is quickly approaching half capacity for High School and Peter 1 sessions.  Camp is filling up faster then we have ever seen it.  Register for camp before Saturday February 28 to take advantage of the early registration discount on regular camp sessions.   This is a life change time in our children's lives.  Don't wait. 


Click here for more information and to register online.  


If you have other question about our camping program, please reach out to the Summer  Camp Director and Missioner for Youth, Elizabeth Burns at [email protected] or at the office at (912) 236-4279.


Diocesan Office Update    
Canon Logue is in Baltimore through late Wednesday for a meeting of The Episcopal Church's Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget, and Finance. He will preach this Sunday at Christ Church, Savannah.

This Sunday, Bishop Benhase makes his visitation to Christ Church, Dublin.

This weekend Rudy Reyes will be at Honey Creek for Vocare #24.  
Diocesan Community Update    

The Rev. Adrianna Shaw has been named Priest in Charge of St. Philip's, Hinesville. She follows the Rev. William "Buck" Lea who served as an Interim Rector. Meanwhile, Lea is now serving as Priest in Charge of St. Peter's, Savannah, while the vestry of that congregation searches for an Interim rector.
Have You Already been to Cursillo?

We are working on a newsletter for those who have already participated in Cursillo. If you have participated in Cursillo in any diocese and would like to be kept informed about dates, pilgrim lists, and Ultreyas please follow the link below and give us the information we need to keep in touch. Our next Cursillo begins March 19.


Sign up for Cursillo Newsletter


St. Thomas, Savannah
Safeguarding Live Training Scheduled in Savannah 

A Safeguarding God's Children training workshop is being held at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Savannah on Sunday, March 15 from 4-7pm. This live training workshop is an alternative to the online training modules and will fulfill all of the requirements for Safeguarding God's Children.   It is open to all those who are willing to drive to St. Thomas and who need the class. 


Please register for this event at: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=9kb8x9dab&oeidk=a07ealyuqnf365db2c1


For more information, please contact Misty L. Graham at [email protected].

The Loose Canon

The goal of most every church with whom I meet is to attract families with young children. This is natural enough. All of us want our congregations to continue through the generations. Many of us remember when we were the parents with the children and church and we love to see the next generations in worship. 

This past week, I ran across a thoughtful reflection on the Internet linked here: When Churches Want a Pastor Who Can "Bring in Young Families." The post bears some reading and reflection while examining the difference between wanting people for what they bring us to shifting the church culture for a different engagement.

In addition to these considerations, I would add that we should not so long for any given group to join us for worship so much that we miss those Jesus is bringing us. Teaching and encouraging practices which foster inviting friends, family, and coworkers; connecting with visitors who do show up; and incorporating newcomers fully into the life of the church and the journey of Christian discipleship will tend to help your church grow. The additional members may or may not be the Holy Grail like family with three young kids, but they will be the people the Holy Spirit sent your way. Let's not miss those God is sending while we look for others.

-The Rev. Canon Frank Logue, Canon to the Ordinary

Three crosses veiled for Lent are seen in this picture from the First Sunday in Lent at Christ Church, Savannah.

Photos of the Diocese entering into Lent

Almighty God, whose blessed Son was led by the Spirit to be tempted by Satan; Come quickly to help us who are assaulted by many temptations; and, as you know the weaknesses of each of us, let each one find you mighty to save; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. 


The Revs. Lonnie Lacy and Ellen Richardson impose ashes on Ash Wednesday at St. Anne's, Tifton.


Ash Wednesday at St. Thomas Isle of Hope, Savannah.


Our Missioner for Savannah's Colleges and Universities, the Rev. Michael Chaney, began his Ash Wednesday for the second year in a row by offering Ashes to Go together with the Rev. Kevin Veitinger, a Methodist Minister with a coffee shop ministry in Savannah. Then he ended the day imposing ashes at Columba House.  


More than twenty parishioners of Saint Paul's, Albany, arrived early and worked efficiently to provide food for over 120 families in their ongoing Feed My Sheep ministry. 

 Masked youth are ready for Mardi Gras at Christ Church, Frederica.


The Mardi Gras Party at All Saints, Tybee Island.


The Mardi Gras Party at St. Paul's, Augusta, raises significant funds for local ministry.

Youth Programs 
Last Chance to Register for New Beginnings 
New Beginnings will take place during the weekend of March 6-8, 2015, at Honey Creek. New Beginnings is a weekend retreat for teenagers in grades 7-9 led by a team of mostly teenagers, with a few adults, and two clergy spiritual directors. The weekend takes participants through a discovery about ourselves, our friends, our families, our faith, and how to live out our faith in our daily lives. 

How might this discovery happen? 
Through making new friends and sharing with old ones, through singing, skits, talks given by teens, videos, games, worship, and conversation with each other! You are encouraged to bring friends from your church and an adult who will stay through the weekend. Everyone will take an active part in the program. You can go to New Beginnings as many times as you'd like...as long as you're in grades 7-9. We know once you go, you will want to go back. There is even an opportunity to serve on the team...you'll hear more about that at the weekend. 

Kamp PHUN Issues Parish Challenge

Kamp PHUN needs your help! Kamp PHUN is a camp for children who have a parent who is or has been incarcerated. It is a ministry of the Diocese of Georgia and provides a "Honey Creek" experience for qualified children each summer. This year's camp will be held from Sunday, July 26 through Friday, July 30 for children ages 9-11. The camp has been offered for seven summers and serves approximately 15 children each summer. The camp is offered at no cost to the child's family and transportation to and from Honey Creek is provided free of charge.


How can your parish help this critical ministry? We are currently looking for campers, raising money, and doing program and staff planning for July 2015. Can your parish identify children that might qualify for the camp? Can you donate monies for the camp? Can you provide experienced adults who can help work with the campers?


Join the Kamp PHUN Challenge! St. Margaret of Scotland in Moultrie is currently looking for several children. Please contact Deacon Cathy Henderson ([email protected]) or Cindy Coward ([email protected], 912-355-0398) with your response

The Story of the First Bishop of Georgia

In the previous eight editions of From the Field, we shared brief histories of some of the Bishops of Georgia. Last week we share the story of the Rt. Rev. Middleton Stuart Barnwell, fifth Bishop of Georgia. The series concludes with Bishop Barnwell's Great Uncle, the First Bishop of Georgia.

Born in Beaufort, South Carolina to southern aristocracy, Elliott attended Harvard before coming back to study closer to home and graduate from South Carolina College in 1825. He practiced law in Charleston. Following a conversion experience on hearing a Presbyterian evangelist preach at his Episcopal Church, Elliott studied for holy orders (The story of his conversion is online here). He was ordained to the priesthood in 1836, having been ordained a deacon the previous year.


He taught religion at South Carolina College from 1835-1841 when he was consecrated Bishop of Georgia, becoming through that post also the first Rector of St. John's, Savannah. He first married his cousin, Mary Gibbes Barnwell, daughter of Col. Robert W. Barnwell in 1828. Following her death, he married another cousin, Charlotte Bull Barnwell. Charlotte was the daughter of John G. Barnwell and granddaughter of Gen. John Barnwell and of General Stephen Bull, of the Revolutionary army.


Elliott was a strong proponent of education, especially the education of women. As Bishop he founded the girl's school, Montpelier Institute, at great personal financial cost (The story of the Montpelier Institute and how it bankrupted the Bishop is online here). Together with Bishops Polk and Otey, he also founded The University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee. The first and only Presiding Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Confederate States of America believed strongly in the southern cause even though he did not see slavery as a positive good but something God was using to bring the enslaved Africans to Christ which would pass away in time. His 1864 Address to convention shares his travels to the war front to visit troops. Among his children was the novelist Sarah Barnwell Elliott (1848-1928) and the Rt. Rev. Robert Woodward Barnwell Elliott (1840-1887), missionary bishop to West Texas.

He died suddenly on December 21, 1866 just on returning home from an episcopal visitation. He is buried in Laurel Grove Cemetery in Savannah (His grave there is pictured below). He was succeeded as Bishop of Georgia by John Watrous Beckwith.

Eleven of Bishop Elliotts's Addresses to Convention, two of his sermons, a memoir and eulogy, as well as the pages linked above, are in the online archives section on our first bishop. Thanks to Beth Mithen of St, Thomas, Thomasville, who has transcribed much of this material together with the full journals of conventions during Elliott's episcopacy.

Ashes to Go in the News

Columba House Intern James Rose is interviewed above by WSAV for a report on Ashes to Go in Savannah with St. Francis of the Islands and Columba House. Their report is online here: Ashes to Go in Savannah. A similar TV news report on Ashes to Go featuring St. Paul's, Augusta, is found online here: Ashes to Go in Augusta.
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Diocesan Staff                             
The Episcopal Diocese of Georgia