June 10, 2014Volume 4, Number 41
In This Issue
All Saints, Tybee Island
Parent and Child Summer Camp
Used Candles Neeeded
Groundbreaking in Tifton
Companion Diocese
Youth Presence
Pentecost in Photos
St. Paul's Augusta
Call for VBS photos
Summer Camp
National ECW Survey
Congregational Selfie
Social Media Connections
Web Links


This Sunday's Lections:
Trinity Sunday
Genesis 1:1-2:4a
Psalm 8
or Canticle 2 or 13
2 Corinthians 13:11-13
Matthew 28:16-20
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Province IV Synod
Georgia Facilitates Discussion

The Diocese of Georgia Deputation to the 2015 General Convention took the initiative at a regional meeting this past week to foster discussion on efforts to restructure The Episcopal Church. Annual Synod meetings are held each year in the nine provinces of The Episcopal Church with our Diocese being one of twenty southeast U.S. dioceses in Province IV. At the Province IV Synod held last week at Kanuga in Hendersonville, NC, the forty-five minutes given in the schedule to hear a report from the Task Force for Reimagining the Church (TREC) and to have question and answer time with three members of that group left more energy for discussion.


Working with the President of the Synod and the TREC representatives, Canons Logue and Willoughby offered to facilitate a 1.5 hour discussion that evening to gather input from the deputations on possible changes to the governance and administration of The Episcopal Church. The facilitated discussion that evening resulted in a report to TREC, capturing the thoughts of the deputies and alternates as input into the thinking on the restructuring effort. The goal is to streamline the governance in keeping with a resolution passed by the 2012 convention of the Diocese of Georgia (See resolution text here). 


The administrative and governance structures of The Episcopal Church have grown over the years so that they now comprise approximately 47% of the churchwide budget and sometimes hinder rather than further this Church's engagement in God's mission. Reform is urgently needed to facilitate this Church's strategic engagement in mission. The Diocese of Georgia deputation is seeking to assist in restructuring our Church for mission in part through simplifying the system of governance.

Bishop Benhase (third from left on the back row) is pictured with the other Episcopal bishops from the southeast U.S. gathered last week at Kanuga for a Province IV House of Bishops meeting.

Diocesan Office Update   

Our Missioner for Youth, Elizabeth Burns, has just completed three weekend sessions of workshops with Youth Presence and is now at Honey Creek training the Summer Camp staff. Canon Logue will preside and preach at a camp staff Eucharist on Thursday.


Bishop Benhase will make his visitation to Holy Spirit, Dawson, in the morning and to St. Matthew's, Fitzgerald, in the afternoon.

Bishop's Visitation 

Bishop Benhase' Pentecost Sunday visitation with All Saints, Tybee Island.     



Summer Camp Parent and Child Program for K-2

Moms or Dads who would enjoy coming to Summer Camp for a few days with one younger child are invited to take part in a pilot program being tested this summer. Up to ten parents with one (or two) child(ren) each who has completed kindergarten through second grade, may register for the parent and child program. This new program gives young children an introduction to our summer camp at Honey Creek with the safety net of having a parent on hand.
The parent and child (or children) will stay in a lodge room with a private bath. Meals will be with the 3rd-5th grade campers in the dining hall. Some times will be available for the parent and child to take part together and moms or dads will also have a little downtime with their child busy in the summer camp program without them.
The dates for the program are June 22-24 or July 13-15. Cost for this program from Sunday through Tuesday is $325 for the pair including 2 camp t-shirts, crafts and other program activities including all room and board. Interested parents should call our Camp Director, Elizabeth Burns at (912) 656-9905 or email her at [email protected]


The photo above shows Benjamin and Laura Varner walking along the grounds of Honey Creek.

High School Summer Camp Needs Used Wax Candles

The Spiritual Directors for the high school camp are looking for donations of almost used up wax candles to be used for a craft during the week of camp. If churches have small candles, please send them to camp with the campers or contact one of the Spiritual Directors so we can arrange to get them to Honey Creek.  


The Spiritual Directors are The Revs. Kelsey Hutto and Mollie Roberts and Deacon Ri Lamb. You may contact Deacon Lamb at (229) 347-0828.

St. Anne's, Tifton
Breaking Ground for Ministry Center

Amidst a sea of Pentecost red, St. Anne's Tifton broke ground last Sunday on a new two-story Ministry Center to be built on their campus. The 10,658 square foot facility will house multipurpose classrooms for all ages, an enlarged nursery, dedicated youth space, an expanded office suite, and facilities for the church's growing outreach programs. 


"We have experienced tremendous growth over the past five years," said Senior Warden Bettie Sue McDonald, "and space has become a significant factor in carrying out the ministries to which we believe God now calls us." The focus of St. Anne's Ministry Center, however, will be both outward as well as inward. "Our hope," said the Rev. Lonnie Lacy, "is that this facility will serve as a true spiritual center in which disciples of all generations are formed in their faith, and from which the healing love of God will be carried into our community, our diocese, and the world." 

St. Anne's Ministry Center will replace a small office and classroom building, expanding the heart of the campus with a tree lined green space and a new state-of-the-art playground. Completion on the facility is anticipated within the next nine months.    

Team Leader Fred Richter (Trinity Statesboro) works with homeowner Jackeline Almonte to build her new house of concrete blocks. Former house was made of wooden poles and boards. 
Mission Team at Work Now in Dominican Republic

The mission team sponsored by Christ Church, Valdosta, is at work in the Dominican Republic once again. The team arrived on June 7, and will return to the US on June 14. The sixteen missioners represent churches in seven dioceses of the Episcopal Church: Alabama, Atlanta, Central Florida, Central Gulf Coast, Dominican Republic, Georgia, and North Carolina. They will be staying at the Dominican diocese's equivalent of our Honey Creek camp and conference center. Their projects include continuing the knitting and crocheting classes which have been a signature ministry of this team for the past 10 years, building a playground for the Episcopal K-8 school in the village next to the camp, and re-building a house for a local family using concrete blocks for the exterior and interior walls instead of wooden planks and particle boards. The two construction projects will be conducted in coordination with another mission team from the Diocese of Nebraska that arrives later in June. Depending on Internet availability, daily trip updates and photographs will be available on Christ Church's Facebook page.


This mission trip represents the fifth trip to the Dominican Republic sponsored by the Diocese of Georgia in 2014. Earlier trips had teams from the Southeastern Convocation, working in El Carreton; St. Anne's (Tifton), working in Las Carreras; St. Peter's (Savannah), working in San Pedro de Macor�s, and St, Patrick's (Albany) working in Las Carreras and Azua. Information about these earlier trips as well as an overview of our diocese's companion relationship with the Diocese of the Dominican Republic are available here: http://georgia.anglican.org/?page_id=19


Pictured above are team members leading the school children in a song and dance routine and the mission team at morning prayer on Monday June 9.

Children in Episcopal K-8 school (on left) watch members of mission team starting work on a playground structure for the school.

A group photo of participants in the Youth Presence meeting held this past Friday and Saturday in Savannah. The photos below are also from this event.

Youth Presence
Series of Visioning Meetings Concluded in Savannah
The third visioning session of three around the diocese facilitated by Youth Presence Ministries was held at St. Paul's in Savannah on June 6-7. Seven churches sent teams-St. Paul's Savannah, St. George's Savannah, St. Thomas Savannah, St. Luke's Rincon, St. Andrew's and St. Cyprian's Darien, St. Paul's Jesup, and Grace Waycross. Each of the groups walked away with great excitement and plans for beginning a youth presence at their parish.
Three team members from Grace Church, Waycross, took part in the Youth Presence Workshop this past weekend in Savannah.  Grace's Senior Warden, Donald Holland said, "This was a spirit filled time to discern what ways God might be calling us to serve youth in our communities.   During the weekend, I truly believe we received God's vision for a youth presence at Grace." He went on to add that, " The workshop affirmed what I have come to learn on my own journey - God will honor the time that you spend seeking His will or in this case His vision for youth in your parish." 
About Youth Presence
It is the belief of Youth Presence Ministry that Youth Ministry is different in every place and possible in every place. The programs offered will focuses on the local congregation and their unique setting, circumstances, challenges and hopes for the future. This model also fosters church growth by the presence and interface of young people in their midst. For more information, click here for a PDF: Youth Ministries Overview

Two Pentecost baptisms-at left, the Rev. Tom Purdy at Christ Church Frederica and at right, the Rev. Joshua Varner at St. Patrick's Pooler.

Pentecost Around the Diocese in Photos

Almighty God, on this day you opened the way of eternal life to every race and nation by the promised gift of your Holy Spirit: Shed abroad this gift throughout the world by the preaching of the Gospel, that it may reach to the ends of the earth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.



At left, the Rev. Mollie Roberts with children at St. Paul's, Albany, and the Rev. Lonnie Lacey at St. Anne's, Tifton.

 St. Michael & All Angels' worshiped in Daffin Park for Pentecost. The large public park is across the street from the church in the Ardsley Park section of Savannah.

Pentecost processions at King of Peace, Kingsland.

 A baptism at St. Thomas, Thomasville.

 The Rev. Tom Arledge gathered with the family following a baptism.

The Rev. Joe Bowden has assistance  from children in making the dismissal at Holy Comforter, Martinez. 

The Rev. Sierra Wilkinson Reyes prays the concluding collect to the Prayers of the People at Christ Church, Savannah. 


The Rev. Richard Nelson at St. Thomas Isle of Hope. 

Christ Church, St. Marys

Fans for Pentecost at Grace, Waycross.

 Pentecost Pool Party at St. Luke's, Rincon

Christ Church, Valdosta

 St. John's, Bainbridge

St. Paul's, Augusta.

St. Paul's, Augusta
Places Available for 2015 Choir Tour

For the past 25 years the choir of St. Paul's, Augusta, has taken trips to sing at some of the great cathedrals in the Anglican Communion. The choir raised funds for its travels by operating "Paulmart," a thrift store that produced enough income during ten years of operation that the store could eventually be closed and income from investments could continue to provide financial support. The choir trips have always been open to anyone interested in participating and the next trip will be to Canada and New England where the choir will sing at the Anglican cathedral in Quebec City and Old North Church (Christ Church Episcopal) in Boston. The dates are 12-21 June, 2015, and a feature of the trip is a week-long cruise on Holland America Line's MS Maasdam sailing from Montreal, to various points on Nova Scotia, to Bar Harbor, Maine, and ending in Boston. Sixty-five people are already signed up and the tour plans to include ninety. You may find more information on St. Paul's Canada and New England trip here. Pictured above is St. Paul's choir at St. Paul's Cathedral, London, on a previous trip. 

Anyone wishing additional information should contact Keith Shafer, Director of Music, St. Paul's, Augusta at [email protected] or 706-724-2485 x215 (Music Office).

Above are two photos from this week's Vacation Bible School at Christ Church, Valdosta. Their snack time is shown below.
Share VBS Photos with the Diocesan Community

We want to share your Vacation Bible School with the Diocese in photo album collecting pictures of our kid-friendly catechesis taking place around the Diocese this summer. Send your congregation's photo to [email protected].

The photos will be added to a VBS album and used at the diocesan website. You can visit last summer's VBS album online. Some of the photos will be shared here in From the Field. If you create a Facebook or other online album, you may also just send a link to that album to the address above we will copy a selection of photos to the diocesan album. 

 The VBS now underway at Holy Comforter, Martinez.


A collage of photos from the VBS underway this week at St. Paul's, Albany.

 VBS this week at Church of the Good Shepherd, Augusta.

When you come to summer camp, this is the first thing you see every morning. 
Episcopal Church Women
Please Take Part in the National ECW Survey

The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) want to hear from men and women alike across the church by June 30. The ECW is asking Episcopal women and men to take a short online survey about the ministry of the ECW will have a continuing role and impact on the Episcopal Church. The survey will be reviewed by an ad hoc ECW committee and inform their work in preparation for the Triennial Meeting 2015 in Salt Lake City, Utah, which will be held in conjunction with General Convention. Click here to take the survey online in English or Spanish by June 30. 

Congregational "Selfie"


Holy Comforter, Martinez, is captured in blazing glory on Pentecost Sunday.

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Diocesan Staff                             
The Episcopal Diocese of Georgia