May 27, 2014Volume 4, Number 39
In This Issue
Diocesan Office Update
Anne Berlin
Youth Presence
Columba House
CDI Graduates Third Class
Ordination this Saturday
Childrens and Youth Ministries Director Sought
Trinity, Cochran
Holy Nativity, St. Simons Island
St. Barnabas, Valdosta
Summer Camp
Seersucker Sunday
Social Media Connections
Web Links


This Sunday's Lections:
Sevent Sunday of Easter 
Acts 1:6-14
Psalm 68:1-10, 33-36
1 Peter 4:12-14, 5:6-11
John 17:1-11
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Two Unique Summer Liturgies

The congregations in Cordele and on Tybee Island are both offering summertime opportunities to worship outdoors-compline on the beach and Eucharist on the dock.

Beginning Wednesday, June 4 and continuing through August 27, parishioners at All Saints' Tybee will be holding Compline services on the beach at 6:30 on Wednesdays. To get to the service, take Butler Avenue to 8th Street, turn left towards the ocean and look for us on the crossover or on the beach. You may stand, sit on the sand, or bring a chair. The liturgy lasts about 15 minutes. In case of inclement weather, the service will be held in the church at 804 Jones. (At the second light on Tybee, turn right on Jones. The church is on the left between 8th and 9th streets.) 
For the 12th consecutive year, Christ Church, Cordele, kicked off summer with Worship on the Water at the resort dock on Lake Blackshear on the Sunday of Memorial Day. The service is held at Georgia Veteran's State Park. Worshipers primarily arrive by water, boating to the dock and sitting in their boats or in chairs on the dock for the liturgy, with all coming up to the dock to receive the Eucharist and for a brief reception in a screened, covered gazebo following the liturgy. The first Sunday includes a Blessing of the Boats. The liturgy starts each Sunday through Labor Day at 9 a.m.



Diocesan Office Update   

Bishop Benhase will ordain Sarah Brockenbrough, Susan Hill, Jamie Maury, and Alex Moreschi to the diaconate on May 31st at 11 a.m. in St. Paul the Apostle, Savannah. See below for more information.


Bishop Benhase will make his visitations this Sunday to St. Cyprian's and St. Andrew's Churches in Darien. 


The first campers arrive in 20 days for the Summer Camp season at Honey Creek. Elizabeth Burns, our missioner for youth, also serves as the Summer Camp Director and some of her time is now directed toward getting all prepared for camp. She is will also be in Augusta this Friday and Saturday for the Youth Presence workshop. See below for more information on Youth Presence Ministries.


Canon Logue will preside and preach this Sunday for the worshiping community in Okatie, a part of the Episcopal Church in South Carolina.

Rest in Peace Anne Wright Morris Berlin
The prayers of the diocese go to the Berlin family on the death of Anne Berlin. As her obituary in the Augusta Chronicle remembers her, "As a lifelong Episcopalian and Democrat, she was a quiet but stalwart advocate for doing what is right and speaking out when things were against her ethical and socially responsible life philosophy." 
Born in Brunswick, Georgia, on February 6, 1925, she graduated from Vassar College in 1946 and married the Rev. Dr. Jacob B. Berlin on April 26, 1947. They shared 57 years before Jack, a priest of this diocese, died on May 29, 2004. Anne and Jack raised five children: Alexander Alan Berlin, Bartlett Stowman-Berlin, Christopher Burnett Berlin, Letitia Wright Berlin and Deborah Wright Berlin. She was an avid and accomplished gardener and garden designer. Anne's earned second degree at Augusta College in History. She worked for many years for Dr. Allen Brown and then the Family Practice Department at the Medical College of Georgia, before retiring in 1995. Anne died peacefully on May 7, 2014, in Newton, North Carolina, with family at her side. 
A graveside memorial service will be held at a later time in Brunswick and St. Simons Island, Georgia. In lieu of flowers, condolences may be sent to Catawba Regional Hospice at 3975 Robinson Road, Newton, NC 28658, and Episcopal Relief and Development at P.O. Box 7058 Merrifield, VA 22116-7058. Letters and cards may be sent to The Berlin Family, c/o Deborah or Alexander Berlin at PO Box 982, Highlands, NC 28741.
Youth Presence
Meetings Upcoming in Augusta and Savannah
The first of three workshops on creating a Youth Presence in your congregation will be repeated May 30-31 in Augusta and finally June 6-7 in Savannah. There is still time for any congregation in the Diocese to put together a team for either of these workshops, but time is running out to register. If you are interested, contact our Missioner for Youth, Elizabeth Burns, at
About Youth Presence
 It is the belief of Youth Presence Ministry that Youth Ministry is different in every place and possible in every place. The programs offered will focuses on the local congregation and their unique setting, circumstances, challenges and hopes for the future. This model also fosters church growth by the presence and interface of young people in their midst. For more information, click here for a PDF: Youth Ministries Overview

About the Workshops
All Congregations wishing to participate must send at least six participants to the workshops. The workshops will be held Friday from 6-9 p.m. and Saturday from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. These participants should be people who are passionate about creating a youth presence in your church community. They don't have to be the adult youth leaders. At the vision workshop, they will be given skill to help find these people. Participants must commit to coming to the training sessions and, most importantly, working to implement the vision plan in the congregation.

Columba House
Welcomes Summer Interns

This summer Columba House has two Duke Divinity seminarians, Guillermo Arboleda and Kelly Steele interning with the ministry. Arboleda and Steele began their summer internship this past week. Arboleda graduated from Messiah College in Mechanicsburg, PA with a B.A. in Christian Ministries and a minor in Mathematics. Steele graduated from Duquesne University in Pittsburg, PA with a B.A. in Theology and minors in Music, and Women's and Gender Studies. Arboleda and Steele are recently married and met at Duke Divinity School. While at Duke Arboleda and Steele became Episcopalians. Prior to interning with Columba House, Arboleda and Steele lived in the Community of the Franciscan Way (CFW) in Durham, NC.  CFW is a mission of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina and a hospitality house to Durham's poor and needy modeled after Catholic Workers Movement.


Arboleda and Steele are engaging in the ministry of Columba House to provide a space for young adults to encounter the Episcopal Church. In addition, Arboleda and Steele are interning with local parishes. Arboleda is interning with St. Paul's, Savannah, where he is engaging in relational evangelism, liturgy, preaching, and working with the Latino community at St. Paul's through the Misa en Espa�ol. Steele is interning at St. George's, Savannah, where she is engaging in liturgy, preaching, adult education and relational evangelism. Arboleda and Steele bring unique gifts and insight to Columba House. The Columba House Leadership Team is excited to have them working with Columba House this summer. 

CDI Graduates a Third Class

The Church Development Institute (CDI) of the Diocese of Georgia graduated its third class this past weekend. The two-year program equips leaders to facilitate a process of transformation, and to build up the capacities and skills of leaders through self awareness of one's personal impact on others and the organization; to increase knowledge of theories, methods and processes as a way to assess and understand the behavior and development of the congregation; and to give a safe learning environment where one can practice skills in facilitation, feedback, listening and presenting. 


CDI consists of two cycles and each cycle consists of four weekend training sessions, for a total of eight weekend training sessions across two years. The assumption of the program is that every participant is registering for the whole program (both cycles) i.e., 110 hours of workshop; worship with the learning community; required readings and other assignments; and planning, implementing and reporting on congregational development projects. A new class will enter CDI this December. More information on CDI may be found online here: 

Four Deacons to be Ordained this Saturday 
God willing and the people consenting, Bishop Benhase will ordain Sarah Brockenbrough of Christ Church; Savannah, Susan Hill of All Saints', Tybee Island;  Alex Moreschi of St. Patrick's, Albany;  Jamie Maury of All Saints', Tybee Island; to the Sacred Order of Deacons at 11 a.m. on May 31 in St. Paul's, Savannah (pictured above). Bishop Benhase will preside and preach. Clergy wear cassock, surplice and tippet.

Susan Hill will become a vocational deacons while Sarah Brockenbrough, Alex Moreschi and Jamie Maury to become transitional deacons. Susan has accepted an assignment to serve as a deacon at St. Michael & All Angels, Savannah. Alex will serve at Columba House and St. Thomas Isle of Hope, Savannah. Jamie Maury will serve at St. George's, Savannah. Sarah will remain in Virginia and at press time her new call had not yet been finalized. 
Young Adult Ministry
Vocare BEACH-cation! (Official Reunion)

The Vocare Alumni are getting together for our official Annual Reunion! Join us for an overnight beach trip at All Saints' Episcopal Church on Tybee Island on June 21-22. There is a lot of fun and community to be had! A sit down meeting will kick things off, which includes elections for the Vocare Steering Committee and a breakdown of the community's direction. Fellowship on the beach immediately follows.

Who: Vocare Alumni
What: Overnight Beach Trip and Annual Reunion
When: June 21 at 1:00pm - June 22nd whenever you have to leave (preferably after church)
Where: All Saints' Episcopal Church, 804 Jones Ave, Tybee Island, GA 31328
Why: Because we like each other 

Children in one of the Sunday School classes in the Gabard Building at Christ Church, Valdosta.
Christ Church, Valdosta
Children and Youth Ministries Director Sought

Christ Church, Valdosta, is currently accepting applications for the position of Children and Youth Ministries Director. Qualified applicants will have Bachelor's degree from a four-year college or university in a related field as well as experience in effectively leading a youth and/or children's group, an ability to effectively relate and interact across age and diversity groups, and a working knowledge of the Episcopal tradition or a willingness to learn about the Episcopal Church. The position description is online here. Apply by sending a cover letter and resum� by July 1, 2014.

Trinity, Cochran / MGSC Canterbury Club
Renaissance Blessing 


The Canterbury Club at Middle Georgia State College (MGSC) in conjunction with Trinity, Cochran held a blessing at MGSC's International Festival, which is the campuses mini-Renaissance Faire. Pictured above from right to left, Dr. Chris Cairney, , Professor at MGSC and Sponsor of Canterbury Club at MGSC - Cochran CampusThe Rev. George Porter - Priest at Trinity Episcopal Church, Cochran, members of Canterbury Club, and Hugh Cairney - Crucifer, Son of Dr. Chris Cairney. 

Holy Nativity, St. Simons Island
Christus Rex Dedication 

Recently, parishioners at Holy Nativity on St. Simons Island received and dedicated an icon for their columbarium.  A carved Christus Rex triumphing over the cross and topped by a descending dove of the Holy Spirit was installed behind a free-form altar.  All are hand carved from pecky cypress.  Holy Nativity had commissioned these icons from Sculptor Roger Johnson of Lakeland, Georgia, when the previous Christus Rex could no longer be displayed outdoors. 

    Mr. Johnson told parishioners that in the search for the right log for the figure, the first log he found was the right shape but proved to be hollow on the inside.  When he went back out into the swamp, this particular log seemed to be particularly illuminated by the sun, as it if had been waiting for this opportunity.  Mr. Johnson had patiently listened to committee members, Phyllis Pitner, Dale Anderson and the Rev. June Johnson, as the four stood in the midst of the columbarium waving their arms and painting word pictures from their imaginations.  He then took these diverse ideas and desires and found a way to exceed even these fond hopes in the sculpture. 

    The figure of the risen Christ is turned toward the Father as His body seems to be ascending, leaving the cross behind.  In a blessing from the Father, the dove of the Holy Spirit is descending toward earth to remain with us.  The graceful shape of the altar invites touching as it seems to grow from the earth to celebrate the resurrection.

    Parishioners participated in a service of dedication just before the Easter Eucharist celebrated in the church where new floors and carpeting has brought a fresh new look to the worship space.  "Our prayer," says the vicar, Rev. Johnson (no relation to Roger Johnson, the sculptor), "is that all who drive by or who stop to pray here in this garden, will find that these icons draw their hearts and minds to Jesus Christ.  We are so blessed by the talent that Roger offered to God and to us, and we believe the Holy Spirit will use this icon to reach out in joy and love."

St. Barnabas, Valdosta
Retired Educators Memorial Service

St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Valdosta hosted the Valdosta/Lowdnes Retired Educators Memorial Service. A number of educators (retired and active) and their families gathered to remember, honor, and celebrate their friends and loved ones who willingly gave of their lives to serve and educate our children. (Pictured are Alice Devane, past president, Sandra Dickson, president-elect, Rubye Pompey, president, John Rice, treasurer, and the Very Rev. Denise Ronn, vicar.)

You know that feeling you get when you drive up to Honey Creek?  

Seersucker Sunday 

Christ Church Savannah breaks out the seersucker suits for the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend with its commemoration of Saint Seersucker.

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The Episcopal Diocese of Georgia