February 4, 2014Volume 4, Number 23
In This Issue
Diocesan Office Update
Bishop's Visitation
Roberts' Ordination
Deacons' Retreat
Roberts' Ordination
Flower Arranging Workshop
Living the Story
The Word of Truth
Social Media Connections
Web Links

This Sunday's Lections:
5th Sunday after the Epiphany
Isaiah 58:1-9a, (9b-12)
Psalm 112:1-9, (10)
1 Corinthians 2:1-12, (13-16)
Matthew 5:13-20 
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Companion Diocese

One Trip Returns, Another at Work Now

The Southeast Convocation Mission Team returned yesterday (Monday, February 3) from its work in El Carreton in the Dominican Republic. They had been in the DR since January 26 to continue their ongoing assistance in building a high school. Deacon Karulynn Koelliker is pictured at right assembling book shelves for the new school.


Pictured below the headline is part of the mission team from Tifton now on the ground working with Esp�ritu Santo Episcopal Church in the small town of Las Carreras. This pushes forward their ongoing church building begun and overseen by St. Patrick's Albany. St. Patrick's will return to continue the building project later this year.


Today, Project Smile, a group led by Steve and Montie Acuff of Christ Church Savannah, returns to Belize, our previous Companion Diocese. This short-term mission has been going on for more than two decades.


Why Short-Term Missions?

There will always be more than we can do here at home, so why do we bother to go to the Dominican Republic and elsewhere? First, our groups show the members of the Body of Christ in the countries where we work that they are not alone. Our teams make visible the care of other Christians. Secondly, the trips connect the teams to vibrant churches in areas with many more needs than we experience here. Most short term missionaries return recalibrated from working in areas where the needs are so much greater than here, but the love of God is no less felt. So the trips benefit those we visit and the congregations that send teams with a larger sense of the Church and the world.

Diocesan Office Update  

From February 4-11, Canon Logue will be in Belize working on a short-term mission trip with Project Smile. 


This Sunday, Bishop Benhase will make his visitation to St. Albans, Augusta, in the morning and Our Savior, Martinez in the afternoon. 

Bishop's Visitation 

St. Thomas, Savannah

St. Thomas Isle of Hope in Savannah celebrated its 90th anniversary with a visit by Bishop Benhase, who is pictured above with the confirmands and those received, from St. Thomas and other congregations.

Diocesan Community Update 


The sympathy of the diocesan community goes out to the family of the Rev. George Kontos, who died this past week in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Born in Waycross in 1943, Kontos graduated from the University of Georgia and from General Theological Seminary. The sixth Bishop of Georgia, the Rt. Rev. Albert Rhett Stuart, ordained Kontos a deacon in 1968 and then to the Sacred Order of Priests on March 25, 1969. Kontos served St. Paul's, Albany as a curate from 1968-69. He would serve at Trinity, Cochran, and Christ Church, Dublin, and a number of other parishes in Georgia, Florida and Louisiana. In 1984, Kontos graduated from the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation in Washington D.C. and later helped develop the St. James Episcopal Center for Spiritual Formation in Baton Rouge, La. 

Vocare #23 a Hugely Successful Retreat

Young adults from around Georgia attended Vocare #23 at Honey Creek this past weekend.Vocare in Georgia is an Episcopal young adult ministry serving both the Diocese of Georgia and Diocese of Atlanta. Through weekend retreats and community building, Vocare in Georgia provides opportunities for self discovery and the beginnings of spiritual discernment. God is calling each one of us into deepened faithfulness and more clearly defined ministries. The weekend was filled with fun and games, serious reflection and discussion, and familiar, relaxed worship.   


Lyssa Nickle of St. Barnabas, Valdosta served as Rector. Spiritual directors were the Rev. Dann Brown (Chaplain at the UGA Episcopal Center), the Rev. David Rose, and the Rev. Jim Shumard. 



Clergy Conference Planned for May 4-6

The Spring Clergy Conference will meet May 4-6 at Honey Creek. The presenters will be Bob Gallagher and Michelle Heyne. Save the date and look for registration information in an upcoming edition of From the Field.

Deacons Retreat at Honey Creek in March

The theme for the Annual Deacons Retreat will be Passion and Peace. The retreat meets March 14-16 at Honey Creek. Sister Ellen Stephen, OSH will be the conference presenter. A member of the convent in Augusta, she is the author of the book, Vessel of Peace as well as others. This is a Lenten opportunity for the servant ministers of the Diocese to enjoy rest, reflection and renewal. The retreat will offer a balance of quiet time for reflection as well as social time. For more information, deacons may contact the Rev. Dcn. Ri Lamb ([email protected]). For reservations at Honey Creek contact Carolyn Middleton at (912) 265-9218.

The Order of the Daughters of the King� Spring Assembly

The Order of the Daughters of the King�, Diocese of Georgia, will assemble at Honey Creek on March 7-8, 2014. The registration form can be found online here. Please observe the deadlines for registration (February 21) and room reservations (February 19). The last is particularly important because Honey Creek fills up fast on weekends.


The 2014 theme is Leading with Vision: Sharing God's Love through Service. In preparation for the theme, this past Fall chapters accepted the challenge to lead with vision by prayerfully creating a vision/mission statement for the chapter and then sharing that statement with the Assembly at this meeting. On Friday evening, workshop attendees will share their statements and plans for implementing them. The Saturday morning teaching continues the theme by featuring presentations and reports from chapters that have taken their statements a step further and turned them into actual projects. The Assembly will end with a short business meeting Saturday afternoon.

Please Complete the Survey for Cursillistas

To assist the Commission in its work, all of those who have attended a Cursillo weekend are asked to complete this five-question survey: Cursillo Survery


Cursillo in March

After several years of hiatus and much prayer, deliberation, study, team work and effort the new Cursillo weekend will be held at the Conference Center-Honey Creek- on March 19-23, 2014. Cursillo 118 is planned to be a life enriching experience for participants and will represent a new dawn in how to better live a Christ focused daily life.


Register for this Cursillo weekend online

or print and complete the paper application

Christ Church, Savannah
Church Flower Arranging Workshop Offered

The Christ Church Episcopal Flower Guild invites flower guilds from around the Diocese to join them for a flower arranging workshop and demonstration featuring Gay Estes on Saturday, February 8, 9-11 am. Gay is nationally acclaimed in the flower world as Projects Editor for Flower magazine. She is the author and illustrator of The Church Ladies Guide to Divine Flower Arranging and the illustrator of the Garden Club of Houston's Perennial Favorites: Portable Food and Seasonal Favorites: Festive Food


The demonstration will be in the church, 28 Bull Street on Johnson Square, Savannah. There is no charge to take part in the workshop and registration is not required. 

Youth Programs

Living the Story Retreat Coming February 21-23

The theme of this years February retreat is "Living the Story." Participants will explore who they are and what do they believe. This retreat is for those who are 14 years of age and older, and are looking to explore who they are as Christians and Episcopalians with other young people in the Diocese. The retreat will be lead by Maggie Bloodworth, Elizabeth Burns, Bishop Benhase, Canon Logue. Those young people seeking confirmation in 2014 are encouraged to attend. 


Register Now for Living the Story

Air Minister
The Rev. Al Crumpton, Rector of King of Peace, Kingsland, is shown in the studio of The Lighthouse 89.3 WECC with the owners, Paul & Vickie Hafer. Al has a background in radio and served as a guest "air minister" for the Camden County Christian radio station.
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The Episcopal Diocese of Georgia