From the Field
News & Events of the Church in Georgia
June 25, 2013Volume 3, Number 44
In This Issue
Diocesan Office Update
Community Update
All Saint's, Tybee
Four Deacons Ordained
St. Margaret's Moultrie
Young Adult Council
Young Adult Missionary
Hometown Missions
Youth Mission Trip
Mission Team Home from DR
Mission Trip to Peru
Camp Scholarships!
VBS Underway
Spotted in the Cemetery
Web Links

June 30th
Proper 8C

Want to Learn the Value of a Coach?
As part of the Lay and Clergy Leadership initiative we have a goal to provide Clergy in the Diocese greater support for both personal and professional development.  Professional business coaches have been used successfully in a wide variety disciplines and there has been documented successes among clergy in various denominations.

Coaches are not consultants that come in with all the answers.  Coaches are not spiritual directors.  Coaches are not counselors.  Coaches are not trying to "fix" a person.

Coaches assume that the person being coached is whole, creative and capable -- they do not need to be fixed. On the other hand, those who use coaches successfully will credit the coach for helping them think through critical issues, develop action plans, hold them accountable and celebrate successes.  A coaches role is to help the person being coached become more effective.

The Diocese has set a goal to have at least 12 certified clergy coaches available to coach and assist other clergy in the diocese.  Today we have 8 coaches that have completed their formal training and are already coaching.  Currently they need 100 hours of coaching under the supervision of a coach trainer.  Once this is completed they will be eligible for certification by the International Coaches Federation (ICF).

The coaches are the Revs.: Walter Hobgood (St. Margaret of Scotland, Moultrie), Tar Drazdowski (Christ Church, Valdosta), Joan Killian (Trinity, Statesboro), William Stewart (St. John and St. Marks, Albany), Deacon Ri Lamb (St. John and St. Marks, Albany), William "Buck" Lea (St. Phillips, Hinesville), Billy Alford (St. Albans, Augusta).

Note:  All coaching is done on a confidential basis, between the coach and person being coached.


Be among the first to have a coach!  If you are interested in reaching the next level of performance (and who doesn't), we encourage you to engage a coach (it is free).


To do this, contact The Rev. Walter Hobgood to help you select a coach.  He can reached at 229-630-6444 or

Diocesan Office Update  

On Sunday, Bishop Benhase will make his visitation to  St. John & St. Mark's, Albany.
This week Bishop Benhase is attending the Province IV Bishops & Spouses Meeting in Charleston, SC.
Canon Logue will preside and preach this Sunday at St. Patrick's, Pooler.
This week Program Manger Rudy Reyes will be attending the Episcopal Young Adult and Campus Missions Conference in Chicago.  

Diocesan Community Update

The four deacons ordained this past Saturday (shown at left) have been assigned to congregations: Deacon Michael Chaney to St. Paul the Apostle, Savannah; Deacon Larry Jesion to Christ Church, Augusta; Deacon Mollie Roberts to St. Paul's, Albany, and Deacon Carlene Taylor to King of Peace, Kingsland. Jesion and Taylor are vocational deacons, meaning they have been called to the full, separate order of deacons and will remain in this servant ministry of taking the church into the world and bringing the needs of the world to the church. Chaney and Robert are transitional deacons, meaning that they are called to the priesthood and in keeping with church tradition and canons will serve a period of no less than six months and then, with the approval of the Bishop and Standing Committee, be ordained to the priesthood. Chaney will serve in a bi-vocational role, continuing full-time in his work as a film professor at Savannah College of Art and Design.  Roberts is the assistant at St. Paul's and will remain in that full-time call.

All Saint's, Tybee

Bishop's Visitation 

Bishop Benhase and the Rev. Helen White with confirmands. 

Four Deacons Ordained on June 22 

Bishop Benhase ordained four persons to the Sacred Order of Deacons this past Saturday, June 22-Michael Chaney, sponsored by St. Michael's, Savannah; Carlene Taylor sponsored by Christ Church, St. Mary'; Larry Jesion sponsored by Holy Comforter, Martinez; and Mollie Roberts sponsored by St. Peter's, Savannah. Bishop Benhase preached the ordination sermon calling the new deacons to bring scandal and embarrassment to the church, clarifying how fully living into the Gospel could lead to godly actions which can be at odds with the culture. The full text of the Bishop's ordination sermon is online here:

The Diocese thanks St. Paul the Apostle, Savannah for hosting the ordination liturgy and the Savannah Convocation church who hosted the reception.

St. Margaret of Scotland, Moultrie
Supporting Ministry to Those in Need
Last week was a banner week for St. Margaret of Scotland.  

On Wednesday June 12th, St. Margaret of Scotland hosted 90 volunteer health care workers from schools of nursing and dental schools in the state.  Each year volunteers come to Colquitt County  through the Ellenton Clinic to provide free medical services for migrant workers.  They provide physicals and immunization shots for the children, provide care for pregnant workers and in general provide for those that would not have any form of health care.  Each year the people at St. Margaret's have hosted the health care workers for a lunch during their two stay visit to the area.  St. Margaret's is well known for their homemade desserts.  Returning health care workers tend start at the dessert table before getting their meal.  

On Saturday June 15th, St. Margaret's held a Yard Sale to raise money to send children to summer camp at Honey Creek.  Our goal was to raise enough money to send at least 2 children.  In the end we will sent 4 or 5.  We wanted to reach out to those less fortunate in the community and we will send at least 3 children to Camp Phun.  We were able to put out yard signs and banners around the community, get a front page picture and article in the Moultrie Observer the week of the Yard Sale and Fox 31 out of Albany cover the yard sale on the 11 P.M. news on June 15th.  This event brought the congregation together for a common cause, raised the awareness of the ministries at St. Margaret's, made available goods to those that can least afford them and will give a few children the experience of a life time.

Diocesan Young Adult Programs

Diocese Forming Young Adult Council

The Diocese is seeking to form a Diocesan Young Adult Council composed of young adults (18 to 30-something) to provide leadership in young adult ministry across the diocese. Young adults, although they're grouped together, are often at very different stages in their lives. They're married, partnered, single, with children, divorced, widowed. They leave high school and enter the work force, the military, or college. 


The Young Adult Council will seek to build community and provide ways for young adults to grow and serve together. Young adult ministry encompasses campus ministry, parish based young adult ministry, Vocare, and Columba House. Each member of the Young Adult Council will be designated an area of focus. Young Adult Council will meet quarterly in person or via WebEx.


Diocesan Young Adult Council will work on several areas related to young adult ministry in the diocese. This would include:

  • Strengthen the bonds between the various campus ministries
  • Support the transition from youth to young adult ministry
  • Recruit for Vocare in Georgia ministry
  • Plan, implement, and lead a yearly young adult retreat
  • Grow parish based young adult ministry
  • Facilitate community amongst young adults in the diocese


You can find out more information about diocesan young adult programs at the new diocesan young adult website at


If you are interested in serving on Young Adult Council or know someone who might be, please contact Program Manager Rudy Reyes at or 912-236-4279. 

Young Adult Service Corps

Albany Priest's Daughter Gives Year to Missions

Sara Lowery is headed to Hong King for a year of mission work. She is the oldest daughter of St. Paul's Albany Rector, the Rev. Lee Lowery and his wife Linda. Sara graduated this spring from the University of the South (Sewanee) with a bachelor's degree in International and Global Studies and a minor in Women's and Gender Studies, leaves in August for a year-long mission in Hong Kong-and she needs some help; but first, Sara's story:


"I have been called to the Young Adult Service Corps of the Episcopal Church, and I am about to embark on a year-long mission to Hong Kong. YASC is a division of Global Partnerships with the national Episcopal Church and focuses on connecting people through the Anglican Communion by sending young people to serve as missionaries in foreign dioceses.


"Mission in the Episcopal Church means 'to be sent out' and is rooted in building transnational relationships and learning from one another. I have been fortunate enough to be placed at the Mission for Migrant Workers (MfMW), a ministry of the Diocese of Hong Kong, which works with migrant women from the Philippines and Indonesia who work as Foreign Domestic Workers (maids) in Hong Kong. The group provides both a physical shelter and legal advocacy for women who, after leaving their families behind to give them a better life, often face legal, sexual, and financial abus-es. I feel particularly called to this ministry be-cause of my passion for women's advocacy, and I know that I am being called to the right place at the right time," Sara said.


  In order to do this, Sara needs an enormous amount of emotional, financial, and spiritual support. The cost of a YASC year is around $22,000; the Global Mission Service asks that each YASCer raise $10,000 to support their mission. This helps cover training, airfare, visas, housing, medical insurance, and a food stipend. While the amount may seem high, it breaks down to around $30 a day-or 334 donations of $30, or 200 donations of $50, or 100 donations of $100.


The Diocese of Georgia has given a small gift through the Bishop's Fund from diocesan visitations, but we wish to support the Diocese of Alabama who is collecting funds in support of Sara's work. Checks can be made out to Episcopal Diocese of Alabama and mailed-ATTN: Rob Morpeth, 521 N. 20th St., Birmingham, AL 35203. Please note that the gift is for Sara Lowery.


You can keep up with Sara during this year through her blog for this YASC mission

Diocesan Youth Programs

Hometown Missions Work Day

Hometown Missions 2013 work day is Saturday July 20 at Columba House, and is open to 6th through 12th graders. There is no cost associated with this Hometown Missions work day. Food will be provided. 


Hometown Missions is helping prepare Columba House for the young adult Interns, who will be living as a intentional community and begin their year of service this August.


Hometown Missions is a event that allows participants to engage in small-scale, mission-focused projects in and around a selected church in the diocese. Participants are divided into work groups according to ability/age. 


For more information on Hometown Missions 2013, please email Liz Williams at


Click here to register online for this event.

The Youth Team travels by bus from the airport in Santo Domingo on Monday evening. 


Diocesan Youth Programs  

Youth Mission Trip in the DR Now

Our team from Youth Programs of the Diocese of Georgia is now on the ground in the Dominican Republic for our Summer 2013 Mission Trip. They will be traveling to Mao, a town in the mountains, to work with the local church by providing materials and energy for a Vacation Bible School. They will also be working on the church buildings and grounds. The group returns July 1. Please remember the team in your prayers.


Companion Diocese

Mission Team Home from the Dominican Republic 

Seventeen members of a mission team sponsored by Christ Church Valdosta are back home from work in the village of El Pedregal in the Dominican Republic, the site of Christ Church's work in the DR since 2001. Their main tasks included knitting and crocheting instruction and also house construction on two sites, both involving formerly wooden house frames that are being rebuilt as concrete block structures for families who are members of the local Episcopal church in El Pedregal. The team arrived in the DR on June 15th and returned on June 22nd. For more information on the Diocese of Georgia's work in the DR, go here:
You can also follow the team on Christ Church, Valdosta's Facebook page.


St. Mark's, Brunswick 

Mission Team to Peru Is Home   

The team from St. Mark's Brunswick that visited with the Cooper Family to support their mission work has just returned. While in Peru, the group assisted in setting up Townsend's office and doing other work in support of the Cooper family. The Coopers are St.. Mark's members deployed as missionaries through SAMS, an Anglican missionary sending organization working in South America. The Cooper Family web page is

Summer Camp Season in Full Swing 

The Summer Camp season is in full swing at Honey Creek with the counselors trained last week and the High School Camp taking place this week. The remaining camp sessions still have some limited spaces available:


June 23 - 29, 2013 / Camp St. Joseph & Mary I  (completed grades 3-5)


July 7 - 13, 2013 / Camp St. Peter I (completed grades 6-8)


July 14 - 20, 2013 / Camp St. Joseph & Mary II (completed grades 3-5)
July 21 - 27, 2013 / Camp St. Peter II (completed grades 6-8)  

Scholarship Assistance Available

Thanks to generous donations from our diocesan community, including Episcopal Youth and children Services (EYCS), we have a healthy pool of scholarship assistance available. If you have or know kids who would enjoy the summer camp experience, but who might not be able to afford to go, please encourage them to apply. Generally, the Diocese expects even when a scholarship is granted that a third of the fee will come from the family, a third from the church and a third from the Diocese. But because of the generosity of others we can, in some cases award first come, first serve scholarships even in cases where the need is greater. 


Full information is online here: Honey Creek Summer Camp  With any additional questions, contact Summer Camp Director, Elizabeth Burns by email at   

Christ Church, Savannah and All Saint's, Tybee Island led a joint Vocation Bible School. 


Vacation Bible School Across the Diocese 

We want to share your Vacation Bible School with the Diocese in photo album collecting pictures of our kid-friendly catechesis taking place around the Diocese this summer. Send photos from your congregation's VBS to

The photos will be added to a VBS album and used at the diocesan website. You can visit this summer's VBS album online. Some of the photos will be shared here in From the Field. If you create a Facebook or other online album, you may also just send a link to that album to the address above and our online photo gallery curator, Julius Arial, will copy the photos to the diocesan album.

Spotted in the Cemetery
Deer on the grounds of Christ Church, Frederica, on St. Simons Island.
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Diocesan Staff                                
The Episcopal Diocese of Georgia