Can My Company Keep Me From Carrying a Gun?

Can your company have a policy forbidding you from carrying a handgun? Can an employer legally keep you from having a handgun in your own car? In this week’s video, U.S. Law Shield Independent Program Attorney Davis Katz explains exactly what your employer can and cannot do to restrict your gun rights.

Is Florida About to Become Number 46?

Forty-five states allow or have passed legislation that will allow its citizens to openly carry handguns. Florida is one of the few remaining holdouts. That could all change as Sen. Don Gaetz and his son, Rep. Matt Gaetz, introduced matching bills in their respective chambers to permit open carry and are steering the bills through committees towards a showdown when the next legislative session begins in January, 2016

Come and Meet Your Independent Firearms Program Attorneys!

New laws are always being passed and the courts continue to issue their interpretation of these laws. Thinking you know the law may just get you in hot water. Stay updated on the latest gun law changes. Attend a seminar and bring a friend. Go to for upcoming seminars and events near you. Stay legal!

Get Rewarded for Sharing U.S. Law Shield!

U.S. Law Shield's Refer-a-Friend program offers you great rewards for referring someone who joins our family. Share the peace of mind your membership gives you and strengthen the movement to protect safety and liberty. To start sharing now, click here.

The Best Coverage Just Got Better! All Legal Weapons Now Covered!

You will now be covered for not only the use of a firearm, but for any legal weapon you use in self-defense – AND AT NO COST TO YOU! Watch this video with U.S. Law Shield President Kirk Evans as he explains the new benefits your base coverage now includes.

How to Draw Your Handgun While In Your Car

Knowing how to safely and efficiently draw your handgun while seated in your car may one day save your life in a self-defense situation. Our friends at the National Shooting Sports Foundation have put together this video to show you an effective way to draw your gun in an emergency.

Seal the Wound and Save a Life

Continuing our series of Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC), Dwayne McBryde returns to teach airway management and treatment of wounds associated with trauma to the airway. Knowing how to quickly correct any airway problems may mean the difference between life and death.