December 11, 2014 |
Give The Gift Of Legal Protection This Holiday Season |

If you're scrambling for stocking stuffers but worry gift cards or Groupons seem thoughtless, consider giving a U.S. Law Shield membership, the gift that gives peace of mind to your favorite gun owner.
Complete your holiday shopping for your gun-owning friends and family today! Purchase a one-year U.S. Law Shield gift membership by contacting us now at 877-474-7184 or online at store.USLawShield.com. Don't wait any longer!
The last day to order is December 17 or while supplies last. All memberships will be shipped December 18 to ensure they make it to stockings in time for Christmas.
Member Sound-Off: Do You Support Campus Carry? |
We want to hear your stories and your feedback. This week we’d like to ask you about a subject that we’ve seen gun owners divided on.
Tell us: Do you support allowing students and/or faculty to carry on college campuses if they have a WCL?
The more responses and feedback we receive, the better we will be able to serve you, our member base, in the coming months and years. This will help us correctly distribute resources to effectively fight for our liberty. We look forward to your responses.
David Donchecz
Vice President of Member Services
To answer David’s question, simply click here or the photo and respond in the comment section. Remember, you may need to be signed into your Facebook account to type a response. If you aren’t following U.S. Law Shield on Facebook, now is a perfect time to do so. Simply click the “Like” button at the top of the U.S. Law Shield page for daily content regarding firearms news and law changes across the country. We appreciate that some members don’t feel comfortable posting publically that they own firearms or have a legal carry permit, so please feel free to still share what you think about carry on college campuses by sending an email to David Donchecz at davidd@uslawshield.com.
ATF Moves Proposed Date Again |
Christmas came early this year for people who are thinking about buying NFA regulated items! The ATF has moved the date for the proposed rule that could affect your ability to own a suppressor, short-barreled weapon, machine gun, or AOW.
As some may recall, in September of 2013 the ATF proposed a rule that would require all “responsible persons” to receive Chief Law Enforcement Officer authorization in order to purchase NFA regulated items. If enacted “as-is,” this rule could potentially put a halt to the purchase of all NFA regulated items (i.e., suppressors), for all practical purposes. After fierce opposition during the public commenting period (click here to read U.S. Law Shield’s response to Proposed Rule 41p), the ATF set an initial target date of June 2014 to publish the final rule, but had to delay until January 2015.
U.S. Law Shield is glad to report that the ATF has pushed the final rule’s target publication date to May 2015. In the meantime, the law will continue to operate in the exact same fashion. Once the ATF publishes their final rule, it will come into effect at earliest 30 days from publication (or later, if the ATF chooses an effective date after that). Keep in mind, this is still merely a target date; the rule could be published early, or they could continue to delay its publication. U.S. Law Shield will keep its members informed of this situation and of any changes in the law that impact their firearm rights.
Before any new rule goes into effect, make sure you check out our NFA Trust Program here.
QuickLinks |
U.S. Law Shield Principal Office 1020 Bay Area Blvd., Suite 220 Houston, TX 77058 |
Telephone: 877-474-7184 Website: www.uslawshield.com