Members: Have You Filled Out
Your Legal Emergency Plan?
Members, if you haven't filled out your free Legal Emergency Plan yet, you're not as protected as you should be! Take just a moment, sign in to your member portal and fill out your Legal Emergency Plan for your program attorneys so they have it if they need it.
How To Do It:
- Visit
- Use your Member Number from your TLS card as your Username.
- If this is your first time logging on, use your last name as your Password (if your password isn't working, you may reset your password using the reset password button).
- Click on the Legal Emergency Plan prompt.
- Fill out your information for your program attorneys.
For those who have a Couple's Plan, use the primary account holder's login information to access the Member Portal. If you are having difficulty logging in, please use the password reset button on the login page to change your password. If you have any issues please feel free to contact us at or 877-448-6839.
If you have already successfully signed in to the Member Portal: continue to sign in using your Member Number as your Username, and continue using your existing password.