Conservation in the Kootenays
Monthly eNews

October is here, and with it comes many great stewardship and conservation opportunities and events. We hope you enjoy this monthly update! 

You can click here throughout the month to check out current news and events on our blog. Please submit any news you'd like to share with our network by the third week of each month to

As always, a big thanks goes out to our supporters! You can click here to read more about some of the great organizations that support conservation in the Kootenays. 

West Kootenay Stewardship Workshop - Caring for Land and Water: Improving Outreach to Private Landowners
October 19, Nelson
This free KCP workshop will explore together how best to support landowner outreach for stewardship on private lands, how to work more collaboratively towards this goal, and what role the KCP can play in strengthening our efforts. This workshop is open to all local organizations and government to encourage a broad participation of practitioners.
East Kootenay Stewardship Workshop - Caring for Land and Water: Improving Outreach to Private Landowners
October 20, Cranbrook
This free KCP workshop will explore together how best to support landowner outreach for stewardship on private lands, how to work more collaboratively towards this goal, and what role the KCP can play in strengthening our efforts. This workshop is open to all local organizations and government to encourage a broad participation of practitioners.

2016 Fall Gathering & AGM
November 25-26, Creston
The organizing theme for this year's Fall Gathering is "Promoting Conservation on Private Land: A Local Conservation Toolkit". We will explore five main elements of a local conservation toolbox including landowner outreach, stewardship agreements and assessments, capacity building and resources, local conservation fund, and securement. Special guests include Lorne Fitch to share insights from the Cows and Fish program in Alberta, DG Blair from the Stewardship Centre for BC, and Jill Robinson from Habitat Acquisition Trust in Victoria to share their successes and resources for private land conservation. 

Conservation Leadership Awards
Winner to be announced at our Fall Gathering! 
Thank you for your nominations! The 2016 Awards are now closed for submitting nominations, and the winner will be announced at our Fall Gathering. These awards recognize individuals who are proven leaders and contribute to the field of conservation in the Kootenays. 

Faces & Places Monthly Partner Feature
Marlene Machmer: Pandion Ecological Research
Marlene is a registered professional biologist who has focused her career on identifying and conserving biodiversity in the Kootenay Region. She is the Managing Director and Principal Ecologist with Pandion Ecological Research Ltd. based in Nelson. She has a Masters in Ecology from SFU and 27 years of broad-based experience with ecosystem, wildlife habitat, and biodiversity inventory, research, management, and monitoring. Marlene was inspired when she first arrived here in 1987 to study the Kootenay Lake osprey population and she continues to work tirelessly to promote responsible stewardship of the impressive biological diversity our region has to offer.

Local Conservation Fund Feature Project
Groundwater Monitoring: Living Lakes Canada
This month's CVLCF feature project is Groundwater Monitoring by Living Lakes Canada and a project of Wildsight. Project partners include Lake Windermere Ambassadors, Province of BC, Real Estate Foundation of BC and Columbia Basin Trust. The project identified wells that had been drilled to provide drinking water, but which were currently not in use. The wells were fit with a level logger and barologger to measure groundwater levels and air pressure respectively. Volunteers from the local area visited the wells monthly to take a manual water level measurement and upload water level data onto a portable "data shuttle." This groundwater level data has been graphed and analyzed on an on-going basis to identify changes and trends. The data has also been used to look into the relationship with precipitation and the potential relationship with surface water..

The Kootenay Lake Local Conservation Fund and the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund are now open and will be accepting project proposals until October 31. 

Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society (CKISS)
Give Invasive Species the Brush Off! 
Leaves changing colour, crisp air, the harvest moon; these are signs that autumn has arrived. This time of year is an ideal time to go enjoy the great outdoors and go for a hike. Go outside and play, however be sure you are not bringing any unwanted invasive species with you that could be hitching a ride on your boots, backpack, clothing, vehicle or pet. The Kootenays is blessed with an epic selection of hiking trails and it's now easier then ever for YOU to protect them.  CKISS and B.C. Parks worked together to encourage park users to 'Play Clean Go' in order to protect the native ecosystems against invasive species introduction and spread. You will see NEW 'Play Clean Go' signs and boot brushes at 18 different trail heads and recreation sites within B.C parks located in the West Kootenays.

Rural Development Institute
A Plentiful Harvest
It can be very difficult to make a living growing food. This is one of the key findings of the RDI's recent Food Systems Project. This project focused on identifying opportunities to sustainably increase food production in the region. The results of this work included: identifying underutilized agricultural land, highlighting resources for food systems planning and action, drawing attention to innovative solutions, looking at climate trends, and more. The RDI is not the only one investigating our regional food system. The recently launched Food Policy Council for the Central Kootenay is another example, as is the identification of agriculture as one of Columbia Basin Trust's strategic priorities.

Environment and Climate Change Canada
Columbia National Wildlife Area Management Plan Welcomes Public Comments
The posted Columbia National Wildlife Area Management Plan outlines the framework that will be used by Environment and Climate Change Canada staff to guide decision making for this protected area. It specifies activities that are allowed and identifies other activities which may be undertaken under the authority of a permit. It also outlines management activities that our staff carry out or coordinate such as monitoring wildlife, research, maintaining and improving wildlife habitat, periodic inspections of facilities, enforcement of regulations, and the maintenance of signs and other infrastructure. The consultation period runs from September 19 to November 19, 2016.

BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO)
Arrow Timber Supply Review Process
You are invited the provide comments on the second and last public document for the Arrow Timber Supply Review process entitled "Arrow Timber Supply Area Timber Supply Analysis Discussion Paper". The Timber Supply Review (TSR) determines the allowable annual cut (AAC), which reflects the maximum amount of timber that can be harvested from the Timber Supply Area (TSA), in this case, the Arrow TSA. The Arrow TSA is located in the West Kootenay area and includes the communities of Rossland, Trail, Castlegar, Salmo, Slocan, New Denver, Silverton, Fruitvale and Nakusp. The discussion paper document provides a summary of the timber supply analysis based on the inventory and management information and assumptions that best reflect current forest management found in the previously published "Data Package" in the spring.
Public input is a vital part of the timber supply review process and your feedback is welcome on the Discussion Paper related to the timber supply review for the Arrow TSA until November 21, 2016.

The KCP encourages partners to take advantage of our eNews - send your content to
Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program
Deadline: October 28
If you to have an idea to deliver a fish or wildlife project in the Columbia region that aligns with an Action Plan with the Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP), then act now! All FWCP online grant applications must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time on Friday, October 28, 2016. New grant applicants will need to register online, and returning grant applicants can use their existing login credentials to start a new grant application.

Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund
Deadline: October 31
The Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) in partnership with the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) provide funding for projects that benefit conservation in the area from Spillimacheen to Canal Flats through the Columbia Valley Local Conservation Fund (CVLCF). The purpose of the CVLCF is to provide local financial support for important projects that will contribute to the conservation of our valuable natural areas; one step towards restoring and preserving a healthy environment.

Kootenay Lake Local Conservation Fund
Deadline: October 31
The Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) in partnership with the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) provide funding for projects that benefit conservation in the rural areas around Kootenay Lake through the Kootenay Lake Local Conservation Fund (KLLCF). The purpose of the KLLCF is to provide local financial support for important projects that will contribute to the conservation of our valuable natural areas; one step towards restoring and preserving a healthy environment.

Wildlife Habitat Canada
Deadline: November 1
Wildlife Habitat Canada (WHC) is now accepting grant funding applications for projects that will be carried out during the 2017-2018 fiscal year (April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018). WHC primarily supports projects that support the priority activities under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP), including the human dimensions goal, as well as regional and local habitat projects of importance to other migratory game birds. 

EcoAction Community Funding Program
Deadline: November 1
The Program encourages action focused projects that will protect, rehabilitate or enhance the natural environment, and build the capacity of communities to sustain these activities into the future.

Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation Enhancement and Restoration Grants
Deadline: November 2
These grants are provided to projects that:  focus on freshwater wild fish, native wildlife species and their habitats; have the potential to achieve a significant conservation outcome; best represent the interests of the Trust Foundations' contributors, and maintain or enhance opportunities for fishing, hunting, trapping, wildlife viewing and associated outdoor recreational activities.

Grassland and Rangeland Enhancement Program
Ongoing intake
Delivered for the Columbia BasinTrust by the Kootenay Livestock Association, the Grassland and Rangeland Enhancement Program supports efforts to maintain and/or enhance grassland resources while meeting conservation, environmental and recreational objectives. Objectives include promoting the stewardship of the grassland resource, striving to maintain and enhance biodiversity and long-term fish and wildlife productivity in public grassland ecosystems and improving compatibility between livestock management and recreation use. Currently accepting applications for projects for the 2016 funding. 
Senior Environmental Protection Officer
Ministry of Environment
The Senior Environmental Protection Officer of the Compliance Team provides advice to ministry staff, elected officials, industry and municipal executives, other agencies and the public on the Environmental Management Act, the management of industrial, municipal, agricultural, point and non-point source wastes and hazardous materials and controversial or complex waste management issues. They also lead regional and area-based planning, developing systematic approaches, policies and regulations, manage authorizations of high-risk, complex and unique sites/situations in the region, conducting source monitoring to study impacts of toxins and wastes to lead compliance, and
is accountable for reviewing and approving the work of qualified professionals including Professional Engineers.

Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network
Wild Voices for Kids Community Educators
Are you conducting stewardship or conservation activities in the Columbia Basin region? CBEEN's Wild Voices for Kids program connects individuals who are involved with stewardship and conservation with teachers looking to share this with their students. CBEEN also finds funding for travel and offer an honoraria to presenters. 
Free BEC Training for LMH 70 and Supplement Area
October 6, Creston
The new BEC field guide and supplement covering the South-Central Columbia Mountains has just been released (see map below showing the area covered). In order to support those of you who will be using this new information, free, one-day training courses will be offered by Deb MacKillop, Mike Ryan, and  Audrey Ehman. These sessions will include a 1-2  hour office-based presentation reviewing the BEC system and outlining some of the changes. The remainder of the day will be spent in the field, using the new guide. Click here to access the new guide. 

Roundtable on the Crown of the Continent Annual Conference 
October 13 - 14, Fernie
The Roundtable is an ongoing forum to bring together people who care about this special place. The theme for this year's conference is "One Backyard: Celebrating a Shared Landscape." It will celebrate the culture, communities and conservation of the Crown region, and will be attended by leaders in academia, local government, First Nations and Tribes, conservation groups, private land partnerships, business and industry, government agencies, and communities from around the 18 million acre region.

Environment Expo in the Park
October 15, Nelson
The Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society (CKISS) is hosting the Expo and invites all Kootenay residents to attend. The Expo is designed to be fun and informative for people of all ages. There event will kick off with nature inspired face painting from Grasshopper Lane Artworks, live bluegrass music from the band "The String Birds" and a BBQ lunch. The conclusion of the event will be the CKISS Annual General Meeting.

Bio-engineering: A Restoration Course
October 18 - 19, Revelstoke
Join the Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology for this course. Soil bioengineering is an applied science that uses live plant materials, rocks, soil and landscape elements to perform an engineering function such as slope stabilization, soil erosion control or seepage control. Course instructor, David Polster, has been involved in the reclamation of severely disturbed sites for over 35 years.  He was president of the Canadian Land Reclamation Association and is on the board of the Society for Ecological Restoration (BC Chapter and International board). 

Trend Analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment
October 18 - 20, Revelstoke 
Environmental impact assessments want to know if trends over time differ between control and impact sites. Statistical methods for the analysis of trends over time use many of the same methods as the analysis of experimental data (e.g. ANOVA, regression) but must now deal with problems such as autocorrelation and process error.

West Kootenay Stewardship Workshop: Caring for Land and Water: Improving Outreach to Private Landowners
October 19, Nelson
This free KCP workshop will explore together how best to support landowner outreach for stewardship on private lands, how to work more collaboratively towards this goal, and what role the KCP can play in strengthening our efforts. This workshop is open to all local organizations and government to encourage a broad participation of practitioners.

East Kootenay Stewardship Workshop: Caring for Land and Water: Improving Outreach to Private Landowners
October 20, Cranbrook
This free KCP workshop will explore together how best to support landowner outreach for stewardship on private lands, how to work more collaboratively towards this goal, and what role the KCP can play in strengthening our efforts. This workshop is open to all local organizations and government to encourage a broad participation of practitioners.

International Land Conservation Network (ILCN) Cross-Boundary Collaboration Workshop
October 27, Minneapolis
The ILCN will host a daylong session at the Minneapolis Central Library focused on cross-border collaboration for private land conservation. Featuring case studies from Mexico, Canada, the European Union, the United States and others, we will explore successful models of cross-border conservation collaboration, planning, and fundraising. Presenters will share lessons learned and discuss how their successes may be replicated in other localities. There will also be time to network with other international participants and to discuss how the ILCN may best serve this community. 

Building Bridges: Citizens, Science and Policy
November 1, Banff
This November, as part of the North American Lake Management Society Symposium in Banff, Alberta, Living Lakes Canada is hosting the first ever national dialogue on community-based water monitoring. This interactive, full-day workshop will connect indigenous and non-indigenous citizen scientists with some of the world's leading water scientists.

Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative: 7th Annual Northwest Climate Conference
November 14, Stevenson
The annual NW Climate Conference is the region's premier opportunity for a cross-disciplinary exchange of knowledge and ideas relating to climate impacts and adaptation. The conference brings together up to 400 researchers, resource managers and policy makers from academia, public agencies, sovereign tribal nations, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector, to share the latest climate science, challenges to infrastructure, industry, environment and communities, and adaptive solutions. Abstracts will be due on July 15. 

Field Leader Certification Course & Winter Module
November 24 - 26, Fernie
Join CBEEN for the Outdoor Council of Canada's Field Leader certification course including the Winter Module. This intensive two-day course introduces the roles and responsibilities of the leader. Discover the values and systems that promote high-quality low-risk outdoor programs. 

KCP Fall Gathering & AGM
November 25 - 26, Creston
The organizing theme for this year's Fall Gathering is "Promoting Conservation on Private Land: A Local Conservation Toolkit". We will explore five main elements of a local conservation toolbox including landowner outreach, stewardship agreements and assessments, capacity building and resources, local conservation fund, and securement. Special guests include Lorne Fitch to share insights from the Cows and Fish program in Alberta, DG Blair from the Stewardship Centre for BC, and Jill Robinson from Habitat Acquisition Trust in Victoria to share their successes and resources for private land conservation. 

Celebration of Environmental Education
November 26, Fernie
Celebrate the value of environmental education at this event which showcases the incredible depth and value of environmental education programs around the region. This wine & cheese event will include an Environmental Education Expo, Vignettes, and the presentation of the 2016 Awards of Environmental Education Excellence. 

River Restoration Northwest Stream Restoration Symposium
February 7 - 9, Columbia River Gorge
River Restoration Northwest is gearing up for the 16th Annual River Restoration Symposium at Skamania Lodge in Stevenson Washington February 7-9, 2017.  They have issued a call for Session Proposals and Oral/Poster Abstracts.  

Community-based Social Marketing (CBSM) Institute
June 1 - 2, Castlegar
This 2-day Institute will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of community-based social marketing and how it is being applied throughout the world, and in the Columbia Basin, to foster sustainable behaviour. Attendees will learn the 5 steps of community-based social marketing and be exposed to numerous case studies, as well as have the opportunity to identify key behaviour changes they wish to target in their audiences. 
Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network
Organization Directory
CBEEN has just launched an online searchable directory of over 100 organizations that support environmental education opportunities for all ages in the Columbia Basin. This list can be searched and sorted by region, activity type, audience, and theme, and includes many KCP partners.


If you have news or announcements that you would like to share via our eNews, please email them to by the 26th of each month.