Wetland Restoration Design Workshop
September 14 - 15, Burton
Join the BC Wildlife Federation over 2 days and learn about wetland restoration design from complex drawdown zones to basic techniques, and through a mix of in-class presentations and hands-on activities. Read more here.
Graphic Facilitation Workshop
September 19 - 20, Rossland
Imagine you are planning a project, facilitating a meeting or writing a report. Putting words on a page assumes people will understand them exactly. Adding visuals invites conversation, discussion and exploration. Visuals spark the imagination, help communities plan their futures and help groups track progress. This two-day experiential workshop provides the skills and confidence needed to use a range of visuals in your work and engage beyond words.
Columbia Wetlands Waterbird Survey (CWWS)
September 29, October 5 & October 15, Columbia Wetlands
Do you want to be immersed in a bio diverse setting while collecting valuable baseline data on waterbirds? If so, participating in the CWWS is for you! Training dates are set to occur in Golden on Sept 21st and in Invermere on Sept 22nd. High optical gear is lent to those in need. Participating in the CWWS is a great way to learn more about birds and the Columbia Wetlands, and your efforts help us to learn more about species abundance and distribution during spring and fall migrations, leading to potential Important Bird Area designation. For more information or to register, please contact racheldarvill@gmail.com or call 250-344-5530.
Inquiring Voices Sustainability Symposium
September 30 - October 2, Glacier National Park
The Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network will host their 2016 Sustainability Symposium at the Alpine Club of Canada's Wheeler Hut in spectacular Glacier National Park. This small-scale professional development retreat brings together educators who live in the same bioregion to form a rich learning community meet to share, support, and collaborate with one another.
QGIS for Beginners
October 1, Nakusp SWAMP and Slocan Lake Research Centre will be leading an introduction to GIS and the use of QGIS, a low-cost, open source mapping package. The course will be offered through Selkirk College CEWT, at the Nakusp Campus.
Roundtable on the Crown of the Continent Annual Conference
October 13 - 14, Fernie
The Roundtable is an ongoing forum to bring together people who care about this special place. It is based on the observation that the future of the Crown of the Continent is being shaped by over 100 government agencies, non-government organizations, and place-based partnerships. While these various initiatives operate somewhat independent of each other, the Roundtable provides a unique opportunity to connect people that share a common commitment to the region.
Bio-engineering: A Restoration Course
October 18 - 19, Revelstoke
Join the Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology for this course. Soil bioengineering is an applied science that uses live plant materials, rocks, soil and landscape elements to perform an engineering function such as slope stabilization, soil erosion control or seepage control. Course instructor, David Polster, has been involved in the reclamation of severely disturbed sites for over 35 years. He was president of the Canadian Land Reclamation Association and is on the board of the Society for Ecological Restoration (BC Chapter and International board).
Trend Analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment
October 18 - 20, Revelstoke
Environmental impact assessments want to know if trends over time differ between control and impact sites. Statistical methods for the analysis of trends over time use many of the same methods as the analysis of experimental data (e.g. ANOVA, regression) but must now deal with problems such as autocorrelation and process error.
Landowner Outreach Workshops
October 19 - 20, Nelson and Cranbrook
Caring for Land and Water: Improving Outreach to Private Landowners in the Kootenays is a workshop being offered by KCP this October that will explore how to more effectively and collectively engage and support private landowners interested in taking care of their property. One of the important roles KCP plays in our region is to strengthen collaboration among stewardship groups and resource managers in order to achieve positive benefits for private land conservation. This free workshop will be offered in both the East and West Kootenays, and is open to local organizations interested in exploring better ways to collaborate, coordinate and address gaps.
International Land Conservation Network (ILCN) Cross-Boundary Collaboration Workshop
October 27, Minneapolis
The ILCN will host a daylong session at the Minneapolis Central Library focused on cross-border collaboration for private land conservation. Featuring case studies from Mexico, Canada, the European Union, the United States and others, we will explore successful models of cross-border conservation collaboration, planning, and fundraising. Presenters will share lessons learned and discuss how their successes may be replicated in other localities. There will also be time to network with other international participants and to discuss how the ILCN may best serve this community.
Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative: 7th Annual Northwest Climate Conference
November 14, Stevenson
The annual NW Climate Conference is the region's premier opportunity for a cross-disciplinary exchange of knowledge and ideas relating to climate impacts and adaptation. The conference brings together up to 400 researchers, resource managers and policy makers from academia, public agencies, sovereign tribal nations, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector, to share the latest climate science, challenges to infrastructure, industry, environment and communities, and adaptive solutions. Abstracts will be due on July 15.
Field Leader Certification Course & Winter Module
November 24 - 26, Fernie
Join CBEEN for the Outdoor Council of Canada's Field Leader certification course including the Winter Module. This intensive two-day course introduces the roles and responsibilities of the leader. Discover the values and systems that promote high-quality low-risk outdoor programs.
Get Outdoors Workshop
November 26, Fernie
Explore the new curriculum outdoors at this engaging 1-day workshop. Dig into activities, beginning with inquiry. Get immersed in experiences, exchange ideas and make connections to big ideas and curricular competencies. Discover new ways to integrate place-based learning and community connections to your practice.
Celebration of Environmental Education
November 26, Fernie
Celebrate the value of environmental education at this event which showcases the incredible depth and value of environmental education programs around the region. This wine & cheese event will include an Environmental Education Expo, Vignettes, and the presentation of the 2016 Awards of Environmental Education Excellence.
KCP Fall Gathering & AGM
November 25 - 26, Creston
The KCP Fall Gathering & AGM serves as one of the primary vehicles to connect and re-connect KCP partners from across the region. The organizing theme for this year's Fall Gathering is "Promoting Conservation on Private Land: A Local Conservation Toolkit". We will explore four main elements of a local conservation toolbox including landowner outreach, capacity building and resources, local conservation fund, and securement. Special guests include Lorne Fitch to share insights from the Cows and Fish program in Alberta, and Jill Robinson from Habitat Acquisition Trust in Victoria to share their successes with landowner outreach programs. We will take advantage of this opportunity to also have a very short (45 minute) Annual General Meeting for KCP partners.
River Restoration Northwest Stream Restoration Symposium
February 7 - 9, Columbia River Gorge
River Restoration Northwest is gearing up for the 16th Annual River Restoration Symposium at Skamania Lodge in Stevenson Washington February 7-9, 2017. They have issued a call for Session Proposals and Oral/Poster Abstracts.
Community-based Social Marketing (CBSM) Institute
June 1 - 2, Castlegar
This 2-day Institute will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of community-based social marketing and how it is being applied throughout the world, and in the Columbia Basin, to foster sustainable behaviour. Attendees will learn the 5 steps of community-based social marketing and be exposed to numerous case studies, as well as have the opportunity to identify key behaviour changes they wish to target in their audiences.