KCP eNews

April 2015 

Spring has arrived, and conservation is in the air. We look forward to hearing about your conservation and stewardship initiatives as they move from great ideas to action.

Please click here if you took part in one of the Winter Webinars we hosted in partnership with the Columbia Basin Watershed Network. We'd love to get your feedback on how we can make future webinars better, and what topics you would like us to focus on to help build your capacity.

We hope you enjoy your monthly conservation update. You can click here at anytime during the month to check out current news and events on our blog. As always, please submit any news you'd like to share with our network by the 26th of each month to info@kootenayconservation.ca

Todd Hebert

Blue Lake Forest Education Society

Todd Hebert is back at Blue Lake as Executive Director. Todd was Executive Director from 1987 until 2003. During his time at Blue Lake he saw the organization through the transition from BC Forestry Association Camp to new non-profit society. Blue Lake Forest Education Society is now a registered charity that provides educational programming on responsible stewardship of our ecosystems, outdoor recreation knowledge and skill development and youth leadership. The Society operates the Blue Lake Centre, an education centre developed in 1977, to facilitate the delivery of a variety of experiential education programs to youth in the Columbia Basin.


Click here for Todd's full Faces & Places feature.

Successful Climate Change Adaptation Program Wraps Up
Columbia Basin Trust
Since 2008, communities throughout the Columbia Basin have been planning for a changing climate with help from the Trust's Communities Adapting to Climate Change Initiative (CACCI). Fourteen Basin communities have received support and over 30 innovative projects have demonstrated pioneering work around climate adaptation. Although CACCI is now complete, the Trust will continue its work on climate change issues, aiming to build awareness, provide information, support science and develop tools that help communities and the Basin at large adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Click here for more information.

Identifying conservation corridors and transboundary linkages for wolverines in the Canadian Crown 
The study area includes the area proposed by Wildsight and the Flathead Wild coalition for a Wildlife Management Area and Flathead National Park Reserve. It is part of an area known as the Crown of the Continent that runs down the core of the Rocky Mountains from Banff south to Missoula, Montana. The Canadian portion of the Crown of the Continent ecosystem has been identified as crucial for wolverines north of the US border to supply individuals and genes through dispersal to the highly fragmented population in the northern US Rocky Mountains. Highway 3, motorized recreation, and the growing footprint of resource extraction are increasingly fragmenting this critical landscape.
Click here for more information.

Take Back the Wild - Youth Conservation Leadership Training
Wildsight has partnered with CPAWS-BC to launch the fifth Take Back the Wild training program, a program aimed at identifying, connecting and engaging a new generation of conservation leaders. This program is designed to educate and empower B.C. youth under 30 with the skills necessary to carry out their own projects to keep B.C.'s great parks, oceans and ecosystems wild. The project will kick off with a weekend long training in Johnson's Landing from June 5-7, 2015. We are looking for young leaders in the Kootenay region to join us for this project. Applications are due May 5th 2015 at 5 pm PST. Please note this event is free to attend, and accommodation and food is included. We will also provide travel subsidies for those who require it.
Click here for more information.

Fine-tuning and Sharing
Columbia River Basin Biodiversity Atlas
It has been an active year for the Biodiversity Atlas project. As well as forging partnerships, working on "How To" manuals, continuing to fine-tune the user interface, and creating lesson plans for high school curricula, we've participated in many events throughout the Basin in order to share the atlas' benefits with area residents. One of our more interesting endeavors has been the work we've done with Friends of Kootenay Lake.
Click here for more information.

New Film on Kootenay Lake

Friends of Kootenay Lake

Friends of Kootenay Lake is pleased to announce that it has released a new short film on Kootenay Lake.  

Click here for more information.


Launch of Youth Network 
Columbia Basin Transboundary Youth Network
In October 2014, students and young professionals from the United States and Canadian portions of the Columbia River watershed met at a conference with the purpose of discussing the future of the Columbia River.  The issues discussed at the conference, including fish passage and reintroduction above the Grand Coulee, ecosystem function, flooding, energy and climate change impacts on river flow, will all impact the younger generation's livelihood and well-being.  The Columbia Basin Transboundary Youth Network formed from that group of young people at the conference to help address this gap.
Click here for more information. 

Celebrating Water and a local Water Hero
As Canadians celebrated Canada Water Week last week, and the world celebrated World Water Day, here at home, one of our local Kootenay residents was also celebrated. Nelson's Heather Leschied-program manager for Wildsight's Living Lakes Canada water team, one of the founders of the Lake Windermere Ambassadors and Friends of Kootenay Lake, fly-fisher, sailor-in-training and water advocate-was honoured as one of WWF Canada's Water Heroes, and named a finalist for Water Canada's Water's Next Award.
Click here for more information.


Wildlife Cameras in Yahk

Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative

Y2Y is working with multiple partners, including the Montana-based Yaak Valley Forest Council and Hawkins Creek Stewardship Council, based in Yahk, B.C., to decommission and restore logging roads throughout the Yahk to Yaak region. That involves the hard work of churning up the compacted soil of old roads and removing old culverts , but it also involves monitoring the sites afterward to see how wildlife are using restored areas. 

Click here for more information.

Wildsight Elk Valley Branch Manager and Fundraiser

Deadline: April 1

Wildsight Elk Valley Branch is seeking an experienced project manager and fundraiser to join our dedicated team of contractors and volunteer board of directors. This is a dynamic opportunity to build on existing programs and initiatives, explore enterprising non-profit agricultural potentials in the region, and make your mark on establishing an annual Wildsight solstice fundraising event. 

Click here for more information.


Blue Lake Centre Natural Resources Education Coordinator

Deadline: April 2

The Natural Resources Education Coordinator will be responsible for assisting in the development, facilitation, and evaluation of Wildlife winter range and Invasive Species awareness program. The candidate will be responsible for creating experiential lessons on wildlife identification, winter range identification, site treatments, invasive species identification, removal and awareness. 

Click here for more information. 


Blue Lake Centre Aquatic Environmental Science Educator

Deadline: April 2

The Aquatic Environmental Sciences Educator will be responsible for assisting in the development, facilitation, and evaluation of our new water testing, riparian area monitoring and interpretation program. The candidate will be responsible for creating experiential lessons on water testing, flora and fauna identification, water flow rates, lake mapping and watershed connectedness. 

Click here for more information. 


City of Kimberley Water Smart Ambassador

Deadline: April 3 

The City of Kimberley has an exciting opportunity for a dynamic summer student to act as the Water Smart Ambassador, a summer position for the 2015 season. The Water Smart Ambassador provides public education about water conservation to residents and businesses in Kimberley. Duties include: responding to customer inquiries about water conservation; proactively promoting water conservation through public displays and events, conducting lawn and garden water assessments at residential locations, working with the Parks department to help ensure watering efficiency; and carrying out social marketing programs designed to reduce water consumption.

Click here for more information. 


Kaslo WildsafeBC Coordinator

Deadline: April 6

WildSafeBC Community Coordinators are responsible for the delivery of the WildSafeBC program in their community. This position will be shared with an experienced Community Coordinator, whom the successful candidate will assist with the delivery of the program. 

Click here for more information.


College of the Rockies Geography and Geology Instructor

Deadline: April 7

College of the Rockies (COTR) requires a regular, part-time instructor to teach first year university geography and geology courses. These courses have lecture and lab components. The ideal candidate will be committed to excellence in classroom teaching and be interested in helping shape the direction of lab science offerings at COTR. 

Click here for more information. 


RDCK and Town of Creston Water Smart Ambassador

Deadline: April 8

The Water Smart Ambassador will work on behalf of the Town of Creston and RDCK to deliver water conservation programs to local residents, businesses, and institutions. The ambassador will split their time equally between the Creston and Erickson communities. Extensive field work is required for this position. The Water Smart Ambassador position's primary function is to be out in the community achieving the following goals:
* Increase local interest in, and awareness of, water conservation and the Water Smart Initiative; and
* Reduce overall water use through public education and outreach activities. 

Click here for more information.


Wildsight Golden Invasive Plant Program Coordinator

Deadline: April 10

Wildsight-Golden is seeking one qualified person to coordinate Golden's Community Weed Program and to develop/deliver public interpretive programs on invasive plants. This program is jointly supported by Wildsight-Golden and the Town of Golden.  

Click here for more information.

Columbia Basin Trust Grassland and Rangeland Enhancement Program

Deadline: Ongoing

Over $200,000 still available for projects in 2015 - 2016. Ranchers and individuals with Crown range tenures, environmental groups and non-profit societies are encouraged to apply for funding to improve and enhance grasslands and rangelands. Ranchers, for example, can use the support to build fences, install cattle guards and do other improvements on Crown land--activities that permit better livestock management practices and therefore result in better stewardship of rangelands.

Click here for more information. 


HCTF Public Conservation Assistance Fund

Deadline: May 15

The Public Conservation Assistance Fund provides small grants to organizations and individuals who have a conservation project in mind but need financial help to make it happen.  Each year since 1974, the Province of BC and the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation provide approximately $150,000 in PCAF grants to help implement on-the-ground conservation work, with a particular focus on hands-on, community based and public awareness initiatives. More than 1000 such projects have been carried out under the program so far.

Click here for more information. 

Real Estate Foundation of BC

Deadline: June 6

For general grants of up to $20,000. Water, sustainable food systems and well-planned built environments are a priority for these grants.

Click here for more information.  

Patagonia Foundation

Deadline: Ongoing

Patagonia funds environmental work. They are most interested in making grants to organizations that identify and work on the root causes of problems and that approach issues with a commitment to long-term change. They support small, grassroots, activist organizations with provocative direct-action agendas, working on multi-pronged campaigns to preserve and protect our environment. 

Click here for more information. 

Statistics Refresher for Biologists: in "R" software
April 14 - 16, Revelstoke
Many scientific studies are full of statistical jargon, tables of averages and other statistics, and results of statistical tests which purport to prove a certain hypothesis. The purpose of this course is to review some of the basic sampling and experiment designs used by ecologists and to understand exactly what can and cannot be extracted from a set of data. With the advent of modern statistical packages, the analysis of data is fairly easy, but it is far too easy to get nonsense results. This course will also review common pitfalls in the analysis of data. Last day to register is April 2.
Click here for more information.

East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council AGM
April 16, Cranbrook
AGM and Speaker Series. Interesting topics and learning opportunities.
Click here for more information. 

The Trickle Down Effect: Interpreting Our Watersheds
April 17 - 19, Delta
Interpretation Canada's Annual Conference
Click here for more information. 

A New Aquatic Invasive Species Framework for the Columbia Basin Webinar
April 20, Online
In 2014, a collaborative partnership was developed between Columbia Basin Trust and the four regional invasive plant committees within the Columbia Basin (Central Kootenay Invasive Plant Committee, East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council, Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society and the North West Invasive Plant Council) to develop a strategic approach to Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) prevention and management. Juliet Craig of Silverwing Ecological Consulting has been developing this Framework under the guidance of a regional Steering Committee. She is presenting the proposed AIS Program Framework in order to provide opportunities for comments and feedback. 
Click here for more information.

Environmental Education Leadership Clinic
April 25 - 28, Kootenay National Park
Building on the success of the 2014 National Environmental Education Leadership Clinic, the Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) will host a Leadership Clinic this April in the spectacular setting of Kootenay National Park. Eight teams made up of thirty-two educators from across the Kootenays have now been selected and will have the opportunity to turn their great ideas into action.  
Click here for more information.

Map Our Marshes
April 26, Fernie
Join the BC Wildlife Federation Wetland Education Program for an opportunity to learn more about wetlands and map their location in the Elk Valley. Registration is FREE and is valued at $50 per person.  Meet at the College of the Rockies, Fernie Campus.  This course teaches participants about wetlands, their classification, and how to map them using GPS technology, Google Earth, and the BC Community Mapping Network. A great workshop for students, environmental/conservation groups, government and First Nations representatives, engaged community members, and keen outdoors-types. 
Click here for more information.

Regulated Rivers: Environment, Ecology and Management
May 6 - 7, Castlegar
Registration is now open! Through a keynote address, 2 days of presentations, a poster session and dialogue opportunities, this conference will provide a cutting-edge opportunity for scientists, managers, students, and others to share results of recent research on regulated river environments, processes, and operations in the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere. 
Click here for more information.

Wings Over the Rockies Bird Festival
May 4 - 10, Columbia Valley
The theme for the 19th annual Wings Over the Rockies Festival is "Fossils and Feathers", inspired by the recent exceptional find of a fossil bed of significant importance in the Kootenay National Park. This year includes a full week of more than 90 field trips, presentation and workshops. Registration opens at 9:00am on Monday, April 6.
Click here for more information.

Creston Valley Bird Festival
May 8 - 10, Creston Valley
Featuring Dick Cannings,biologist, birder and author living in the Okanagan Valley of southern British Columbia. 
Click here for more information. 

Columbia Basin Watershed Network Spring Meeting
May 20, Nelson
Limited number of project presentations, and a Watershed Cafe, led by our member groups, and featuring YOU in conversation with others involved in watershed management around the Columbia Basin.
Click here for more information. 

Evaluating the Success of your Environmental Education Programs Workshop
June 5, Golden
CBEEN will be hosting a professional development workshop on how to measure the success of your environmental education programs. This will be facilitated by Gareth Thomson of the Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication (EECOM) and the Alberta Council for Environmental Education (ACEE). This workshop will take place on Friday, June 5 at the Kicking Horse Civic Centre in Golden from 9:00am - 3:30pm. 
Click here for more information. 

International Conference on Forests and Water in a Changing Environment
July 6 - 9, Kelowna
Building on the success of past international Forests and Water conferences (Beijing in 2006, Raleigh, NC in 2009, and Fukuoka in 2012), the fourth conference will focus on forest disturbance and hydrological processes in a changing environment. The goal of this conference is to provide a forum for experts specialising in forest hydrology, ecohydrology, geomorphology, watershed management and climate change in forested environments around the world to share research progress, exchange ideas, and develop international research collaborations.
Click here for more information.

Mountains of Opportunity: Canadian Wildlife Federation BC Summer Institute
July 31 - August 9, Cranbrook
The Canadian Wildlife Federation Summer Institute is a professional development program in which 10 - 15 educators from across the country get to know a unique part of Canada. The 2015 Summer Institute will be offered in partnership with the College of the Rockies in Cranbrook.
Click here for more information.

CABIN Field Training 
August 11 - 12, Golden
This Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network (CABIN) field training session requires that online training modules be completed in advance (by March 15, 2015) in order to gain access to the CABIN database (Project Manager or Field Technician). For online module descriptions and fees, click here. 
For more information contact rachel@wildsight.ca.
Climate Change Resilience Final Report, Geodatabase and Spreadsheets now available
The Nature Conservancy
The purpose of this project is to identify the most resilient sites in the Pacific Northwest that will collectively and individually best sustain native biodiversity even as the changing climate alters current distribution patterns. The central idea is that by mapping key geophysical features and evaluating them for landscape characteristics that buffer against climate change, we can identify the most resilient places in the landscape in order to guide future conservation investments.

Click here for more information. 


If you have news or announcements that you would like to share via our eNews, please email them to info@kootenayconservation.ca by the 26th of each month.