Justice-seeking people of faith,

There are some big events happening in Washington, DC surrounding the Supreme Court hearing of Whole Women's Health v. Hellerstedt to which I would like to invite you, specifically on Wednesday, March 2. Come and learn, listen, and witness. Now, more than ever, the world needs a vision of peace with justice, a deeper understanding of intersectionality, and the action of people who pray with their feet. 

In peace and with passion,
Chett Pritchett, Executive Director

Nearly 1,300 faith leaders added their names to the faith amicus brief in support of Whole Woman's Health showing religious support for access to abortion. Now, on the weekend before oral arguments, faith leaders from across the country are joining together to pray that the court will preserve access to abortion. MFSA is a co-sponsor of this weekend. Perhaps your congregation would join in prayer?
Please take a moment to sign up using this form and join congregations nationwide for a National Weekend of Prayer for Reproductive Justice, February 26-28, 2015.
Join URGE the night before the rally, March 1, to gather with allies and make signs for the next day. It will start at 5:00pm and go until 6:30pm. They will be providing sign-making supplies. URGE's headquarters is located at 1317 F Street NW, Suite 501, Washington D.C.
DC Screening of "Trapped"

Also the night before the rally, March 1, is a screening of the documentary, Trapped. Stay tuned for more details regarding this screening.
U.S. reproductive health clinics are fighting to remain open. Since 2010, 288 TRAP (Targeted Regulations of Abortion Providers) laws have been passed by conservative state legislatures. Unable to comply with these far-reaching and medically unnecessary measures, clinics have taken their fight to the courts. As the U.S. Supreme Court decides in 2016 whether individual states may essentially outlaw abortion (Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt), Trapped follows the struggles of the clinic workers and lawyers who are on the front lines of a battle to keep abortion safe and legal for millions of American women.
Rally for Whole Women's Health

Join a group of MFSA supporters at the Rally to Protect Abortion Access on March 2, 2016 from 8 AM - 12 PM at the U.S. Supreme Court, Washington D.C. The oral argument began on the 2nd and we want to be part of a strong statement to the public that abortion access is a right. If you are clergy, please wear your collar and/or stoles. There will be many speakers and hopefully 2000 allies!
We will provide a light lunch following the rally. Please RSVP with the MFSA HERE