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You and I know that people of faith should never mistake unity for unanimity. Unfortunately, that is the message that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is trying to bring to the United States Congress.  


Americans are realizing the danger of Netanyahu's approach to foreign policy and are uniting against a needless war with Iran. Members of the American Jewish community have asked for our support in showing that people of faith can, and must, disagree about policies that lead to war.

At least 38 members of Congress have agreed to Skip the Speech. Thousands of people have called and emailed our Congressional leaders. But, NOW IS THE TIME to witness that war is incompatible with the teachings of our faiths.


That's why the Methodist Federation for Social Action has endorsed a rally sponsored by Jewish Voice for Peace tomorrow afternoon, as Prime Minister Netanyahu arrives to speak to Congress. Your presence tomorrow is essential to show Congress that Americans, especially people of faith, DO NOT blindly support Netanyahu's hopes for war.


Click here for more details on Tuesday's rally, and to share with your networks.  


We will leave the MFSA office (212 East Capitol Street) at 3:45pm to attend this rally. If you're unable to meet us at the office, look for the MFSA banner on the West Lawn (that's the side facing the Mall). In large crowds, it is easy for groups to separate. What's most important is your presence! (You also follow along on Twitter: @MFSAVoices).


Thank you for your consideration, your prayers for justice, and your work for a peaceful world.




Chett Pritchett

Executive Director   


Rally Endorsers to Date:  

American Muslims for Palestine, AU Students for Justice in Palestine, Code Pink, Just Foreign Policy, Institute for Policy Studies, Methodist Federation for Social Action, Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace, Peace Action Montgomery, Sabeel DC Metro, United for Peace and Justice, UMD Students for Justice in Palestine, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, US Labor Against the War, Washington Interfaith Alliance for Middle East Peace

Speakers Confirmed to Date:
Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies; Rami Bou-Saab, SJP George Washington University; Medea Benjamin, Code Pink; Shelley Cohen Fudge, JVP DC Metro Chapter; Reverend Grayson Hagler, Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ; Raed Jarrar, American Friends Service Committee; Bob Muehlenkamp US Labor Against the War; Robert Naiman, Just Foreign Policy; Josh Ruebner, US Campaign; Kristin Szeremski, American Muslims for Palestine