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BMCR Meets and Approves Internal Restructure
Immigration Call Update
Korean Peace Action
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Volume VIII Issue 6                         

27 March 2013



Witnesses in front of the Supreme Court.
Photo credit: Christopher Sollars
Yesterday and today are being written into the history of the United States. From my window, I look onto the back side of the Supreme Court where 9 justices have been hearing cases regarding marriage equality since yesterday morning. But these hearings aren't the totality of the movement for justice outside happening near MFSA's offices.

Early yesterday morning an interfaith gathering at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation next door assembled to share in story, prayer, and song before processing to a larger rally in front of the Supreme Court. MFSA is proud to have been part of the coalition who made this event happen.

This afternoon local United Methodists, seminary students, and friends will gather to light candles, pray, and sing for justice at the Supreme Court, reminding each other and the world that we still need to be in prayer and seek actions that are just and fair. MFSA intern Heather Kramer has coordinated this action.

Equality House, Topeka, KS
Photo by Aaron Jackson
Washington, DC isn't the only place where creative action is happening on behalf of LGBTQ people. In Topeka, KS, 31 year old Aaron Jackson purchased a house across the street from Westboro Baptist Church and painted it in rainbow colors. When asked why he was doing this, he said, "I want to show that where there is hate, there can also be love."

These are creative ways to witness to the rights and privileges of which are people are deserving, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. MFSA continues to witness, in a variety of ways. I hope you'll join us in witnessing:

I pray that during this Holy Week we can witness to love - love on a cross, love in our homes, love in the public square. If we truly believe "God so loved the world," then let us share that love boldly and broadly.


Peace, and Passion,  



Chett Pritchett

Interim Executive Director 


MFSA would like to welcome our new Associate for Movement Building, John Daniel (JD) Gore! JD comes to MFSA as a Mission Intern with the General Board of Global Ministries. Prior to coming to MFSA, JD completed his international placement at Wi'am, a center for conflict resolution located in Bethlehem, Palestine.

Originally from Michigan, JD brings with him great passion for Palestinian liberation, peacebuilding, and community organizing. At MFSA, his primary tasks will include social media, building relationships with like-minded organizations, and communicating with Chapters and Chapters-in-Formation.

In partnership with the Mission Intern program, the General Board of Global Ministries provides a stipend; MFSA provides housing. Welcome JD with a gift to support his housing while he's at MFSA!

We welcome JD into a long line of former Mission Interns who have been engaged with MFSA in a variety of ways and give thanks for the gifts he brings to the work we do!

Black Methodists for Church Renewal approved a major restructure of the official caucus that advocates for Black Methodists in The United Methodist Church.


Members voted to eliminate the use of "national" and limit the use of "African-American" tags from literature and promotions and to use "BMCR" in terms that reflect the greater diversity of the denomination. In approving the change, the caucus is taking a stand to be intentionally inclusive through effectively implementing its organizational purpose, goals and objectives.


As partners in the Love Your Neighbor Coalition at General Conference 2012, MFSA congratulates the leadership of BMCR and looks forward to the ways our partnership can continue!

Read here for a fuller account of BMCR's recent meeting. 
Immigration Call Update
In our most recent eNews, we highlighted the work of Bishop Minerva Carca�o and asked you to consider being part of a Grassroots Conference Call to hear from a senior White House official on immigration reforms and help plan local actions. That call is TODAY at 4pm ET.

The call-in number has changed to 800-868-1837 and the code 965465. Many thanks to the General Board of Church and Society for their leadership on making these grassroots actions a reality. 

Korean Peace Action

Gene Matthews, a member of MFSA's Iowa Chapter and former missionary in Korea, has shared with us an opportunity to influence the Obama administration's approach to peace on the Korean peninsula.

The text of an online petition reads:

"To avert war and help reduce military tensions in the Korean Peninsula, we respectfully ask the following:


First, initiate dialogue with North Korea on the road to peaceful resolution, culminating in the formulation of peace treaty to officially end the Korean War. Under the current armistice mechanism, this kind of crisis will repeat itself constantly. The only way is to convert temporary armistice to real and lasting peace, guaranteed by a peace treaty.


Second, we ask the repeal of the UN Security Council Resolution No. 2094 as it is a catalyst of bringing the Korean Peninsula closer to war.


Third, we ask the end of Key Resolve/Foal Eagle joint US-SK military exercises as it only increases tension in the peninsula."


TAKE ACTION: Sign the petition  - and then invite your family and friends to do the same  

ProgressivePonderingsProgressive Ponderings
FacebookSocial Media Corner
Since social media's first name is "Social," here are some tips on how to increase your following on Facebook without seeming like a stalker.

If you only post using your personal facebook page, here are 2 simple ways to find new friends - or engage in discussions that bring you joy, connection, and like-minded friends.


TIP ONE: From your Facebook page, select "Friends." This should take you to a page with a button marked "Find Friends." This list will provide you with friend suggestions based on friends in common.

TIP ONE AND A HALF: You probably shouldn't "Friend" someone if you don't know them or they don't know you. If you have common friends, it's best to ask for a virtual introduction!

TIP TWO: "Like" organizations whose mission you support. Engage in positive and constructive conversations on their Facebook pages. Why lurk when you can engage in conversation and make new "friends"?    


In our next Social Media Corner, we'll share tips for social media if you are an administrator for your church/Chapter/organization's Facebook page, so stay tuned - and stay social!
Methodist Federation for Social Action
212 East Capitol Street, NE
Washington, DC 20003