Our365 Portraits   OUR365 Portraits Update

News for everyone at Our365 Portraits
In This Issue
Sweet Savings
Northern Virginia
Gallery Wrap
Quick Links
Our365 Connection 9/13/2012
Here is the latest email update for everyone at Our365 Portraits. You can find more news at fotonest.com, our company intranet. To access fotonest use your user name and password, or use: User name:intraguest and password: OUR365portraits
 Our365 Promotes Our365 Portraits
It Starts At The Hospital Bedside
At the hospital bedsideWe continue to expand the ways we promote our services to Our365 parents. (Our365 is the company that takes photos in hospitals and forwards leads to us to contact later.) A few weeks ago we launched new lead codes and offers: O3L & O3T. These are promoted by Our365 to its customers by email at the same time as we receive those leads. Now these offers are being included in shipments of hospital portaits by Our365 and also at the bedside when Our365 photographers interact with new parents. Learn more on the Marketing page of fotonest.
Sweet Savings
In addition, Our365 Portraits will be featured in a mid-October mailing called Sweet Savings, which Our365 sends to its customers. We are setting up a special lead type called SF (for Sweet Savings Flyer) for this offer (complimentary sitting and 5x7 or 8x10 portrait).
Now Serving Northern Virginia
New Office Opens
Our365 Portraits is continuing our mission of photographing more babies in more homes in more parts of America. The newest area served is Northern Virginia (including suburbs of Washington D.C.), which begins operations in early September.
Portrait of the Quarter Contest: Sept 28 Deadline!

Send Your Entries Today!


Jan 2011Entries are now being accepted for the 3rd Quarter's Portrait of the Quarter contest.


This contest is designed to be a way to celebrate the great work that is being produced throughout the country by the Photographers and Portrait Designers of Our365 Portraits. We thank everyone who participates each quarter. We ask all Sales Managers to forward entries from their Portrait Designers. This is not always possible, so we also accept entries directly from Photographers or Designers. Please make sure the file name includes your name and office to ensure we know who sent in the winning entry!


Judging will be done by Bob and Steve Cohen in Seattle for these quarterly contests, and the portrait of the year will be selected by popular vote from among those four quarterly winners. There is a $100 prize for the photographer and a $100 prize for the Designer.  


Email your entries to jsparrow@our365portraits.com. For large files, try using yousendit.com. 


Do You Know About Canvas Gallery Wraps?
Canvas Gallery WrapThese Orders Need Special Handling
Our Gallery Wrap Canvas Portraits look beautiful. But when they are included in an order, you need to follow the Lab procedure in order to ensure the order proceeds smoothly.

Please be sure to read the guidelines created by Lab Manager Wayne Strobel. Click this link to download a PDF.
If you have questions about these stories or if you have any comments about fotonest.com, please send them to me. Finally, Managers, if you have new hires in your office, please forward this email to them and ask them to email me directly to be added to the distribution list for staff emails.

Jerry SparrowJerry Sparrow
Marketing Coordinator 
OUR365 Portraits (Seattle Office) 
(206) 441-8401 ext 4