Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(February 28, 2016 - March 5, 2016)
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As I See It...

As I see it...people and pets are getting excited about our "Help Our Local Animals" Supply drive.

3 years ago when this was introduced, we were not sure what to expect.

We thought people might be confused about what to give.

Plus, we didn't know about where to bring the supplies.

But we decided to jump in with both paws and give it a run.

We had been fairly successful with the food drive every year but didn't know if people would translate as well to pets.

Boy were we wrong!

As many of you know, to have success in anything people have to get excited about it.

We have a member of our staff named Deb.

She took this program and ran full speed with it.

She got other employees excited and came up with bins for supplies and food.

We have a customer who works for a big pet store that brought in samples.

We had a customer donate a kennel and a bird cage.

We also took cash donations at the registers.

We found when comparing it to the food drive, is that many times people love pets more than people!

When we finished we loaded up our van and headed to the Hennepin County Humane Society where we presented them with a check and all the supplies our customers had so graciously donated.

We had a brief tour and I thought we would be there for 15min and then get back to work.

Again I was wrong!

Deb required us to say hello to every pet there and 2 hours later we headed back to work.

Deb will spend her own money to buy doggie treats and go out and greet our customers pets in their cars with a little treat.

I encourage anyone out there participating in this drive, starting April 1st, find the "Deb" in your staff who will spearhead this project and get everyone excited about donating food, blankets, leashes, kennels and cash.

I would like to give a special thanks to Miller/Coors for supporting this project and getting signs, donation cards and buckets for us to get the message out.

Thanks and have fun!

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center Liquor
PS... The photo above is Deb on the left with our donation and our humane society rep on the right.
Big Plans at Isle Liquor

from Mille Lacs Messenger

The final numbers have been released for the Isle Municipal Bar and Liquor Store.

According to Muni manager Shannon Schminkey, the numbers are positive though the total gross is down slightly from 2014, on-sale liquor sales and food sales are both up.

The Muni is self sustaining and it contributed $75,000 to the general fund in 2015 - money that goes back into the community, Schminkey said.

"If I stick to smarter buying, better consumer pricing and an increase in food sales, we can install a full kitchen by the end of the year then the Muni can possibly increase that $75,000," Schminkey said.

The Muni currently has food offerings such as a large taco, homemade pizzas as well as sandwiches and deep-fried appetizers.

Schminkey said she has plans to add new items on a trial basis.

Right now she has plans to try alligator and a line of breakfast sandwiches and burritos.

Schminkey hopes to get a full kitchen to add a full menu of food.
Liquor Store Mural Eyed for Restoration

By Adelle Whitefoot, Lake County News Chronicle

The Two Harbors Arts Commission is hoping to have the mural on the Two Harbors Municipal Liquor Store repaired and repainted, but a letter to the Two Harbors City Council from the city planner outlined some potential issues.

The mural, which depicts icons from around Two Harbors such as the Edna G. and Two Harbors Lighthouse, was painted and attached to the liquor store in the early 1990's.

Over the past 20 years, the mural began to fade and with a new electronic sign about to be put on the building and new wayfinding signs put up on Highway 61, the Arts Commission was hoping to have the mural restored.

"We're just looking to fix it up because it's apart of the history of Two Harbors," said Councilor Miles Woodruff, who also serves on the Arts Commission.

"But there's stuff pending with certain ways that we can fix it and we have to look at that a little more before we move forward."

One of the issues is the advertising language on the sign that reads "Shopping," "Museums" and "Waterfront."

City Planner Justin Otsea was asked to work with the Minnesota Department of Transportation on the regulations to repairing the sign.

"MnDOT would like the language removed in general, as it is not compliant with their scenic byway signage regulations," Otsea said.

"The recent request of making repairs seems like an opportunity to make this happen easily."

Since the liquor store sits on Highway 61, which is a designated scenic byway, MnDOT regulates the signage along the roadway.

"MnDOT has requested approval of any new alteration or version of the mural," Otsea said. "My expectations are the 'advertising language' would still be unallowed or not approved by MnDOT."

According to Woodruff, the Arts Commission is considering the removal of the "advertising language" if that's what it will take to be able to repair the mural.

"With the wayfinding signs coming in, the advertising might not even be necessary anymore," he said.

The only other option, it looks like, is not restoring the mural at all.
Congratulations Courtney!!

Can I take a moment to share this and brag about one of the folks here at Kasson Liquor Store?

Courtney Swarthout is a young woman with developmental delays.

I first met her when I started working here in 2004, she was six at the time.

She likes to accompany her dad, Joe, when he comes in on Friday afternoon to buy some refreshments.

Courtney liked to get a sucker when she is here.

Over the years we have had fun getting to know each other.

I would always tease her that when she turned eighteen, I was going to hire her.

This past spring, Courtney did turn eighteen and during the summer she joined the team at Kasson Liquor.

She worked two afternoons a week, for two hours at a time.

She dusts bottles and cleans shelves for us.

Courtney enjoys her position here.

She is quick to tell each customer " Did you know I work here?" as they enter the store!

When fall came and it was time for her to go back to high school she was very concerned for the welfare of the store in her absence.

We look forward to having her back again this coming summer.

This week, Courtney was voted Snow Week Queen at Kasson-Mantoville High School.

We could not be more proud to have a celebrity on staff!

Cathy Pletta
Kasson Liquor Manager

(Pictured above are Snow Week Queen Courtney and King Devin Knoepke)
Ole and Lena Walked Past.....

Ole and Lena walked past a swanky new restaurant.
"Did you smell that food?" Lena asked.

"It smells absolutely incredible!"
Being a 'kind-hearted guy', Ole thought, "What the heck... , I'll treat her!"
So, they walked past it again.

Do what you cannot do, so you can learn how to do it

Future Dates to Remember

Legislative Session Start

March 8, 2016

Legislative Day

March 22, 2016

Click Here for More Information
2016 MMBA Annual Conference

April 16 - 19, 2016
Arrowwood Resort

Legislative Session

May 23, 2106
Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Bill Ludwig
Candice Woods
John Jacobi

Michael Friesen

Steve Grausam

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch

 Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak
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Minnesota SMART

The SMART campaign: Supporting Minnesota's Alcohol Regulations and Traditions, is a renewed public education and grassroots advocacy effort in support of Minnesota's current alcohol regulations and three-tier system.


We believe Minnesota's current alcohol regulations are smart, balanced, and supported by many citizens and our local small businesses.    


They work well for Minnesota!


The SMART campaign functions to help you engage in advocacy efforts with state legislators and others in support of Minnesota's current alcohol regulations, and to oppose issues-such as Sunday alcohol sales.

We want to make it easy and effective for you to engage.


Take action and send an email to your state legislators today through the new SMART campaign website.   


We have sample letters and legislator contact information put together that is ready to go.   


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How Yarn Bombing Grew Into a Worldwide Movement
Textile artist Magda Sayeg transforms urban landscapes into her own playground by decorating everyday objects with colorful knit and crochet works.

These warm, fuzzy "yarn bombs" started small, with stop sign poles and fire hydrants in Sayeg's hometown, but soon people found a connection to the craft and spread it across the world.

"We all live in this fast-paced, digital world, but we still crave and desire something that's relatable," Sayeg says.

 "Hidden power can be found in the most unassuming places, and we all possess skills that are just waiting to be discovered."

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