Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(July 19, 2015 - July 25, 2015)
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As I See It...

Bruce is now Caitlyn


The earth has an older cousin


50 mile bug swarm in Texas


Wine flavored vodka


The presidential race has begun


It's hot outside


Time to write 2016 budget


Everyone is offended. By everything


Melting polar ice caps


Reality TV




Donald Trump


City Council


More sizes, more flavors, same space


Iran nuke deal


Country singers divorce




Double check your inventory.  


Double check your staffing.  


Purchase a tasty beverage.


Go home and enjoy the weekend with your family and friends!


Cathy Pletta


Did You Know?

7515.0630 STORAGE.

Retailers may not store excess stocks of intoxicating liquor in places other than the licensed premises without written approval of the commissioner.  


The place of storage must be located in the  

same municipality as the licensed premises.


The location and address of the storage place, the quantity of liquor stored, and removal from the storage place must be reported to the commissioner in writing. 

Isle Position Opening

The City of Isle is accepting applications for a highly motivated individual to manage and direct the Isle Municipal Liquor Store off-sale and on-sale operations.  


This position involves administrative, direct customer-support, and is physically demanding.  


Also responsible for financial operations, personnel, inventory control, prepare monthly reports to City Council, customer service and other duties pertaining to the liquor store operations.  


A high value will be placed on the ability to perform effective promotions, marketing skills and food handling knowledge, abilities and certifications.


Minimum requirements for the position are: 3 years management experience with municipal liquor or similar operations, including retail sales experience; valid driver's license; proficiency with office equipment and computerized cashiering systems; and considerable knowledge of business management practices.


Applications are available at the City of Isle City Hall, or online at www.cityofisle.com.


Submit application and resume to 285 2nd Ave. S. P.O. Box 427, Isle MN 56342.  


Applications accepted until position filled. 


City of Isle is E.E.O.

Vesta Position Opening

The City of Vesta is seeking applications for a full-time Municipal Liquor Manager.  


Position reports to a five member council.  


Duties include but are not limited to:inventory control, buying, pricing, staffing, budgeting, merchandising, building maintenance, marketing, event planning, and reporting sales and operations of the store.


Preferred candidates will possess experience in customer service,

qualifications include three years management experience in liquor sales or retail sales, three years retail sales experience, experience in retail pricing methods and inventory control, bartender experience, experience in retail sales promotion marketing, proficiency with office equipment and computerized cashiering system.  



Must be at least 21 and be eligible to be bonded and ability to receive a food license.


Wage depending on experience.  


Full job description and application can be obtained by e-mailing cityofvesta@mvtvwireless.com, going online to www.vestamn.us or stopping into the city office.


Send cover letter, resume, and references to:


City of Vesta

Po Box 214

Vesta, MN  56292



All applications should be received/postmarked by 2:00 p.m. July 28th, 2015.

10 Bartender Tips

1.  USE BOTH HANDS. When one hand is doing something, always have the other one doing something else.  If your right hand is pouring vodka, grab the soda gun with the left to add the mixer.  If your right hand is shaking a shot, set up shot glasses with the left.  You get the idea.  This saves time and looks like you know what you're doing.


2.  KEEP YOUR HEAD UP AND FACING OUT.   This may sound like common sense, but all to often, we see bartenders looking down or not paying attention to their surroundings.  When you're finishing one order, be focused and looking for the next order.  This will make you, and the bar, more money.


3.  DON'T MAKE ONE DRINK AT A TIME.  Get the entire order from the group before you start mixing up the drinks.  It might be the case that everyone in a specific group wants a vodka soda.  If you get all 5 orders at once, you have just saved yourself a lot of time.  This way you can line up 5 cups and bang out all the vodka sodas at once.


4.  PRACTICE HANDLING MONEY.  Every experienced, fast bartender is fast with counting and handling cash.  Get a stack of 100 singles from the bank and practice rifling through them while keeping an accurate count.  This will increase your speed when dealing with cash payments behind the bar.


5.  LEARN HOW TO BACKHAND (REVERSE GRIP) POUR:  This is how most professional bartenders pour.   It is faster, more accurate, and mechanically better for your wrist.  On your own time, fill a liquor bottle with water and practice this until it feels comfortable.   


Click Here to See Video 


6.  KEEP YOUR AREA CLEAN.  Nothing looks worse than a sloppy bartender.  When you have downtime throughout the night, clean your bar, your drink rail, and your bar utensils.  This makes your area look more presentable and makes you appear much more professional.


7.  LEAVE ROOM AT THE TOP OF EACH DRINK.  Do not fill your drinks to the brim.  This makes any transport of the drinks result in a spill that get on people's clothes or, at the very least, on their hands.  Leave about a quarter inch at the top of each drink you pour.


8.  HAVE ALL OF YOUR NECESSARY EQUIPMENT.  You will get behind and in the weeds if you spend 10 minutes looking for a wine key or bottle opener.  Start each shift with all of the things you need for the night.  This usually includes: shakers, a strainer, bottle opener, flashlight, wine key, pens, rubber-bands, etc.


9.  KNOW HOW TO PRONOUNCE YOUR INVENTORY.  Your patrons will not trust your bar expertise if you pronounce Cointreau as  



Have a look at this list and practice:




10.  DO NOT GET DRUNK.  This one may also seem like common sense but it is another problem we all see at nightspots: drunk bar staff.  If you need a shot, you can handle a shot, and you're allowed to take a shot; take one.  But BE PROFESSIONAL.  There is no excuse for drinking to the point where you are messing things up and/or visibly drunk.

Gary & Michael are Trying to Measure a Telephone Pole......

Gary & Michael are trying to measure a telephone pole.

They keep trying to climb it and keep sliding down.

Along comes this really big, musclebound guy and says, "Hey, what are you guys doing?"
They say, "We're trying to measure the height of this pole."
The big guy wraps his arms around the pole, pulls it out of the ground, lays it down and measures it.

Then he picks it up, puts it back in the ground, says "40 feet" and walks away.
Gary says to Michael, "What a stupid idiot - we wanted the *height*, not the length."

Future Dates to Remember
2015 MMBA Regional Meeetings

September and October

2016 MMBA Annual Conference

April 17 - 19, 2016
Arrowwood Resort

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Bill Ludwig
Candice Woods
John Jacobi

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch

 Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak
Click Here For Newsletter Archives 
Minnesota SMART

The SMART campaign: Supporting Minnesota's Alcohol Regulations and Traditions, is a renewed public education and grassroots advocacy effort in support of Minnesota's current alcohol regulations and three-tier system.


We believe Minnesota's current alcohol regulations are smart, balanced, and supported by many citizens and our local small businesses.    


They work well for Minnesota!


The SMART campaign functions to help you engage in advocacy efforts with state legislators and others in support of Minnesota's current alcohol regulations, and to oppose issues-such as Sunday alcohol sales.

We want to make it easy and effective for you to engage.


Take action and send an email to your state legislators today through the new SMART campaign website.   


We have sample letters and legislator contact information put together that is ready to go.   


  Click Here for the Website
Join Our Mailing List

Beverage Alcohol Training

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 Contact Bob Leslie at:

Contact Gary Buysse at:


Political Change with Pen and Paper
Want your local politician to pay attention to an issue you care about?

Take this tip from Omar Ahmad, the beloved former mayor of San Carlos, California: Send a monthly handwritten letter.

Old-fashioned correspondence, he shows, is more effective than email, phone - or even writing a check.

Listen for his four simple steps to writing a letter that works.


Click Here 

Don't look where you fall, but where you slipped.

Contact Sutter Home
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Contact Ste. Michelle Wine Estates

Contact Shamrock Group

Contact the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association

Contact MillerCoors

Contact Beam Suntory

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Contact Anheuser-Busch