Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(July 5, 2015 - July 11, 2015)
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As I See It...

"Effective communication is a building block of successful organizations"


"Communication is the most important key to leadership success"


We can all go on and on with quotes and other rhetoric about the importance of communication....but I know that you're as busy as I am....and the goal is to "communicate" some useful information!



Example of Council Communication - Monthly Report:


Sales     January - June 2015

                                     2014                 2015                      Change


Year to Date Sales:    $2,561,924          $2,682,737              + 4.7%  


Liquor                       $865,644              $910,381               + 5.2%  
Beer                         $1,263,013          $1,326,941              +5.1%      Wine                         $383,317             $ 395,151              + 3.1% 


Year to Date Gross  

Profit Dollars:            $653,306              $663,480                +1.6%   


Year to Date  

Customer Count:         106,310                110,627                 +4.1%                                         


Average Sale                  

per Customer:           $24.10                $24.25                     +$.15                                                                                    


Store Activity Highlights (May - June):
  • Employee Training - MN Spirits Distillery J. Carver and MN Winery Sovereign Estates
  • Keyholder Team Meeting - focus on review of policy/procedures and training schedules for five new part time employees
  • Spring Pub Club Event - Excelsior Brewing - 70+ attendees
  • All product moved, floors refinished and sales floor reset to maximize summer profits
  • GrapeVine Tasting event held May 7th resulted in sales of $3,415
  • Vodka section reset to provide space for new flavors and maximize profits
  • Candice Woods attended MMBA Annual Conference - lots of useful information and networking. Full Time Employees also attended seminars on Saturday and Sunday
  • Memorial Day, Graduation, Winstock, Water Carnival events within this time...BUSY!
  • Quotes for Import Cooler Refrigeration update received and project dates planned
  • Video Surveillance needs reviewed with two providers for 2016 budget CIP
  • Preliminary 2016 budget submitted



Example of Staff Communication:


                      June 24th 2015         Did You Know???


The month of July can be our top sales month of the year.....it competes with December for highest sales volume....and if the weather is hot, July sales could exceed December sales! It's like another Holiday season in the summer!  


A major difference in the July and December sales is the product mix sold. December sales include higher percentages of liquor and wine but July sales can be as much as 56% beer on any given day!


Very little, maybe 2-3% of beer, is sold warm......so that's a lot of beer moving through the Domestic and Import Coolers every day.


EVERYONE must help to keep those coolers stocked. Please respond promptly when asked for help!


Also, please know that we need you to work your hours as scheduled and truly can't let people out early......during those times when the customer traffic is slower - We need to hit the coolers and liquor/wine shelves and STOCK< STOCK < STOCK!


Liquor Hutch 2015 Sales (compared to 2014 sales) are UP more than 4%...that's a sales increase of more than $106,000! Given that our average transaction is about $23, that's an additional 4,600+ transactions in the first 6 months of 2015!


Another interesting statistic....Liquor Hutch annual sales ten years ago.....before our expansion/ remodel....2005 = $4,018,468.   2015 Sales (on track to be approximately) = $5,700,000. An increase of 41.8% or $1,681,532!


Liquor Hutch Transfers to the Hutchinson General Fund during  

the past 10 years = $3,760,000!  Be proud of your contribution  

to our City!


Your efforts are appreciated!


Our continued success is the direct result of your  

hard work and it is APPRECIATED!




The value of these simple communications is profound!  


When given the information in a quick and easy to understand format, you engage all of your coworkers and Council people in the success of your operation!  


After all, everyone wants to understand the results of their efforts  

and to be appreciated for their contribution!


Candice Woods


Did You Know?

Delivery of alcohol is legal in Minnesota.

Click Here for More Information
Void Driver's Licenses

Canceled driver's license will no longer carry the clipped corner. 


Instead, Minnesota has begun stamping "void" on identification cards that are invalidated.


The Minnesota Department of Public Safety said the change took effect on July 6.


Invalidated cards will now have a perforated void stamped next to the holder's photo.


People who apply for renewed or duplicated ID cards have their existing cards invalidated to prevent fraudulent use.


The change puts Minnesota in compliance with a federal requirement for commercial licenses.

The state Driver and Vehicle Services division decided to process all cards in that fashion to reduce errors and confusion.
Quick Tip

Let customers know if a product is available in your cooler using a shelf talker.
South Haven Position Opening




Management, computer and food safety experience required.


Supervises daily operations. Cash control accountability, record keeping, purchasing, pricing, inventory control, and hiring. Light maintenance and cleaning.  


Competitive salary based on experience;   PERA retirement, sick time. Paid vacation after one year.  


Contact the City Office (320) 236-2424.  


Resume can be submitted to City Of South Haven P.O. Box 97, South Haven, MN 55382 email Sohavenc@Windstream.net   


Applications forms at City Hall or the municipal liquor store.  


Application deadline July 23, 2015.

The Judge Had Just Awarded...

The judge had just awarded a divorce to Lena, who had charged non-support.  


He said to Ole, "I have decided to give your wife $800 a month for support."


"Vell, dat's fine, Judge," said Ole.  


"And vunce in a while I'll try ta chip in a few bucks myself."

Future Dates to Remember
2015 MMBA Regional Meeetings

September and October

2016 MMBA Annual Conference

April 17 - 19, 2016
Arrowwood Resort

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Bill Ludwig
Candice Woods
John Jacobi

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch

 Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak
Click Here For Newsletter Archives 
Minnesota SMART

The SMART campaign: Supporting Minnesota's Alcohol Regulations and Traditions, is a renewed public education and grassroots advocacy effort in support of Minnesota's current alcohol regulations and three-tier system.


We believe Minnesota's current alcohol regulations are smart, balanced, and supported by many citizens and our local small businesses.    


They work well for Minnesota!


The SMART campaign functions to help you engage in advocacy efforts with state legislators and others in support of Minnesota's current alcohol regulations, and to oppose issues-such as Sunday alcohol sales.

We want to make it easy and effective for you to engage.


Take action and send an email to your state legislators today through the new SMART campaign website.   


We have sample letters and legislator contact information put together that is ready to go.   


  Click Here for the Website
Join Our Mailing List

Beverage Alcohol Training

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 Contact Bob Leslie at:

Contact Gary Buysse at:


The Math Behind Basketball's Wildest Moves

Basketball is a fast-moving game of improvisation, contact and, ahem, spatio-temporal pattern recognition.  


Rajiv Maheswaran and his colleagues are analyzing the movements behind the key plays of the game, to help coaches and players combine intuition with new data.




What they're learning could help us understand how humans move everywhere.


Click Here 

Now that it's all over, what did you really do yesterday that's worth mentioning?

Contact Sutter Home
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Contact Ste. Michelle Wine Estates

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