Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(November 30, 2014 - December 6, 2014)
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As I See It...

With the Holiday season now in full swing I have my gift bags ready, the rolls of wrapping paper glistening, the ribbon pre-cut, the bows all pretty and the wine and spirits in plenty! 

The decorations are almost finished, and now all we need up north is a little snow!

It is the extra touches at this time of year that we do for our customers that never go unnoticed or unappreciated! 

Gift giving can be cumbersome and when we take the extra time to wrap, bundle and present a beautiful gift for them to give to that special someone, the gratefulness shines and we are the talk of the community!

It's amazing how a special touch can show you really care about going the extra mile for them! 

And that is what keeps their patronage to our establishments in the limelight! 

We want them to keep coming back, and spreading the great experiences they have in our store with others!

Another special touch we do during the holiday season in our Bar is what we call "The 25 days of Tom and Jerry's". 

We serve them every year starting the day after Thanksgiving through Christmas Eve and they truly have become our signature cocktail for the season! 

We draw in folks just for these warm and tasty treats daily and each one is prepared with our special seasonings!

Often it is the small things that can set us aside from others to make us stand out in big ways. 

What do you do in your facility? 

The Gift to Go bags Lakeville has put together is a great idea posted in last weeks edition. 

Share your special touches you do during the holidays or a special recipe you offer and we will gladly share! 

Happy Holiday Season to all!

May it be Merry and full of Joy!

Lisa Kamrowski
Nevis Liquor
Kasson Municipal Liquor Store Benefits Community for 64 Years

By Dodge County Independent 


On December 9, 1949 a municipal liquor dispensary was established by adoption of Ordinance #402.  


Sixty five years later the Kasson Municipal Liquor Store remains a success story that has benefitted members of the community even if they don't patronize the store.


Ordinance #402 provided for on and off sale of intoxicating liquor and today continues as an off sale establishment, meaning liquor is sold only in a store setting and not served on site.


The first location of the business was 2nd Avenue N.W., which is the former Ron's Barber Shop (now Craig's Cuts).  


The business then moved to 31 West Main Street in the early 50's, which is now the location of Jimmy's Pizza.  


In 1979 the current building was constructed when a special election referendum was approved by voters.


Private businesses in Kasson give back to the community, but government entities can do the same.  


The Kasson Municipal Liquor Store is a perfect example of a city business that gives back profits in many different ways.  


"We do a lot of good things for the community with the profits," said liquor store manager Cathy Pletta.


Going back to 1983 a sampling of liquor store profit donations include:


1983-$50,000 for sewer collection system construction;


1989 440,000 for a new grader;  


1991-$35,000 for a new Pierce fire truck;  


1992-$20,000 for public bathrooms in a park, $15,000 dedicated for economic development and $15,000 for a softball field;  


1994-$50,000 toward purchase of a dump truck;  


1989-$10,000 toward purchase of a police vehicle;  


2000-$75,000 for liquor store remodeling;


2003- $30,781 toward Main Street improvement project; and


2010-$10,000 for LED Christmas lights and and $40,000 for playground equipment.  


Last year a large chunk of money from liquor store projects funded the two large "Welcome to Kasson" signs off Highway 14 entering Kasson from the east and west.  


Recently a couple of gift baskets from the liquor store were among the live auction items at K-M Care & Share.


All the donations would not be possible without local support. The "Shop Local" theme the Kasson Chamber of Commerce has adopted certainly supports that message.


For 65 years the Kasson Municipal Liquor store has been an asset to the community.


Liquor store manager Cathy Pletta said they appreciate the community's support and continue to listen to customer requests for stocking new items.
Food Drive Results

MMBA members collected the equivalent of 85 tons of food in October during the MMBA / Coors Light Food Drive!!!

Some facilities generated a significant quantity, others not so much. 

However, your humble executive director has learned by touring various food shelves is that every contribution is important!!
Winners of the $1,000 added donation to their food shelf:

Hawley: Under $1 million in 2012 total sales

Lakeville: Over $1 million in 2012 total sales

Winners of $100 added donation to their food shelf, based on a random.org drawing of all participants, excluding the above:

Pine City
Spring Lake Park
Brooklyn Center
Eden Prairie

Thanks to all who participated!!!!
Barnum Bartender Training

Southern Wine & Spirits mixologist Jeff Rogers will be conducting a FREE bartender training in Barnum, MN on Monday, December 15, 2014,
1 PM - 3 PM.

Participants will walk through the steps of mixology, from ingredients to technique.

Find out how important the choice of ingredients is on the final cocktail and why fresh juice is always best.

From a technique standpoint, why do we shake some cocktails and stir others.

Why does it make a difference?

Spirits and liqueurs, are there differences between vodka and rum?

Are all gins the same?

Once participants get through the knowledge, they will be able to show off new found skills and make a cocktail.

Space is limited.

If you would like to participate, contact Barnum city clerk Bernadine Reed:


Great moments are born from great opportunities

Future Dates to Remember

2015 MMBA Boot Camp 


February 17 & 18
Breezy Point Resort

2015 MMBA Annual Conference

May 16 -19
Arrowwood Resort
Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Bill Ludwig
Candice Woods
John Jacobi

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

Click Here For Newsletter Archives 
Sunday Sales: Convenience at What Cost?
The MMBA website now contains comprehensive information on Sunday Sales. 

It is a reference for members, legislators, media, city councils and the general public.

Click Here for the Website


Join Our Mailing List

Beverage Alcohol Training

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 Contact Bob Leslie at:

Contact Gary Buysse at:


This Gel Can Make You Stop Bleeding Instantly

Forget stitches - there's a better way to close wounds.  


In this talk, TED Fellow Joe Landolina talks about his invention - a medical gel that can instantly stop traumatic bleeding without the need to apply pressure.  


(Contains medical images.)

 Click Here

He's New to Baseball
Coming home from his Little League game, Billy swung open the front door very excited.

Unable to attend the game, his father immediately wanted to know what happened.

"So, how did you do son?" he asked.

"You'll never believe it!" Billy said. "I was responsible for the winning run!"

"Really? How'd you do that?"

"I dropped the ball."
Contact Trinchero Family Estates 
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Contact Ste. Michelle Wine Estates

Contact Shamrock Group

Contact Oven Baked Eats
Contact the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association

Contact MillerCoors

Contact Beam Suntory

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Contact Anheuser-Busch