Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(October 19, 2014 - October 25, 2014)
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for the
As I See It...

It's mid-October and the regional meetings have ended.  


The food drive is half over and right around the corner is the most important time for many of us, Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.  


Thanks to all the members who attended the regional meetings, we do this for you so the board is glad that it's members show up. If you couldn't make it this year we hope to see you next year, it's always a great time to catch up with our peers and to find out what is happening around the state.


A big thank you to Paul for putting all of these meetings together and making sure all runs smooth.  


Thanks to Corey from Bacardi and Randy and Robin from Ste. Michelle for taking time out of there busy schedules to attend the regional meetings and inform and educate our members.


As the holidays approach, remember you and your staff are the biggest asset you have in your stores. Teaching our employees how to provide top notch customer service should be job number one.  


You can compensate for a lack of knowledge if your staff is personable, honest and trustworthy.  


As customers we all want to feel appreciated for doing business in a store but how often does that happen when you shop at Target, Walmart, Home Depot etc.  


We all have a great opportunity to make every customer feel appreciated for doing business in our liquor stores because they are putting their money back into their community and not into some big box corporation.  


Does your staff thank each and every customer 100% of the time? Does your staff greet every customer that enters your store 100% of the time?  


Now for the big question, do you as manager set the example and do these two things 100% of the time.  


I hope all of you said yes but I would bet my life that most of us as managers have lapsed at times. I know I have and I feel bad that I have not set the example 100% of the time.  


This is a great time to refocus and work on providing great customer service before the holidays hit. Don't give your customers a reason to take their business elsewhere.


MMBA is here to help and assist. Take advantage of what your association has to offer!!


Steve Grausam
Edina Liquor

As I See It... (2)
Holiday Wine

For many of our Municipal Liquor stores, more than 20% of our annual business will occur in the next 8 or 9 weeks! Traffic will be high and will include people that we don't often see!  


Customers will be stressed and the demands on their time will be many! We will have numerous opportunities to provide great customer service and build awareness of our contribution to our communities!


We will also have times when store staff feels the pressure of the season. Our professionalism , ability to work as a team and overall efficiency will be tested! Not to mention our customer service skills!  


Each year, on the first Sunday in November, we hold a store meeting to stress the importance of the coming season. The meeting always includes a BAT Server Training session with one of our MMBA representatives.  


High traffic requires extra vigilance regarding ID checking.....and we know from experience that, with the calendar year ending, local law enforcement will be doing mandated compliance checks! It's a great time to have the BAT information fresh in our minds!


Customer service is always a focus of the meeting. A few of the things that are stressed:


Call for help at the cash registers whenever you "see three" customers in your line! Remember, customers have many demands on their time and will judge their overall store experience by how long they are required to wait at checkout!


"Focus" products, that can be found on displays throughout the store, are identified by location and product descriptions. We have new and/or temporary staff during the Holidays and this is our way of giving them a tool to use to provide good customer service.  


The "focus" products are chosen to provide mass market appeal and high profit margins. We discuss, and sometimes taste, each product and each employee receives a handout of the information on which to write their own notes.  


Extra copies of the handout are kept at the cash registers for reference and new employees are encouraged to have their own copy available during each shift. It helps them feel confident and informed while helping the customer!  


Never hesitate to ask for help if a customer requests information that you cannot provide! Never hesitate to offer helpful information that you may have! Product knowledge varies among staff members and we must all work together to get the customer what best suits their needs!    


We have an Ipad at the cash registers for use when needed. Customers appreciate your extra efforts to find information that you don't know!  


Drink recipes can also be found and printed from the Ipad.


Holiday drink recipes will be featured in our entry. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the recipes and the products /glassware required to make them!    


Customers won't forget that you helped them be the "hit of the party" with a fun new beverage!


I wish you a Happy (and Profitable) Holiday Season!


Candice Woods, Hutchinson 


Nisswa Position Opening

Liquor Store Assistant Manager


The City of Nisswa is accepting applications for the position of Liquor Store Assistant Manager for the Spirits of Nisswa.  


This is a full-time position which involves direct customer support and providing work direction to retail clerks.  


Requires a valid driver's license and successful background check.


Salary range is $38,000 to $42,000 DOQ.  


Application and job description is available on the City web site at www.ci.nisswa.mn.us.


Cover letter, resume, and completed application must be received by 4:30, November 14, 2014.  


Please mail completed cover letter, application, and resume to:  


City Clerk

PO Box 410

Nisswa, MN 56468 or email to: laurie@ci.nisswa.mn.us

What Message Does Your
Signage Project??

On the Other Hand, Hours of Operation are What????
Wayzata Position Openings

Wayzata Wine & Spirits 


The City of Wayzata is now accepting applications for the position of General Manager for their municipal liquor store; Wayzata Wine & Spirits.  


The ideal candidate will be an experienced professional in the retail liquor industry with a minimum of 5 years as an Assistant Manager or Manager.  


Candidates with other retail experience are encouraged to apply.


This position is responsible for providing overall leadership and management of the municipal liquor store operation.    


Performs a variety of administrative and supervisory work including: managing and directing the day to day operations of the store; developing retail objectives and marketing strategies; monitoring sales and expenditures against the budget helping to ensure profitability; and establishing policies and procedures guaranteeing compliance with applicable laws and regulations.  


Starting salary range is $60,000 - $70,000 (DOQ) with excellent benefits.    


Recruitment period is October 23 - November 12, 2014; completed application forms are due by Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 4:30 p.m.  


Please visit www.wayzata.org or contact City Hall to obtain an employment application form.  


Cover letter and resume are also required.    


For electronic submission of application packet, email completed packet to: kathy@wayzata.org


City of Wayzata

600 Rice Street East Wayzata, MN 55391

952-404-5300 City Hall  

952-404-5318 Fax  




Wayzata Bar & Grill


The City of Wayzata is now accepting applications for the position of General Manager for their municipal restaurant and bar operation; Wayzata Bar & Grill.  


The ideal candidate for the position of General Manager will be an experienced professional in the restaurant industry with a minimum of 5 years as an Assistant Manager or Manager.


This position is responsible for providing overall leadership and management of the municipal restaurant and bar operation.    


Performs a variety of administrative and supervisory work including: managing and directing the day to day operations of the restaurant and bar; developing retail objectives and marketing strategies; monitoring sales and expenditures against the budget helping to ensure profitability; and establishing policies and procedures guaranteeing compliance with applicable laws and regulations.  


Starting salary range is $60,000 - $70,000 (DOQ) with excellent benefits.    


Recruitment period is October 23 - November 12, 2014; completed application forms are due by Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 4:30 p.m.  


Please visit www.wayzata.org or contact City Hall to obtain an employment application form.  


Cover letter and resume are also required.   


For electronic submission of application packet, email completed packet to: kathy@wayzata.org


City of Wayzata

600 Rice Street East Wayzata, MN 55391

952-404-5300 City Hal

952-404-5318 Fax  



Future Dates to Remember

2015 MMBA Boot Camp 


February 17 & 18
Breezy Point Resort

2015 MMBA Annual Conference

May 16 -19
Arrowwood Resort
Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Bill Ludwig
Candice Woods
John Jacobi

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

Click Here For Newsletter Archives 
Sunday Sales: Convenience at What Cost?
The MMBA website now contains comprehensive information on Sunday Sales. 

It is a reference for members, legislators, media, city councils and the general public.

Click Here for the Website


Join Our Mailing List

Beverage Alcohol Training

BAT Logo
 Contact Bob Leslie at:

Contact Gary Buysse at:


What I Discovered in New York City Trash
New York City residents produce 11,000 tons of garbage every day.

Every day! This astonishing statistic is just one of the reasons Robin Nagle started a research project with the city's Department of Sanitation.

 She walked the routes, operated mechanical brooms, even drove a garbage truck herself-all so she could answer a simple-sounding but complicated question:

Who cleans up after us?


 Click Here 

What is a Customer Worth?
Money 3
By Tom Shay

Many years ago, we did this calculation and posted it in a location where every team member would see it every day.

We knew the size of our average sale, and with a bit of estimating, were able to determine how many times a year a customer shopped with us. We also estimated how many years we kept a customer.

Put all of this together and we could estimate, fairly accurately, how much profit we made from each customer. The comment to our staff was that each time a customer came into our business, we were getting a part of that profit.

The idea was to have our staff understand the value of each and every customer. Today, we have that same chart as one of the calculators on our website.

I suggest you perform the math and share this with your staff.

Click Here 

Why Can't You Be Like That?
Elderly Couple
Connie tells her husband:

 "Steve, that young couple that just moved in next door seem such a loving twosome.

Every morning, when he leaves the house, he kisses her goodbye, and every evening when he comes homes, he brings her a dozen roses.

Now, why can't you do that?"

"Gosh," Steve says, "why I hardly know the girl."  
Never mind searching for who you are.

 Search for the person you aspire to be.

Contact Trinchero Family Estates 
Ste. Michelle Logo

Contact Ste. Michelle Wine Estates

Contact Shamrock Group

Contact Oven Baked Eats
Contact the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association

Contact MillerCoors

Contact Beam Suntory

AB Logo

Contact Anheuser-Busch