Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(August 10, 2014 - August 16, 2014)
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As I See It...

How many times have we had a customer say "Hey, can you get this product so I can buy it here? I know it will sell."  


If your store is like ours is in Paynesville, space is always a key issue, making it difficult to bring in these new products the customers are asking for.  


I had this happen in February of 2013 with a customer wanting bag tobacco.  


With cigarette prices at a premium, he was looking for ways to save money.


We started by carrying 2- 1 pound bags and 2 boxes of tubes to make his cigarettes.  


We kept it in a small space next to our pints and ½ pints behind the counter.  


My initial thought was little space and little invested if this doesn't sell.  


In March our 7 foot section behind the counter was down to 4 feet of pints and ½ pints and 3 feet of tobacco.  


By May we added a 4 foot wide by 8 foot tall shelving unit to house all the tobacco and tubes.  


At the end of the year we sold $19,373 in make your own with a profit of $3,326.  


Our total investment of inventory was $2,400.  


Basically we turned the category 8 times in 11 months.  


This year we are projecting $42,450 in sales with an inventory investment around $2,800 for 66 different SKU's.  


That is $6,600 in profit while turning the category 16 times.  


We currently sell more in our make your own category than we do in cigarettes.


The ironic part of this story is I have never advertised the bag tobacco or make your own supplies.


We have gained all these new customers by the best advertising of all... word of mouth.  


We decided to fly this under the radar so that all the other stores in town wouldn't latch onto the idea as well.  


So far, so good!  


When looking into this make sure you check with your cigarette vendor, because the prices can really vary.  


I have found Amundson Cigar & Candy Co. out of Minneapolis to have the best price so far.  


If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.  


I would love to help you help your customers and most importantly give extra profit to our cities.


Bill Ludwig

Paynesville Liquors


This Idea WORKS!!

A couple of weeks ago, new shirts at St. Anthony Village Wine & Spirits were highlighted in this newsletter.

A member asked the effectiveness of the effort.

Manager Mike Larson says:

While most staff members wanted to wear our "100% of the profits go back to the community" logo, some thought it was a little tacky and bold.

Our team also discussed the potential that customers that shop here, but live in another community with municipal liquor, could decide to shop in their own town to provide the revenue for their community.

Both are excellent points that honestly concerned me also.

I thought the logo on our shirts seemed tacky.

We are surrounded by municipal liquor stores on our North and West boarders.

I was concerned that we may be promoting the value of our municipal liquor store to residents of those communities to the North and West, which may cause them to shop at their own stores.

The beautiful thing about trying new ideas to promote your liquor operation is that some ideas work and some ideas don't.

Trying them in my opinion is fun and educational at a minimum!

I can tell you this idea has WORKED!

The customer interaction, questions and comments from wearing these shirts and buttons has been great.

The educational opportunity we get as employees of the city to inform customers what our role is, why we are in the business and where the profits are used is invaluable.

I have even had customers from other towns tell me they are happy their money stays and is used in the City of St. Anthony!

Those conversations by far have been the most rewarding to me personally.

I recently had the opportunity to attend "Night to Unite" with our City Council and administration.

I had many positive comments about our stores and how much our residents enjoy our staff, selection and prices.

I even had a few comments about our shirts and buttons and how they liked that we are getting that message out.

It is important to some residents I talked to.

If you decide that you would like to try this, I would recommend buttons first and if the response is positive you could then purchase logo shirts.

You could easily use the logo on the sleeve if the idea of a large logo is met with resistance.
Glass Chiller For Sale
For Sale

The Tower Bar in Ogilvie has a Beverage Air Glass Chiller, in good condition, for sale.

$500 or best offer.

 Contact Judy:


Support OUR Troops Particpants Win Additional $200!!

The first annual Support OUR Troops supplies drive is now complete.

The following facilities have won an additional $200 for use in their efforts.  

Winners were chosen from all participants using random.org.

Big Lake
North Branch
Pine City
Buffalo Lake

Thanks to all who participated.

Next up, the annual Food Drive in October!!
Lena is Taking a Shower....

Lena is taking a shower when the doorbell rings. 


Ole, in the bathroom upstairs, yells for her to get the door.  


Lena throws a towel on and runs down to open the door.  


Sven, their neighbor is there.  


Sven looks at Lena with only her towel on and says, "Lena if you drop da towel, I vill give you five-hunnerd dollars."


So Lena drops her towel. Keeping his promise, Sven gives her the money and leaves.  


Lena closes the door and goes back to the bathroom. Ole asks her, "Who vas dat?


Lena replies, "Oh, dat vas Sven from next door." Lena thinks fast. "I don't know vat he vanted doh."


Ole then asks, "Did he say anyting about da five-hunnerd dollars he owes me?" 


Future Dates to Remember

2014 MMBA Regional Meetings 


Thief River Falls  September 10

September 17

September 24

October 1

 October 8

 October 9
Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Bill Ludwig
Candice Woods
John Jacobi

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

Click Here For Newsletter Archives 
Sunday Sales: Convenience at What Cost?
The MMBA website now contains comprehensive information on Sunday Sales. 

It is a reference for members, legislators, media, city councils and the general public.

Click Here for the Website


Join Our Mailing List

Beverage Alcohol Training

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 Contact Bob Leslie at:

Contact Gary Buysse at:


How to Tie Your Shoes
Terry Moore found out he'd been tying his shoes the wrong way his whole life.

In the spirit of TED, he takes the stage to share a better way.

(Historical note: This was the very first 3-minute audience talk ever given from the TED stage.)

Click Here
What makes a business successful are ideas - and ideas are everywhere.

You can't let yourself get so caught up in the daily slogging you just don't see them anymore. 
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