Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(July 6, 2014 - July 12, 2014)
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As I See It...
Advertising - 2

As we enter into the busy summer months, how do we as a business capitalize on this?


At Isanti Liquor, we look how to best spend the advertising dollars budgeted for our store every year.  


Thinking of ways to maximize these dollars can be challenging.  


So, why not tie into community involvement programs such as the "Support Our Troops Supplies Drive" sponsored by Anheuser-Busch and the MMBA?  


Appealing to your community's patriotism can help your store attract donations as well as customers.  


July is a busy month in Isanti!  


The Fourth of July, followed by the Isanti Firefighters Rodeo the following weekend, is by far the busiest time of the year for us.  


Examples of how we maximized the potential for this busy season:  


* Teamed up with the firefighters and split the cost of a billboard.


* Purchased a panel at the rodeo to advertise the great price on a beer we have on sale.


* Increased the usual advertising as much as possible in the local newspapers and Rodeo programs to make sure individuals from out of town know our location.  


It's important to truly know your store's busy seasons and put some brainstorming into capitalizing on these times.  


Get to know your community and track the events in your area that could benefit from a collaborative advertising opportunity.  


If a Rodeo isn't coming to your neighborhood anytime soon, maybe a radio ad would be a creative way to reach new customers!  


MMBA director Michael Friesen from Hawley even explored a broker type firm that could possibly give deals on "bundling" different advertising avenues such as newspaper, billboards, radio ads etc.  


Think big and consider new advertising outlets!  


As I See It... there is a lot of ideas out there. You just have to find one that works for you and your city.


John Jacobi

Isanti Liquor  


Buffalo Position Opening



Buffalo and Downtown Wine & Spirits stores have an opening for full-time Assistant Manager.  


The Assistant Manager is a working supervisor who is responsible for managing store operations in the absence of the Store Manager and is also responsible for performing a variety of administrative and supervisory duties.  


Previous supervisory experience in the retail liquor industry is preferred.


Wage range $18.06 to $23.77 DOQ.  


Check the website for applications: www.ci.buffalo.mn.us and send to Laureen.bodin@ci.buffalo.mn.us or 212 Central Avenue, Buffalo by July 25, 2014.  


The City of Buffalo is an EOE.  


Be Unique & Diferent

Nearly 15,000 Shriners from around the world crowded into the Twin Cities this week for their annual convention.


Your humble editor is a Shriner, and coordinated the Marketplace (trade show) portion of the event.


A couple hours into the first day of the event, he received a call from a vendor representing the Imperial Council Shrine Guilds of America.


The nice woman in the booth told him the production company had misspelled their organization's name on the booth sign (pictured above) and people kept mentioning it.


She asked for another sign.


To be honest, their organization is not universally known, and all attention would be beneficial.  


Consequently, it was suggested she keep the sign since people were noticing and take advantage of the attention.


She agreed!


This example shows how being unique and different can become an effective marketing strategy.


Here is another example from coffeytalkblog.com about Starbucks:


The other day I was talking to my friend Natalie about how Starbucks is notorious for misspelling customers' names on their cups.  


We've all had that conversation with someone at some point: "I just went to Starbucks and just LOOK at how they spelled my name? Wtf LOL?!"


Something along those lines right?


This short little exchange had Natalie showing me a blog totally dedicated to the collection of different photo taken by people whose names have been butchered by Starbucks baristas.  


I definitely got a kick out of it.


But then this conversation of poking fun at the baristas led to an interesting thought: maybe they are misspelling these names on purpose.


Maybe completely sabotaging the spelling of someone's name would be enough to lightheartedly irritate the customer just enough to talk about it, but not enough to shun them from the coffee shop altogether.


It's just kind of funny right?


I mean I'm sure they really do care about us and our experience.

Don't get me wrong, I love Starbucks.  


My name gets messed up all the time, but it's something funny that happens that you'd share with a friend on your way to class, or something you might talk about later that afternoon.  


Talking about Starbucks to friends means engaging in word-of-mouth advertising, AKA free advertising.  


The fact that there is a Tumblr blog devoted to the misspelling of names is basically another free form of advertising, except it takes place on the web.  


And by the way, there are multiple blogs dedicated to this misspelling phenomenon so this is definitely an ongoing conversation.


So in conclusion, Natalie and I came up with the theory that perhaps the baristas of Starbucks aren't alphabetically challenged, it's probably a marketing strategy to get free advertising for their company

Makes sense right?


Or we just thought way too far into that and it's just a conspiracy theory.


Just some food for thought.   


Four Players from Minnesota Vikings' Storied Past to Appear at Monticello Liquor Store Saturday

By Tim Hennagir, Monticello Times


Four legendary Minnesota Vikings who played for the team during its most successful era will appear Saturday afternoon at Monticello's Hi-Way Liquors.


Center Mick Tingelhoff, running back Dave Osborn, tight end Stu Voigt and kicker Fred Cox are scheduled to appear from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. during Riverfest.


Randall Johnsen, liquor store manager, said the idea for the "Legends in Purple" event came about during a recent store marketing and brainstorming session.


"We were looking at ways in which we could help promote Hi-Way Liquors and the city of Monticello, especially during our Riverfest celebration," Johnsen said.


"We found out Stu Voigt, Dave Osborn and Mick Tingelhoff were still close friends, so we proposed a 'package deal' to get all three of them," he said.


"Next, we reached out to former kicker, and still all-time Viking's points leader, Fred Cox.  


He said yes, and 'legends' was born.


These are the Vikings of my, and many of our customer's, youth, and my staff and I are personally excited to meet them all."


People are welcome to bring Viking memorabilia to get autographed, as well as their cameras to capture the moment, he added.


Years before, for Hi-Way's grand reopening, the store had an event with Minnesota Twin and World Series MVP, Jack Morris, and celebrity vendor Wally the Beerman.  


"We reached out to those two again for our 2012 Riverfest signing," Johnsen said. "The response was great, and we decided then to pursue more athletes.


In the fall we hosted Krugerfarms.com spokesmodel and former NASCAR Sprint Girl, Paige Duke.  


The next year we had Minnesota Twin pitcher Juan Berenguer and Minnesota Vikings running back, Chuck Foreman."


This spring Minnesota Wild players Erik Haula and Marco Scandella made promotional visits. "On the verge of their Stanley Cup run, it was our biggest signing to date," he said.


"We hope the community enjoys these types of events," Johnsen said.

"Past event turnout and comments from our customers indicate this a fun promotion."


Future Dates to Remember

2014 MMBA Regional Meetings 


Thief River Falls  September 10

September 17

September 24

October 1

 October 8

 October 9
Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Bill Ludwig
Candice Woods
John Jacobi

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

Click Here For Newsletter Archives 
Sunday Sales: Convenience at What Cost?
The MMBA website now contains comprehensive information on Sunday Sales. 

It is a reference for members, legislators, media, city councils and the general public.

Click Here for the Website


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Ole Was Going on a Trip... 

Ole was going on a trip to Norway and after boarding the plane he sat down in seat 16A.  


After a few minutes the passenger assigned to seat 16A came along and pointed out to Ole that he was in the wrong seat.  


Ole told the other passenger that he was comfortable where he was and the other passenger could find another seat.


The passenger tried to convince Ole to move by showing him his ticket and seat assignment.  


Ole refused to move.  


In frustration, the passenger went to see the stewardess and told her what had happened.  


The stewardess spoke to Ole at length but was unable to convince him to move.  


The stewardess got very vocal with Ole and after coming to the verge of losing her temper she gave up and went to see if the captain could help.


The captain came back to Ole, bent down toward Ole's ear and whispered something.  


Ole jumped to his feet and ran back to his proper seat.  


The other passenger and the stewardess were astonished that the captain could get Ole to move so easily.  


They asked him what he whispered to Ole.


The captain said, "I just told him that 16A wasn't going to Norway." 

It's not about the gift.

It's about the memory it creates. 
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