Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(May 4, 2014 - May 10, 2014)
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As I See It...

The last 3 years have been a great learning experience for me.

As my term as a Director comes to an end, I feel both sad and satisfied. 

The MMBA has helped me become a better manager and person. 

You as members have all been a part of this, by sharing your idea's and stories.

I will remain an active MMBA member and stay involved with all that is going on.

  I can not believe that next week is the conference already. 

I hope everyone is coming, especially if you have or need new computer software. 

There are a few really good choices out there, and some of them will be available at the conference.

Now is the time to talk with other stores that have updated or changed there software systems. 

PCI compliance is extremely important as well as the security issues if you're still using Windows XP. 

It took me 6 months to make a decision, so I understand why some stores still have outdated computers and software. 

Change is not always easy, but necessary.

Speaking of change, the MMBA has made a few changes over this last year as well. 

If you have any thoughts or comments about how the MMBA works, please come to our annual meeting at the close of the conference. 

This meeting is for you, the members, and it is your chance to ask questions and voice your opinion.

 I will continue to be an active MMBA member and hope to serve as your Director again in the near future.
Enjoy Spring, it has finally arrived!!! 

Vicki Segerstrom

Counterfeit Bills in Minnesota

The MMBA office received the following note:

The city of Fairmont has had a "high volume" of counterfeit $100 bills being passed.

They are VERY good! The counterfeit pen does not detect them, they have the magnetic strip in them so they are almost fool proof except for one thing.

In the lower right hand corner where the numerical 100 is a metallic green and when tilted slightly will turn to black on good bills, on the counterfeit bills it will stay green.

These were printed out of the country and what the local banks are seeing so far is they are all series 2006, but they warn it may involve other series.

Please get the word out to our members to instruct staff on what they need to look for.

Even the banks were having difficulty detecting them they are THAT good!


Molly Meyer


Click Here for Information on $100 Bills 


Click Here for Information on $20 Bills  

How to Motivate Your Staff in 4 Quick Stages

By DMS Retail

By putting the quick tips below into action at your store(s), the motivation you need to achieve your performance levels will be easier to get:
Clarity of Objectives  

Vague goals kill motivation. Without a clear and concise target to reach for, your staff can't possibly trigger their internal drive simply because it has nothing to head toward.

Only when the objective is vivid in their mind can you tap into a powerful inner drive.

If you haven't already created a set of clear goals for them, it's time to deliver a little more direction.

Meet with them and let them know clearly what the objectives and expectations are.

Continue narrowing down the goals until they clearly see the point of detail you need.

What's Next?  

While you're talking with them about their current goals, spend time talking about the path of advancement within your organization as it may apply to them.

Motivation needs growth to maintain its power.

If they aren't sure what opportunity lies ahead, they'll find that their drive to keep pushing forward begins to diminish.

No matter what it takes, articulate a path of advancement that is open to them.

By telling them which opportunities are in their future and exactly what they need to do today to experience them down the road you will fuel their ambition.

Educate Them  

The better skilled they are at a particular task or activity, the more motivated they'll be to get involved with it.

This principle lends itself perfectly to the world of motivation in the workplace - the more they know about their position and what it takes to excel, the more driven they'll be to produce results.

Give Them New Challenges  

People around the world have an intense need for growth and variety; too much of the same old thing and soon there will be no sign of motivation.

To avoid this experience, put them out there for new work challenges to keep things fresh and new on the job.
A Robber Walks Into a Bank....
Robber 4

A robber walks into a bank and orders everyone to hand over their money.

Suddenly, he realizes he forgot to cover his face with his mask.  So he pulls it down.

He looks to a man on his left and asks, "Did you see my face?"  "Yes," the man said.  So the robber shot him.

He looks to a woman on his left and asks, "Did you see my face?"  "Yes," she said.  So the robber shot her.


He then looks to another man and asks, "Did you see my face?"  "No," the man says.  "But here's my wife, she did!"  

Future Dates to Remember

2014 MMBA Annual Conference


May 17 - 20

Arrowwood Resort

Click Here for Information
Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Candice Woods
Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

Click Here For Newsletter Archives 
Sunday Sales: Convenience at What Cost?
The MMBA website now contains comprehensive information on Sunday Sales. 

It is a reference for members, legislators, media, city councils and the general public.

Click Here for the Website


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