Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(April 13, 2013 - April 19, 2014)
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As I See It... 


The recent news report regarding Sunday Sales and the Teamsters Union caught my eye.  


Click Here for Story


My Employees have been members of a Union in the past and are in the process of organizing again.


Back years ago when Sunday Sales came to the forefront, the City negotiated language into the employees contracts and personnel policies that addressed Sunday Sales if it were to become reality.  


If it ever gets more traction this is something many Cities will have to deal with.  


No matter what your personal stand is on Sunday Sales, it is a real issue that will affect all of us if it happens.  


Not only the spreading of six days sales into seven and all the other arguments why not to do it, consider how it will affect our labor costs.  


Many municipalities have personnel policies which have language about working on Sundays.  


Since there typically are not any departments that generally work on Sundays, they pay time and a half or even double time for hours worked on Sundays.  


If it is a personnel policy it might be a bit easier to change, as this would only take Council action to revise.  


If there are organized employees, that is a different story. Any changes in work conditions and benefits are all fair game for negotiations, and that includes days, hours, pay, etc.  


As those of us who have organized employees know, negotiations are rarely quick and easy.  


Employees will have a definite influence on how much being open on Sundays will cost our operations.


I am not for or against organized employees, I am against Sunday Sales and the snow ball effect it will have on our industry.  


So I encourage all store managers, City Administrators and City Council to be proactive in the process to ensure we do everything we can to protect the municipal liquor stores bottom line and the transferred funds that benefit our citizens.  


Lara Smetana

Pine City 

Hesse Receives Patriot Award

Renee Hesse, of Plaza Discount Liquors in Alexandria, was recently honored and presented the Patriot Award by Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve.


Hesse was nominated for this award by one of her employees, Specialist Mackenzie West.


This award recognizes supervisors and bosses nominated by a Guardsman or Reservist employee for support provided directly to the nominator.


Pictured (r to l) is SPC Mackenzie West, Renee Hesse and Don Nolting, ESGR area representative.   


Click Here for More Information on the Award  

Schedule Help
Calendar & Pen

Your humble editor recently upgraded his computer to Windows 7.

Consequently, programs were reloaded and information lost -- including much of my schedule.

Therefore, if I have a meeting with you in the next few weeks, please let me know so I don't miss it.

Send a Note to Your Humble Editor

Also, sorry about the delay in sending this edition of the newsletter.  Our service provider, Constant Contact, had a huge power issue and access was not available.
Bathrooms & Customer Service
Performance Evaluation

Recently, Mpls. St. Paul magazine published their annual Best Restaurants guide.

In her Editor's Note column, Jayne Haugen Olson wrote about how restaurants can improve their performance.

You will see the basic concepts can also be applied to bars and liquor stores:

This issue celebrates all that is fabulous about the local dining scene, so I have a thought or two on how some restaurants can be even more fabulous.


First, restaurants, keep your bathrooms up to snuff. Nothing annoys me more than going to a restaurant I frequent often-perhaps for years-and the restroom is worn and tired.


C'mon, how much does it cost to apply a fresh coat of paint? Or

to trash dusty decorative accessories? Repair the broken door hooks? Redo nasty grout?  


We all know the importance of a tidy powder room in our homes; I expect the same when I'm a guest of a restaurant. Yes, I'm there for the food, but a lousy bathroom leaves a bad taste.


Knowledgeable wait staff is also important. I was at a neighborhood restaurant near downtown Minneapolis last summer. I hadn't had lunch, it was late in the afternoon, and I needed a little "something."  


The kitchen wasn't fully open, so there were only a few items available. I ordered a cheese plate.  


As I made my way through the different cheeses, honey, meats, and fruits, I pondered each bite, wondering which cheese the chef intended for the honey and which for the apple. I experimented in search of winning combinations.


Finally my server checked back in, and I asked about the cheeses. He said he didn't know. There was no one in the kitchen, so he just grabbed stuff that he thought looked good and created a plate from what he could find.  


That gave me quite a chuckle. It reminded me that not all is what it seems.


On the flip side, I love servers who guide me effortlessly through the menu making suggestions and steering me to something l might not try.


It's obvious they have insights from the kitchen and have tried the dishes. My life is filled with making decisions, so it's a treat to have someone just order for me. And a great server rarely steers you wrong. 

Heartbleed Threat

You've probably heard about Heartbleed, the serious vulnerability in Internet security.

This vulnerability allows hackers to access sensitive data, eavesdrop on communications, and possibly impersonate services and users on web servers.

After checking with the Internet security firm Symantec, the MMBA website is not vulnerable to Heartbleed.

Click Here to Check Other Sites

Future Dates to Remember

2014 MMBA Annual Conference


May 17 - 20

Arrowwood Resort

Click Here for Information
Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Candice Woods
Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

Click Here For Newsletter Archives 
Sunday Sales: Convenience at What Cost?
The MMBA website now contains comprehensive information on Sunday Sales. 

It is a reference for members, legislators, media, city councils and the general public.

Click Here for the Website


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