Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(March 2, 2013 - March 8, 2014)
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As I See It... 


Are you ready for the question "How Valuable is our Liquor Store?"
This week I was preparing my update report for our Council Meeting next Monday, and our City Administrator informed me that a youth member from our local We Decide chapter at our high school will be attending and bringing a concern to the council about our sign for our Municipal Liquor Store on the Highway as you come into town.   


The We Decide group feels that it portrays a negative image of our community as it promotes the sale of alcohol and it is one of the first things you see when you come into our town.
As a proud parent of a youth member in the same We Decide group here in Nevis, it was my daughter that explained to the group how as a city municipal we are a community partner and we support their efforts in keeping alcohol away from minors.   


That was just one part of who we are.
I have prepared information for the group to present at the meeting to not only educate our youth community about who we are and what we do for our community, but to remind our adult community as well how the profits from our municipal liquor store benefit them. 
We may be small, but we are successful and transfer $35,000 into our general fund each year and we are able to put the remainder of our profits into a reserve account for maintenance, upgrades and community projects.  


If it was not for our contribution to the general fund, it would increase our Levy by thousands and the city tax payers would be paying over double the amount in taxes and city sewer and water rates to make up for our income to the city.
It is also important for them to realize that we do control the sale of alcohol in a positive way for our community as well.   


We limit the flavors of alcohol available in our store that are "Kid Friendly" flavors such as Fruit Loops and Mountain Dew.   


We also actively participate in yearly alcohol trainings and education pieces for the students through the Hubbard County Youth Coalition against Drugs and Alcohol.
Here is to proudly serving our community not only in a financial state but in a positive community value for 80 years! Happy Anniversary Minnesota Municipals!  


We are important to our community and it is important to let your community know how you impact them through education of all aspects of who we are.
Lisa Kamrowski
Nevis Municipal Liquor Store Manager

Brooklyn Center Position Opening

Liquor Store Manager/Category Buyer

This position is responsible for operation duties and supervision of part-time personnel. Manages and buys for a category. Maintains daily operations for the liquor store. Reports to the Liquor Operation Manager.


Examples of Duties:


*             Responsible for part-time cashiers/stockers working at assigned store.


*             Handles the training and performance review of part-time store personnel.


*             Manages aspects of liquor, beer or wine category assigned by liquor operations manager.


*             Handles weekly purchasing of liquor, beer or wine category as assigned.


*             Directly responsible for the daily operation of a store, its inventory and expenditures.


*             Supervises and assists in maintaining an adequate supply of merchandise in cooler and shelves.


*             Supervises and assists in daily maintenance and general housekeeping of store.


*             Performs selected duties of liquor operation manager while he/she is on vacation.


*             Supervises daily opening or closing of cash register and store.


*             Inspects deliveries to ensure accuracy.


*             Performs data entry on Inventory Control System.


*             Participates in inventory operations.


*             Makes decisions involving the public (customers, minors, inebriates, complaints, etc.) in accordance with established policies.


*             Enforces strict compliance of all laws, regulations, policies and procedures.


*             Performs other duties as assigned or apparent.


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St. Patrick's Day Cocktail

With St. Patrick's Day just over a week away, it's time to get creative with some themed drinks, over and above "green beer.".  


It also might be time to dust off the creme de menthe, Midori and green Chartreuse if you haven't used them in a while.




Here's an idea: 


The Kentucky Grasshopper


 2 parts RumChata
 1 part Creme de menthe
 ½ oz. part Bourbon 
 Splash heavy cream (optional)


Combine ingredients; can be enjoyed as a Martini, on the rocks, or as a sweet, layered shot. 

New Food Safety Law Means California Bartenders Have to Wear Gloves

Minnesota is also examining Food Code modifications that could involve this and other discussions.

MMBA has hired a consultant to help guide us through the process.

Click Here for More Information on The Food Safety Guy

By Inside Scoop SF

[There is] news of a new amendment to California food safety law that bans bare-handed food contact in restaurants.  


It's a regulation that has received the scorn - not to mention eye-rolling - of chefs and diners alike, even though the state has agreed for a soft enforcement period in the first half of the year.


This week, the Los Angeles Times smartly points to another area affected by the new law: Bars.


Since "food employees shall not contact exposed, ready-to-eat food with their bare hands," bartenders must wear gloves or use tweezers or other utensils when touching ice, garnishes or similar ingredients that go directly in the drink.  


The Times reports:

"Technically speaking, these rules do apply to bars," says Angelica Pappas, a spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Assn. "It's been a common question we've heard ... so there may be more information to come on this in guidance documents from the health inspectors."


US bartender 'glove law' could be binned


Source: The Spirits Business

by Amy Hopkins


Plans for a controversial law that would require all bartenders in California to wear gloves or garnish their drinks with other utensils could be scrapped.


Following a raft of criticisms from the on-trade, a law which would require California bartenders to wear gloves could be binned


It was late last year that following changes to the California Retail Food Code, workers at California-based bars would be required to wear disposable gloves or use other utensils to handle ingredients.


A raft of criticism ensued and a petition was launched calling for the exemption of bartenders from the law.


It has since come to light that the bill's author, Assemblyman Richard Pan, is seeking to overturn the law, which is set to come into affect in June this year.


He told The Sacramento Bee: "[The law] didn't sound that dissimilar to the existing law, which said that we should minimise hand contact and that there should be good hand-washing procedures.


"But we started hearing from local restaurants, smaller restaurants, and also bartenders about the impact it would have on them."


Pan has therefore introduced a new bill, which would simply reinstate the California Retail Food Code as it was before the recent revision.


This has been described as an "urgency measure", which means the law would take affect immediately if it receives two-thirds of votes at the state's Assembly.


The California Restaurant Association has lent its support to the revised bill.


According to the group's CEO and president: "While the intention of everyone involved was to align the California code with federal regulations it has quickly become clear that a one size-fits-all implementation for such a diversely structured industry presented too many operational challenges.


"The right course of action is being pursued by Assemblyman Pan."


Future Dates to Remember!!
 2014 MMBA / MLBA Legislative Day


March 10

Kelly Inn, St. Paul  


2014 MMBA Annual Conference


May 17 - 20

Arrowwood Resort 

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Candice Woods
Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

Click Here For Newsletter Archives 
Sunday Sales: Convenience at What Cost?
The MMBA website now contains comprehensive information on Sunday Sales. 

It is a reference for members, legislators, media, city councils and the general public.

Click Here for the Website


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Randy, Steve & Gary...
Car Crash
When their car broke down in the desert, Randy, Steve, and Gary decided to go their separate ways.

 Randy took the radiator out of the car so he would have some water for the way.

Steve took the mats from the car so he could shield the sun a bit.

Gary, however, removed the door and started to walk.

"Wait a minute," said Randy. "Why are you taking the door with you?"

 "In case I need some air," replied Gary. "I can roll down the window."
The confident ask questions to learn what will connect.

The insecure just keep talking with the hope something will stick. 

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