Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(December 22, 2013 - December 28, 2013)
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As I See It... 

Holiday Wine    

It's been a couple of years since this was last published, so I thought it was time to bring it back...


Twas the week before Christmas and all through the state
Liquor stores are stocking and setting the bait

All the neon's were hung in the windows with care
In hopes that all customers would soon would be there

If you go in an off sale and see all the elves
they'll be busy with displays and filling the shelves

Should I buy Uncle Bill that bottle of Brandy
and Aunt Sandy some wine and some very good candy


I think I'll get Dad a bottle of Gin
and brother Joe some rum and he will grin

Others come in and just buy some beer
That's all it takes to create holiday cheer

The salespeople are arriving and pitching their deals
and the managers heads are filled as they are spinning their wheels

It doesn't feel like winter; as the temp is fine
but the customers still find it necessary to whine

People come in to purchase their wine
Should it be red or white with which we dine?

As others are blessed with a week's vacation
We are prepared to sell them some libation

As our year comes to a close we look at our books
We wonder .... "in our council's eyes how we will looks??

We hope to end our year better than the last
If that happens we will just have a blast

As you close and lock your doors when it is time to go home
You wonder "Where will they build the new dome?"

Okmm.That's the best I can do!

I wish everyone reading this a safe and happy holiday season

Nancy Drumsta
Delano Wine and Spirits      

BC Liquor Participates in Holiday Activities
Brooklyn Center
Sunday Sales Debate Brewing Again
Sunday Sales Pro

By Associated Press 


The debate over whether to lift Minnesota's ban on Sunday liquor sales is bubbling up again.


This time, activists plan to enlist craft beer drinkers to their cause.


Andrew Schmitt, founder of the group Minnesota Beer Activists, tells Minnesota Public Radio News.


It's time for Minnesota to do what surrounding states are doing - allow liquor store sales on Sunday.


Minnesota Beer Activists is launching a public awareness campaign for Sunday liquor sales in the coming weeks.  


The campaign includes a website that lets constituents directly contact their representatives at the state Capitol.


But they face an uphill battle against influential business associations, a strong union and legislators wary of alienating local liquor stores.  

CDC Against Sunday Sales

By The Hartford Courant   


Repealing a ban on Sunday alcohol sales at stores increases the number of alcohol-related accidents and deaths, according to a task force of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that reviewed 14 studies in which laws restricting alcohol sales were changed.


Much of the debate over whether to allow alcohol sales on Sunday  focused on such issues as revenue for the state and small business vs. big business, but there's been little discussion about the implications for public health.


In 2010, a team of researchers that make up the CDC's Task Force on Community Preventive Services published research in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine examining alcohol consumption in locations where bans on alcohol sales on certain days had been enacted, abolished or modified.   


"We found strong and consistent evidence that limiting alcohol availability by maintaining existing limits on the days of sale is an effective strategy for preventing excessive alcohol consumption and related harms," the authors wrote.


Robert Hahn, one of the authors of the analysis, said that "based on our conclusions, our position is to recommend against" repealing bans on the sale of alcohol.
Quick Tip

Your store layout should be as flexible as your merchandising policy.

Keep testing the power of your various departments & categories by shifting them frequently.

Be sure to keep accurate figures of the results.
The Power of Branding & Merchandising in a Bar
Marketing Strategy

By John Taffer

Sex on the Beach would not sell well if it had a different name because, let's fact it, it's not the greatest tasting cocktail. 

But people love ordering it.

At sports bars I was working with, I put a drink or a food item "in honor of Moose Munson." 

People would always order it and ask me about Moose.

I'd say, "Oh man, you don't know Moose Munson? Are you nuts?  Look him up when you get home."

There is no sports person as Moose Munson.  It was fun, and that's what bars are about.
On New Year's Eve, Derrick Was in No Shape to Drive...
Happy New Year

On New Year's Eve, Derrick was in no shape to drive, so he sensibly left his van in the car park and walked home.   


As he was wobbling along, he was stopped by a policeman.   


'What are you doing out here at four o'clock in the morning?' asked the police officer.


'I'm on my way to a lecture,' answered Derrick.


'And who on earth, in their right mind, is going to give a lecture at this time on New Year's Eve?' the constable asked sarcastically.


'My wife,' slurred Derrick grimly.


Future Dates to Remember!!
 2014 MMBA Boot Camp


February 17 - 19

Breezy Point Resort


Click Here for More Information 


2014 MMBA / MLBA Legislative Day


March 10

Kelly Inn, St. Paul  


2014 MMBA Annual Conference


May 17 - 20

Arrowwood Resort 

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Candice Woods
Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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Wine 101
 Click Here to View the New Wine 101 On-Line Training

(Note: The Wine 101 training will only be available until
January 31, 2014.  Look for new training options next year.)
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In order to adapt, we must intentionally destroy.

We need to break down the structure and hierarchy that prevents us from seeing the realities of market change. 
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