Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(December 1, 2013 - December 7, 2013)
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As I See It... 

no theft   


On November 20 a non-descript male entered Rogers Wines and Spirits, made a quick walk through and left, apparently not finding the titillating item or price point he was seeking.  


He was the first potential customer of the day and the professional (homage to Daryl Rosen) noticed the vehicle he was driving as he left the parking lot.  


She had made a quick perusal of the shelves prior to starting her day so it was apparent to her that prior to his stealthy departure our "friend and customer" had gotten a really great five finger discount on a E&J VSOP traveler.


The following day Kim (we'll call her Kim since that's her name) approached me in the back room to explain the occurrence of the previous day.


She asked me to search the previous day's video in an attempt to capture a clear image of our discount shopper so his heavenly visage could be distributed amongst the staff for obvious reasons.  


We then walked back out to the showroom floor - Kim to the counter to assist the newly arriving consumer and me to my office.  


Imagine our mutual surprise when we learned the first customer of the previous day had returned to "shop" again!  


He was still in the entry, making a quick exit when Karen (we'll call her Karen since that's her name) informed us another bottle of E&J VSOP was missing!


Events such as this remind me that municipal liquor isn't all about the money.  


Our insurance providers recognize this and award us with lower rates for higher levels of coverage.  


More law enforcement agencies recognize this and increasingly include us as partners.  


The Minnesota Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome recognizes this and respects our intentions.  


Our legislators recognize this and listen when we speak.


My staff recognized that customer service does not begin and end at the "point of purchase." (If you're not familiar with this concept, you may need a server training. Call me.)  


Kim was observant and noticed the customer, the vehicle and the theft. On the subsequent day this information proved itself to be invaluable!  


The well stocked shelves were an obvious indicator that something was missing and the night staff should be commended for that.  


Kim communicated the previous day's events to Karen via an incident log, which alerted Karen to check the shelf on the second attempted theft.


The story ended this way....


The customer was stopped in the parking lot, returned the bottle, parked his pickup and was apprehended by the Roger's Police.  


He was homeless, had no money to pay for the previous day's theft and was charged with second degree DWI. This was his third DWI in ten years and he registered a respectable .26!  


Due to an alert, professional staff we protected a city asset and removed a serious threat from our highways.


Represent your city proudly! You are a community asset.


Gary Buysse

Rogers Wine & Spirits

Harbor Wine and Spirits Prepares for Busy Holiday Season

By Orono Pioneer 


Last minute Thanksgiving shoppers were in good company at Mound's municipal liquor store Harbor Wine and Spirits the Wednesday before turkey day.


Traditionally, this is one of the busiest business days for the store, up there with the Fourth of July.


Liquor Store Manager John Colotti said the store is on track to see increased sales from last year, if the traffic continues.  


The final numbers will not be available until the end of the year, said Mound Finance Director Catherine Pausche.  


However, in 2011, the net income for the liquor store before transfers was $107,749.  


That number in 2012 was $179,232 with $50,000 transferred to the general fund for property tax relief.


"We make the store the destination in the neighborhood," Colotti said. "All the revenue we generate goes to the city."


Harbor Wine and Spirits have about 100 different kinds of Minnesota craft brews. A make your own six-pack allows for people to sample it.  


The store hosted its annual End of Prohibition Sale from 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 5.  


This event attracted about 500 people last year, and this year's event had more giveaways and offerings to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the end of prohibition.  


Customers took 15 percent of off all alcohol products in the store. Samplings started at noon continued in two-hour intervals with other product sampling.  


Grab bag prizes were given away throughout the day, and customers drew a tag out of a box to win a prize with the corresponding number.


There was also a promotion for 10 cent single bottles of Budweiser. This was the price of the beer 80 years ago, and the famous Budweiser Clydsdales brought the first cases of beer to the White House when prohibition ended.


The horses were at the sale, but the company did give the store one made out of Budweiser cases that is displayed in the entryway when customers walk in.


The store also does regular wine sales and other promotions throughout the year. Colotti said when people can get out on the lake, beer sales are good.


"Summer is the busiest long stretch," Colotti said. "As long as people go out on the lake, they're going to be here."


The store tracks daily sales, customer, counts, weather, hourly breakdowns, which is a great reference year to year before big days such as Thanksgiving Eve.


Colotti said his staff is well trained to help customers. He has been in the liquor since college and has traveled around the world to wineries and breweries.  


Colotti said his favorite part of the job is "meeting people," including customers and sales representatives.


Colotti said this knowledge helps Harbor Wine and Spirits evolve with the industry. It will hit its 11-year anniversary in February.


Some newer additions to the store include a cider cooler, as well as a wide variety of local brews.  


The store currently sells about 100 different SKUs of Minnesota-made beer from around 20 different breweries.  


Customers have the option of mixing a six pack of different brews for $8.99, which Colotti said is a popular draw. 


Corks Support Meals on Wheels

Received the following note from Fairmont Liquor manager Molly Meyer:

I'm not sure if you have heard of this but Gallo Family Vineyards is donating $5.00 for every cork from one of their wines sent in to Meals on Wheels.

I have printed shelf talkers and have a notice at the counter to remind customers who purchase Gallo wines to bring back the corks and I personally will make sure they are sent in to Gallo.

I deliver Meals on Wheels several times a year as part of our church as well as the Rotary Club and have seen first hand how it's not just about providing the seniors in our community a meal, it's often about providing them with some human contact since most are shut ins.

They enjoy the few minutes you take out of your day to say, "Hello, how are you today?"  Or "Can I help you by bringing your paper or mail in from the mailbox?"

The promotion runs until December 31st.

With this being such a busy time for wine purchases, it's a great time to fill up a box and send off those corks for a good cause!

The following website has all the details:



Bob Walked Up to the Sales Lady...

Bob walked up to the sales lady in the clothing store.

"I would like to buy my wife, Mona Marie, a pretty sweater," he said.

'Oh, that's so nice," exclaimed the sales lady.  "Sounds like it's going to be a great surprise."

"It sure is," said Bob.  "She's expecting a new diamond ring!"
Future Dates to Remember!!
 2014 MMBA Boot Camp


February 17 - 19

Breezy Point Resort



2014 MMBA / MLBA Legislative Day


March 10

Kelly Inn, St. Paul  


2014 MMBA Annual Conference


May 17 - 20

Arrowwood Resort 

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Candice Woods
Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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Wine 101
 Click Here to View the New Wine 101 On-Line Training

(Note: The Wine 101 training will only be available until
January 31, 2014.  Look for new training options next year.)
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Elk River Partners with Youth Organizations to Fund Lighting Project
Money 3

Two youth organizations will donate $73,000 to the city of Elk River to pay for lighting an athletic field.


The Elk River Youth Football Association will donate $45,000 and the Elk River Youth Lacrosse Association will give $28,000.


Total cost of the project is estimated at $135,000.  


The city intends to pay the balance - $62,000 - with liquor store profits. The city owns and operates Northbound and Westbound liquor stores.


The Boss Says "Go."

The Leader Says, "Let's Go!"

Contact Trinchero Family Estates 
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Contact Ste. Michelle Wine Estates

Contact the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association
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Contact Minnesota Independent Ice Manufacturers Association


Contact MillerCoors

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Contact Beam Global

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