Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(October 20, 2013 - October 26, 2013)
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As I See It... 


As I see it...We made it about 4 months without the snow, Its back!  


Pretty as it is, most people are not ready for the cold weather that follows.

Get creative with some Hot drink recipes, using more than one product
(maybe even 3) to increase the ring at the register. 

Try and have some small sizes of amaretto, Bailey's, creme de menthe, creme de cocao, honey brandy,bourbon or whiskey, orange liqueur and the like for Holiday recipes. 

I have had many requests for small bottles of prosecco for recipes from the Cooking Channel.

Things may be a little slower before the holiday's, so use this time to finish up inventory and cycle counts.

Have a great winter and let's hope for some white stuff in December to increase sales from all of the snow sport lovers!

Vicki Segerstrom
Milaca Liquor
Jackson Position Opening

The City of Jackson has a fiill-time opening for a Liquor Store Manager.

Primary responsibilities include: Manage the daily operations of the City-owned liquor store; develop advertising and marketing plans; inform customers of promotions during holidays and special events; calculate the daily bank deposit; develop and update weekly,monthly, and yearly reports on performance of the store; determine all products to order; enter invoices into computer to keep inventory accurate; price product appropriately; conduct sales of
products to customers; help customers locate products; respond to questions, concerns, suggestions, and complaints; perform store maintenance; ensure adequate inventory of cleaning supplies; and ensure the store is orderly and clean.

Minimum qualifications for this position include an Associate's Degree in Retail Management, or related field, with three to five years experience in retail management.

Preferred qualifications include a Bachelor's degree in business administration, marketing, merchandise retailing or related field, and experience as a liquor store manager.

The position has a full pay range of $18.53-$27.23 per hour. The starting salary range is $18.53- $19.79 per hour, plus benefits, and is dependent upon qualifications.

Applications can be picked up at City Hall and are also available on-line at www.cityofjacksonmn.com.

Completed applications, including a cover letter and resume,
must be received at the following address no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 12, 2013:

Jackson City Hall
Attention: City Administrator
80 West Ashley Street
Jackson, MN 56143
Wanted: Job Postings

Just a reminder that all segments of the industry are invited to submit position openings to be included in this newsletter.

There is no charge for this service.
Thank You!

Your humble executive director / editor thanks everyone who was a part of his recent induction into the Hospy Hall of Fame.

It was a great night and am very appreciative of the honor. 

I even wore a suit and tie!!
Pipestone Liquor Profits Pay for Sign
Money 3

The Pipestone city council recently agreed to pay $451.20 from its liquor store fund for a sign to replace one of two 35-year old signs for the Pipestone County Museum on U.S. highway 75.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation ordered the replacement. Pipestone County agreed to pay for the other sign.
Texas Hold'em

At a recent MMBA Regional Meeting, a member asked for information on Texas Hold'em.  Specifically, if an entrance fee could be charged.

He was concerned because he did not charge a fee and a competitor down the street was charging a fee.

In short, no fee or consideration can be charged to participate.

Click Here for More Information

Remember... no matter how bad your day is going... at least you're not stuck in a fence getting laughed at by a cow.

The confident ask questions to learn what will connect.

The insecure just keep talking with the hope something will stick.

Future Dates to Remember!!

2013 MMBA Regional Meetings


 October 30



Click Here for Regional Meeting Information 


2014 MMBA Boot Camp


February 17 - 19

Breezy Point Resort


2014 MMBA Annual Conference


May 17 - 20

Arrowwood Resort 

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Candice Woods
Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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