Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(October 6, 2013 - October 12, 2013)
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As I See It... 

Price Increase   


At the recent MMBA Regional Meeting in Thief River Falls, product pricing techniques were discussed and the following example presented:


Wholesale Cost = $10.00


40% Mark-up = $14.00


Retail Selling Price Using  

          Odd-Pricing Modification = $13.99


If the wholesale price increased $1.00, what should be the retail selling price -- $14.99 or something different?


The correct answer is $15.49.


A common mistake is to only add the $1.00 to the selling price without adding a mark-up to the increase:


Wholesale Cost = $11.00

40% Mark-up = $15.40

Retail Selling Price Using Odd-Pricing Modification = $15.49


So far, the Regional Meetings have been very successful.


Thanks to all who have attended and especially to the Thief River Falls mayor and administrator who took time to welcome us to their city. That was very nice!


Three Regional Meetings remain - Alexandria, Rochester and Roseville.


Hope to see many of you there.


Paul Kaspszak

Executive Director

Eden Prairie Position Opening

Position Details


The Eden Prairie Liquor Store Manager is responsible for ensuring smooth operations of an assigned store and serving the community in an effective, efficient, and customer-friendly manner.  


The position reports to the Liquor Operations Manager. 


The primary position responsibilities and areas of impact are:

    * Develops short and long term plans to ensure smooth operations including preparing and coordinating employee work schedules, overseeing store merchandising and inventory, and preparing product orders in accordance with store analysis and needs.  


    * Provides direction to all non-exempt and exempt staff to ensure efficient, polite, and complete services to the public; develop, establish and implement plans, policies, procedures and measurement tools to ensure that those standards are continually met or exceeded.


    * Recruits, manages and develops staff by establishing goals and objectives, providing effective feedback and development opportunities, ensuring employees receive proper on-the-job training, and managing performance.


    * Prepares, analyzes, and administers the assigned liquor store segment of the finance budget; monitor expenses and drive cost effective plans.  


    * Performs all record keeping, bookkeeping, reporting, banking and accounting procedures necessary for efficient operation of store; performs selling, cash register, and stocking duties; other duties as assigned.

While these areas are the primary focus of the position, we believe strongly in teamwork and employees will be called upon to perform a variety of duties as a part of their role with the City.


Click Here for Complete Information 


Pine City Dodgeball Results
Pine City Food Drive

In the last issue, Lara Smetana from Pine City wrote...

We will host the 3rd Annual DODGE HUNGER Dodgeball Tournament [to support the MMBA Food Drive]. It has been a great success and tons of fun.


We have a 40 can/$40 entry fee per team and those who want to watch must pay 3 cans of food or $3 each.


We have a minimum of 8 teams but are shooting for 12 this year.

It is a blast to watch the local Fire Department battle against the Sheriff's Deputies and local Teachers teams. Other teams include local softball league teams, churches and just teams of friends.


Fun is had by all and it is for a great cause!!


The event was held and results are in.  From Lara...

We raised $385.77 in cash and, as you can see in the picture, collected lots of food!!

Editorial: City-Run Liquor Stores Benefit Farmington

Farmington Independent

There was debate a while back about the value of Farmington's city government staying in the liquor business.  


The city's two stores were struggling to turn a decent profit, and at least a few city council members wanted to close their doors and open the local liquor market to private businesses.


Things look a little bit different these days. According to the city's liquor store manager, profits at the stores are up about $88,000 so far this year. The stores have attracted more than 800 new customers.


That's good news, but the better news is what those profits have allowed the city to do.


Liquor store profits have long been used to support the city's parks and recreation operations. Amenities like the municipal pool and Schmitz-Maki Arena don't necessarily make money for the city. Healthy liquor store sales help support them, as well as other projects.


But the benefits of the city-run liquor store go beyond that. At Monday's city council meeting, liquor store manager Blair Peterson presented a $400 check to the local VFW post.  


Afterward, he donated $10,000 to the veterans' memorial currently under construction in Rambling River Park.


There have been other donations, too. And there likely will be more ahead.


That is the benefit of a city-run liquor operation.  


Private store owners might get involved in their community. They might support projects like the memorial. But we know the city is involved in what happens here.  


If sales continue to grow, we assume those donations will only get bigger.


Staying in the liquor business makes a lot more sense.

Leaders are the ones who have the courage to go first and open a path for others to follow.

Future Dates to Remember!!

2013 MMBA Regional Meetings


 October 16



October 24



October 30



Click Here for Regional Meeting Information 


2014 MMBA Boot Camp


February 17 - 19

Breezy Point Resort


2014 MMBA Annual Conference


May 17 - 20

Arrowwood Resort 

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Candice Woods
Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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