Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(July 21, 2013 - July 27, 2013)
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As I See It... 


I copied this paragraph from the MMBA Municipal Liquor Summary Sheet.


Municipal liquor stores started after Prohibition as a means for cities to control the distribution of alcohol in their communities.


Later, cities found their municipal liquor store could be a method of generating needed non-tax revenue.


Today, the purpose of municipal liquor stores is to "control the distribution of alcohol - while simultaneously generating income for the community"


I think the most important part of the above statement is "while simultaneously generating income for the community".


When people find out that I am a City Clerk in a Greater Minnesota small town, they start to tell me stories of their town. Good and bad.


The one complaint I want to talk about is "the Liquor Store just spends, spends, spends (remodeling and updating) and the council doesn't support other entities in the city" i.e. Rescue Squad."


We (the people in city government) know our liquor stores would not be operating if they weren't making a profit. Granted some Muni's make more than others, but the main objective of each store is to generate income for the community. More often than not, people don't know that.


I would like to see Municipal Liquor Stores start posting, talking and bragging about what they DO for their cities.


For example, most cities transfer money from the Liquor Fund to the General Fund every year. A list should be posted, published in the newsletter or web page about what that money is used for.


In my small town of Callaway (Pop 238) our liquor fund transfers money every month to reduce resident's water bill by $15.00. So right off the top $18,000 is transferred every year to benefit every resident in the City of Callaway.


It doesn't sound like a lot, but to the resident that just saved $180.00 off their water bill for the year, it feels pretty good! It makes living in our community a little more affordable.


Three years ago we were only transferring $12,000 a year. By allowing our Liquor Store to do some updating, remodeling and having a manager who is willing to try new things, we were able to raise this amount.


So As I See It, find out from your City Administrator/Clerk what is being transferred from the Liquor Fund and how it is being spent. Let your customers know that by shopping locally, they are helping out their community and themselves.




Shelly Dillon

City of Callaway


Good Luck Gina!

By Jared Huizenga, Sun Sailor


With its director of liquor operations of nearly two decades leaving at the end of the month, the Wayzata City Council has approved a plan to keep things running as close to normal as possible.


During its July 16 meeting, the council unanimously approved the interim plan to replace Gina Holman, who will end her career with the city on July 31, after more than 19 years.

Holman submitted her resignation at the beginning of the month. On Aug. 1 she will begin her new career at Lake Country Distilling, a micro distiller in Waconia.


"This is a significant transition for our business operation down the hill," City Manager Heidi Nelson said.


Nelson worked with Holman and other city staff members to devise the plan, which aims to keep the business moving forward for the next few months until the actual staffing needs of the lucrative city operation can be determined.


The council approved the following plan:


* Chad Bartley has been appointed interim general manager for Wayzata Bar & Grill. He will handle day-to-day operations and management of the bar and grill, monitor and respond to the financial performance of the business and ensure the hospitality of the Muni is "maintained and fostered by staff and the service of food and beverage. He will receive an interim salary adjustment from $25.74 per hour to $29.80 per hour.


* Steve Maeger has been appointed interim general manager for Wayzata Wine & Spirits, where he will handle day-to-day operations and management of the liquor store operation, monitor and respond to the financial performance of the business and ensure "the hospitality and customer service focus is maintained and fostered in the sale of product and customer engagement via marketing, tasting events and product offerings. He will also receive an interim salary adjustment from $25.52 per hour to $29.80 per hour.


* The allocation of up to $7,500 to work with Linnehan Foy to update the Muni website with new graphics and broader business themes and to provide and an interim salary adjustment for Communications Samantha Grosz who will assume a greater level of involvement in the marketing efforts of the Muni.


Nelson said she expects this interim plan to be in place for about three months, at which time it will be easier to determine what the needs are for the operation.


Holman called the move "bittersweet" and expressed her confidence in the staff at both the liquor store and bar and grill to keep moving things forward.


If her departure leaves any holes in the operation, she said it comes in terms of having a wine sommelier on staff. From early on wine was her area of interest and expertise and, she said, it's become a very important part of the business.


Maeger, she said, is excellent with the spirits side of the business and tracking down hard-to-find spirits for customers. So combining his skills with someone well-versed in wine would be ideal.


"Well, we're going to miss you," Mayor Ken Willcox told Holman. "This is going to be a big hole for Wayzata."


"Nineteen years is a long time," he said. "And during that period you've really created an ambiance in Wayzata. You've enhanced the small-town feel and ambiance and familiarity ... you've created our Cheers, the Cheers of Wayzata."

Apple Valley Liquor Position Opening 


Apple Valley Liquor is looking for an Asssitant Liquor Store Manager / Beer Buyer.


Responsible for assisting the Store Manager in all day-to-day operations of the liquor store, including, but not limited to: opening and closing the store; assuming the duties of the manager in the manager's absence; supervising sales staff, including assisting with training and assuring compliance with all store procedures and applicable laws; performing sales functions; and general store maintenance.


The Assistant Store Manager is knowledgeable in all product lines, with an emphasis on the beer category. This position serves as beer buyer and is the store's expert on all areas of its beer business.


Click Here for More Information

A Girl Brought Her New Boyfriend Home...
A girl brought her new boyfriend home to meet her parents and they were horrified by his greasy hair, tattoos, dirty language and air of hostility.
After he left, the mother said, "Dear, he doesn't seem like a very nice person."
The daughter replied, "Mother, if he wasn't a nice person, why would he be doing 500 hours of community service?" 
Future Dates to Remember!!

2013 MMBA Regional Meetings


September 23



September 26



October 9



October 16



October 23



October 30



Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Candice Woods
Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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