Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(June 16, 2013 - June 22, 2013)
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As I See It... 
Well....the 2013 legislative session was adjourned at midnight on May 20th. It was a busy session and our lobbyists worked hard for our team.

* No Sunday sales
* Liquor taxes not increased
* Minimum wage increase is on hold
* Wine in grocery was not an issue this year

So; we can sit back and relax for the next several months and wait for next year and see what comes up............NOT!!
It is very critical to our industry and our jobs to remain proactive throughout the entire year as far as public awareness of issues that may change our operations or affect our customers buying power.

Our Lobbyists, Sarah Psick and Joe Bagnoli, deserve a huge thank you for all they do to protect what is important to our industry. Despite all the media coverage involving Sunday Sales...the fact it was defeated by a vote of 21-106 says a lot for what they do for us.

We can keep the awareness alive throughout the year by taking advantage at town celebrations and festivals to let people in our communities know the ongoing issues.  Furthermore,keep in touch with your legislators and make sure they know where we need their support.

A little can go a long way this time of year as legislators and state reps are out in public and have more time to listen to what their constituents have to say.

Summer is here....sell some beer!!
Nancy Drumsta
Delano Wine and Spirits 
Beer Cave Merchandising

As many of you know, your humble executive director is generally not a big fan of "Beer Caves."


Yes, I get the labor issue. However, the vast majority of beer caves I've seen are poorly merchandised storage areas and not conducive to a positive customer purchasing experience.


Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to speak at the International Conference of Retail Alcohol Monopolies in Canada. (Minnesota municipal liquor operations and MMBA are now known around the world!!!)


At the conference, a representative from the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation discussed how they transformed their "Cool Zones" from STORAGE areas into SELLING areas.


This I like!


A video of this transformation is available by clicking the link below. The video can also be found in the Management Articles section of the MMBA website www.municipalbev.com


Click Here to See Video

Worthington Liquor Profits Keep City Levy Low 
According to the Worthington Daily Globe:

Another aspect that helps the city keep the levy low is funds from the liquor store.


"We do make money there, but we offset the levy by $200,000 a year," City Director of Finance Brian Kolander said. "The transfer averages about 6.4 percent on property tax relief. That's pretty significant."


Steak Gaucho-Style with Argentinian Chimichurri Sauce

Beef Dinner
Once again, the recent MMBA pre-conference wine dinner was enjoyed by all who attended.
This recipe was especially good:
Argentinian Chimichurri Sauce:

1 cup lightly packed chopped parsley (ideally, flat leaf "Italian" parsley) and cilantro, w/ 3/4 stem

3 to 5 cloves garlic, minced (I used 2 tablespoon)

1 teaspoon salt (I used kosher)

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

1/2 teaspoon chili pepper flakes (I used red pepper flake)

2 tablespoons fresh oregano leaves (optional) (I used dried)

2 tablespoons shallot or onion, minced (I used onion)

3/4 cup vegetable oil

3 tablespoons sherry wine vinegar, or red wine vinegar (I used cider vinegar & Red Wine-table wine)

3 tablespoons lemon juice

1 tablespoon Honey



1 tablespoon cayenne pepper

3 tablespoons salt

2-1/2 pounds rib-eye, New York strip, or sirloin steak, 1-1/2 inches thick

2 baguettes, sliced into 1/4 -inch-thick slices



Preheat a grill. Place all chimichurri sauce ingredients in a blender or food processor and pulse until well chopped, but not pureed. Reserve. (*Hint: This looks just like a vinaigrette w/lots of chopped green herb. Best if only held at room temp 3 hours).


Place the steak directly over a hot grill, baste with the chimichurri grilling sauce, and grill until the outer portion of the meat reaches the desired degree of doneness.


Remove the steak from the grill and slice long strips from the outer edges of the steak.


Instruct guests to pick up a steak slice from the cutting board with their fingers, place it on a slice of baguette, and enjoy.


Return the remaining steak to the grill, baste, and grill until more of the steak is cooked.


Remove and repeat the slicing and serving procedure until steak is consumed. For extra spicy steak, baste 2 or 3 additional times with the cayenne pepper mixture during grilling process.


Spoon chimichurri sauce over steak. (Also brilliant on any grilled fish or chicken).

Simon's (Paul & Jill's) Cat
Those of you with cats will be able to relate to this video.
For those not so blessed (???), believe me it's true.
Future Dates to Remember!!

2013 MMBA Regional Meetings


Fall 2013

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Candice Woods
Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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