Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(June 9, 2013 - June 15, 2013)
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As I See It... 

Information in Today's World


I know I am dating myself, but when I started in the liquor business in 1983 there were a handful of wines you had to have on hand such as; Gallo jugs, Inglenook, Carlo Rossi, to name a few.


When I went to work in Edina in 1987, Sebastiani and San Martin 1.5 were the big deal, as was California Coolers and the start of Franzia box wines.


I can remember the wine buyer at the time telling the salesman that Franzia White Zin box wines will never sell.


Remember that saying"never say never" I guess it applied then and it still does to this day. We just do not know what will sell and what will not.

One thing I do know is that we have more data and information than ever before to help us make the right choices.


Take a look at the Top 20 Table Wine Brands for Off Premise:



Sutter Home

Franzia Box

Woodbridge by Robert Mondavi

Yellow Tail

Kendall Jackson Vintners Reserve

Chateau Ste. Michelle

Gallo Family Vineyards

Cupcake Vineyards

Carlo Rossi


Clos Du Bois

Robert Mondavi Private Selection

Livingston Cellars

Menage A Trois

Bogle Vineyards

Rex Goliath

Peter Vella Box

Black Box Wines Box

La Crema


If you're in the Metro and do not carry these 20 brands, you're missing the boat. If you're in Greater Minnesota you should have at least 10 of these top brands, if not more.


They are proven winners and these wines pay the bills, it's that simple.

I have heard of stores that do not carry Barefoot wines. Is it because management doesn't like the salesperson or wholesaler or they don't think the wine will sell?


Brands come and go and it's anybone's guess what the next big thing will be. So never say never and check with your fellow MMBA members to see what is selling in their locations.


There is a lot of information in the market to help us learn and up to date on what is going on in the liquor world.


Here is a list of different media that is available and it doesn't cost a thing.


Beverage Dynamics: www.beveragedynamics.com Great stories on retailers all over the US and other business relating to our industry.


Market Watch: Click Here to access your free subscription. This publication has the best info on new products coming into the market. They also feature retailers and do a great job on industry trends.


M. Shanken Daily News: Sign up for Shanken News Daily This site sends a daily update of liquor news and information. Much shorter than Mark Brown's daily news. As Paul would say, "A quick read" version of Mark Brown.


Mark Brown (Buffalo Trace) Daily News: mbrown@buffalotrace.com Email Mark and he will add you to his distribution list. This has news from all over the world relating to liquor. This is the best news site that I have found relating to liquor.


As I stated before, these do not cost you a cent. So take the time and sign up.


If you are looking for staff training, check with Randy Dobratz (St. Michelle.) He has created a wine staff training he will take on the road and train your staff at no cost to you. Randy did a seminar at the conference and already has three or four cities signed up.


You can also sign up for the Wine101 course on the MMBA website. There is a cost involved for this online training.


Have a great summer and remember: KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!


Steve Grausam

Edina Liquor

Mechanical Bull Riding in Buffalo Lake

Bull Riding 


From Buffalo Lake Liquor manager Karissa Kurth:

Bull Riding was so much fun!!
Great crowd! 
$3400 day but the majority of that was after 7pm.
 Definitely will be having them back.
7 Layout Secrets of the Big Retail Chains


Ever walked into a big chain store and walked out with way more than you had planned to purchase?


Big retailers certainly seem to know how to design their stores and create tempting displays to keep us shopping.


What's their secret? Here are seven layout tips from experts who have worked with many major retailers.


Click Here to See Article

Don't Try to Fix It. I Just Need You to Listen!
Your humble editor's wife, Jill, just doesn't seem to see the humor in this video.
If nothing else, it will create some conversation this weekend!  
Future Dates to Remember!!

2013 MMBA Regional Meetings


Fall 2013

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Candice Woods
Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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