Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(June 2, 2013 - June 8, 2013)
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As I See It... 

A big part of our job as managers is thinking and planning ahead. I am always looking ahead at the calendar makingnotes of upcoming holidays and events being held in town.


There are ways to get prepared so when big holidays and events are here you don't feel overwhelmed and everything runs smoothly.


It is a good idea to keep detailed records of your events and holidays to better help you plan from year to year. Keeping track of total sales, how many employees you had working and which shifts were the busiest, checking inventory levels, and make notes of things that need to be changed for the next year.


By keeping these records you will know if you need more employees working than the year before or if you need to order in more of a particular spirit or beer. You will also be able to compare your sales totals from the previous year. Keeping good records of these events and holidays helps make things run smoothly from year to year.


If you have entertainment in your facility, it is a good idea to look ahead and get those dates booked on your calendar at least 4-5 months before the event - if not sooner. If you are thinking ahead for when you will need entertainment, it is easier to find something that will meet your event needs and chances are the date will be open. Waiting until the last minute to book entertainment will result in not having as many options to choose from and possibly booking something that does not fit your event well.


Make sure you have a good way of advertising for upcoming events or holidays. You can't expect to have a successful event if no one knows about it. Newspaper advertising can get expensive, so try to look for other ways to get your message out.


Have your vendors print signs to hang in your facility for upcoming events. My beer vendors print signs for the outside of the building each month to advertise my events and the On/Off Sale specials as well.

Each month I create table tents and hang posters in the bathrooms and throughout the building that advertise our events and feature our new items in the store.


Social Media is another good way to advertise. If you do not have a Facebook page or a Twitter account, it may be something you should consider. 80% of my advertising is through social media. I have found this is the best way to reach different audiences that may not read our local newspaper or come in on a regular basis to read the posters hanging around our facility.


Make sure your employees know what is expected of them when these events and holidays come around. Communication is important. Hold an employee meeting before the event so everyone knows their responsibilities and what is needed from them. In addition, leave a note by the time clock for your employees to read that briefs them in as to what is going on in your facility for that particular event or holiday.


By planning and thinking ahead for holidays and events, you and your employees can also let plan and look forward to attending. Without them, none of our events and holidays would be successful.


I hope using these few suggestions for planning your events and holidays, will make them more successful than the last!!




Karissa Kurth

Buffalo Lake Liquor Manager

Olivia Position Opening 

City Name:   Olivia


Position Title: Liquor Store Manager


Deadline: Friday June 28, 2013 @ 4:30 p.m.

Position Salary Range: $39,951 - 49,161


Text: The City of Olivia is accepting applications for a full-time liquor store manager position.


Position duties include supervising daily liquor store operations; financial management; directing and coordinating development programs; hiring, training and supervision of personnel; and other duties as assigned.


Application packets containing a detailed job description and the required city application form may be picked up at City Hall during regular business hours or downloaded from the City's website (www.olivia.mn.us).


Interested individuals are requested to submit a cover letter, resume and completed city application form to Olivia City Hall, 1009 Lincoln Ave. W, Olivia, MN 56277 and must be received by 4:30 p.m. on June 28, 2013.  

Revamped Richfield Liquor Store Opens
Richfield Liquor 
By Andrew Wig, SunCurrent

After closing for remodeling, Richfield's city-owned liquor store at West 64th Street and Lyndale Avenue is back in business.


After a soft opening the week prior, the store hosted a grand opening event with beer tastings and an appearance from KQRS-FM morning personality Terri Traen.


The store got a new facade and a significant interior overhaul. With work starting in April, remodelers removed the store's hanging ceiling, exposing the duct work and ceiling supports. The carpet was also removed, revealing a concrete floor, which was subsequently polished.


The work came in on time, said Bill Fillmore, Richfield's municipal liquor operations director.


"The contractors we used did a very nice and quick job," said Fillmore, who believes the store was built in 1943.


He was especially proud of the new beer cooler that was also installed.

"It looks like you're in a spaceship," he said, noting the sleek look created by the black shelving and LED lights.


The store also got new energy-efficient windows and more power-friendly lighting in a project that cost $800,000.


The remodeling was meant to allow the store to keep pace with an evolving commercial area, Fillmore said. With LA Fitness opening last fall in the new Lyndale Station development across the street, and Lyndale Gardens on the way directly to the north of the liquor store, an influx of customers is expected at the store. The outlet currently attracts about 16,000 customers per month, according to Fillmore.


Proceeds from Richfield's liquor operations enter a fund used by Richfield's recreation department, adding up to about $500,000 per year, the city's website states.


Next up for work may be the city's liquor store at West 64th Street and Penn Avenue. Planning discussions have included the prospects of moving that store, said Fillmore, who hopes to find a new site on Penn Avenue for the store, which was built in the late 1970s.


"The possibility of relocating that store is probably pretty high," Fillmore added.

In the Presence of a Client...
Secretary Phone  
In the presence of a client he wished to impress, Joe Bagnoli flipped on his intercom switch and barked to his secretary: "Miss Jones, get my broker!"
Sarah Psick was duly impressed, until the secretary's voice floated back into the room, loud and clear: "Yes sir, stock or pawn?"  
Future Dates to Remember!!

2013 MMBA Regional Meetings


Fall 2013

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Candice Woods
Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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