Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(May 19, 2013 - May 25, 2013)
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As I See It...



I'm going to take this opportunity to highlight this year's annual M.M.B. A. Spring Conference.


Let's just say I return to my office reinvigorated, humbled and refreshed. Each year this conference provides me with the impetus and opportunity to reevaluate my operation, polish some areas that have lost their luster and sweep the dust out of the corners out of the liquor department and my mind.


The product seminars were informative. I will be expanding some areas of our inventory. Kieran Folliard, Irish Whiskey Ambassador with Beam Global, was engaging, as always , with his Irish history lesson which always seems to meander its way back to whiskey.


Randy Dobratz, North Central Division Manager, St Michelle Wine Estates, provided a new training program for large and small municipal operations on how to train our professional staff to sell more wine and generate additional income for the communities we serve. Contact Randy to take advantage of this opportunity and view his powerpoint presentation by clicking here.


Vinocopia General Sales Manager Marion Dauner, assisted by Jason Ospina, gave us of a world tour of whiskey.


On Monday morning Daryl Rosen helped me to reassess my communication skills at a personal and professional level - which most of you realize is a necessity for me. View his videos by clicking here.


For some however, the most beneficial opportunity wasn't to be found on the agenda.


At breakfast the discussion concerned personnel management, at lunch purchasing habits and strategies, at dinner craft beers and as the evening winds to a close we were still discussing hours of operation and marketing of our on sale operations in Greater MN.


For most of our annual conference attendees, this is total immersion in municipal liquor from Sunday morning until Tuesday early afternoon. The networking opportunities at this annual conference are phenomenal!


For the interested professional manager there is no downtime here!

Managers with multiple locations and millions in sales volume can be found discussing strategy with managers from single stores with $250,000 in annual sales. Many issues seem less significant when they are widely experienced and collectively solved.


A relative newcomer to our conference commented on the sense of camaraderie he felt as an attendee. Then he told me I had too many shirts in my suitcase!


Our managers are some of the best, if not the best, in the industry.

When you perform as individuals you are exceptional, when you manage collectively you are unbeatable.


The networking and collective analysis of industry issues that takes place in our Association is a singular advantage that sets us apart from others.


It is a resource that should not be diminished or ignored!


Continually reach out to your peers in M.M.B.A.


Call me if you prefer. I might not have the answer, but with the management talent pool in the state, I am certain I can point you in the right direction.


Gary Buysse

Rogers Wines & Spirits / Bar

Prediction Comes True

North Dakota Sign  

Last week, Michael Friesen wrote in his As I See It column about his recent trip to Iowa and the the impact of potential alcohol and cigarette tax increases.


He said, "I imagined several large liquor stores, cigarette shops and gas stations and even the state governments putting up billboards to 'Thank all of the members of the House, Senate, and the Governor for voting to increase all of the taxes by 2 billion dollars' and to run to the border, any border, and save $."


Well, his prediction came true the next day.....


By: Dave Kolpack, Associated Press, INFORUM


FARGO - North Dakota is promoting its business climate at Minnesota's expense, and some politicians east of the Red River are not happy about it.


The Greater North Dakota Chamber has started a campaign that mocks proposals in the Minnesota Legislature, including bills that would raise certain taxes. A chamber release said Minnesota politicians are "making a strong case for business to come across the border to North Dakota."


The first billboard [pictured above] went up Thursday along Interstate 94 in Moorhead. It reads "North Dakota" on the top line and "Open for Business" on the bottom.


Click Here for Entire Article

Bartender Performance Evaluation
Performance Evaluation 
At the MMBA Conference, a member asked if a bartender specific performance evaluation was available.

Counterfeit Bills Identified In

Columbia Heights 

Secret Service  
This week, Top Valu Liquor (Columbia Heights) employees Steve Schultz and Scott Arne identified a counterfeit $20.00 in their facility. 
They asked the man who presented it to stick around and Steve called the police. 
When the police arrived the officer asked to look at all the bills the man had in his wallet. 
Aside from the fake $20.00 he tried to pass, the man had a fake $50.00. 
The man was led away in handcuffs. 
The Last Time I Went Horseback Riding... 

Dazzle Baby 


Nancy Drumsta: The last time I went horseback riding I wanted to go one way and the horse wanted to go the other.
Cathy Pletta: What Happened?
Nancy Drumsta: The horse tossed me for it!  
Future Dates to Remember!!

2013 MMBA Regional Meetings


Fall 2013

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Candice Woods
Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Lisa Kamrowski

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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