Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(March 10, 2013 - March 16, 2013)
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As I See It...



Boot Camp follow up!


For those who attend the 2013 addition of Boot Camp at Breezy point; I hope you went back to your stores and applied things that you learned from others to help your business be a success.


The session on customer service was one that I needed a refresher on. I think that after being in this business for so long; a person can become complacent when it comes to offering exceptional customer relations.


Such a large portion of our customer base is comprised of "regulars" and the interaction that we have with them on a daily basis is an important part of our jobs. Being non judgmental when it come to customer service is something that we may lose sight of at times.


Our customers like to feel welcomed and important when they enter our stores and a pleasant greeting and smile can go a long way. We make a point of trying to get to know people when they come in.


We had a few guys in last night who were from Sweden.  They come to work in our area a few times a year and said they always drive by the store but had not stopped before.


One of them ended up buying two bottles of $30.00 wine and said he will back in May and will stop here again for his wine because we were helpful and have a nice selection.


Remember to treat your customer as you would like to be treated!


Nancy Drumsta

Delano Wine and Spirits

Danvers Position Opening
Danvers Municipal Liquor Store is looking for a fulltime manager and also a fulltime bartender.
Wage depends on experience. Recordkeeping & Inventory Control experience needed. 
Please send resume to:
City of Danvers
PO Box 76
Danvers MN 56231
Resumes must be submitted by March 26
Google Maps Search for Princeton Liquor Store Leads to Cemetery

By Joel Stottrup, Princeton Union-Eagle


At least 20 people looking for the city's off-sale liquor store have ended up at Oak Knoll Cemetery after using the location finder on Google Maps.


The problem: If you punch in the address of the liquor store - 1901 5th St. N., Princeton, Minnesota, in the Google Maps location finder bar, the location marker will be shown along 13th Street and Fifth St. N., near the entrance to Oak Knoll Cemetery.


That location is east of the Highway 169 bypass, while the off-sale liquor store is located west of the bypass at 19th Avenue and Fifth St. N.


Most of the people who have ended up at the cemetery instead of at the off-sale liquor store, using Google Maps, were coming to the off-sale to do tastings or were delivery people, according to liquor store manager Nancy Campbell.


Campbell brought the map snafu to the city council's attention about a month ago and said that former city clerk Katie Hunter had tried unsuccessfully to get the matter remedied on Google Maps.

People would get to the cemetery and then call the liquor store to get the correct route to the liquor store, Campbell said. She estimates that at least 20 of her customers have ended up at the cemetery first, before getting to the liquor store.

Campbell did say there is a way to get the Google Maps site to show the correct location of the city's liquor store, which is formally known as Princeton Wine & Spirits.


Her method is to type into the Google Maps direction finder: 1901 5th St. No. and 19th Avenue, Princeton, Minnesota.


If you do that, the location indicator for the Princeton municipal off-sale liquor store should be in the correct spot.

Ironically, the Princeton City Council about a decade or so ago, once considered locating the city's off-sale liquor store on city land adjacent to the west end of the cemetery, but thought better of it after getting negative public feedback.

City Council members are taking the problem to heart about the directions shown on Google Maps for the liquor store address. They are having Community Development Director Carie Fuhrman try to remedy the matter with those involved with setting up that website.


What Do Retailers Want From Suppliers? 


Earlier this week, your humble executive director was a seminar participant at the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association Legal Symposium in Alexandria, Virginia.


At one of the seminars, a panel member who represented several retailers identified the four top priorities his clients expected from their suppliers:


Principal Areas of Retailer Concern:


* Supplier Responsibility for Product Quality


* Supplier Responsibility for Accurate Data about Product, from

Pricing to Production to Deals


* Supplier Responsibility to Promote Products


* Supplier Responsibility to Manage Inventory Availability


2013 MMBA Annual Conference
Initial information on the 2013 MMBA Annual Conference can now be found by clicking the link below.
A Talking Horse Shows Up at Target Field...


A talking horse shows up at Target Field and persuades the manager, Ron Gardenhire, to let him try out for the team. 


In the first at bat, the horse rips the ball deep into right field - then just stands there.


"Run! Run!" Gardenhire screams.


"Run? says the horse.  "If I could run I'd be in the Kentucky Derby."

Future Dates to Remember!!

2013 MMBA Annual Conference


May 18 - 21, 2013

Arrowwood Resort


Click Here for More Information

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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