Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(January 20, 2012 - January 26, 2013)
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As I See It...



A word to city council/administrators and clerks...


If you want your municipal liquor store to succeed, include your liquor store manager (Staff) in your vision.  Communication is so important, but seems so hard for councils and liquor store staff to do.


Council's can start by developing a well thought out and accurate job description for the manager.  MMBA can help with this.


If the manager knows what is expected in clear concise detail chances are he or she will do what is required.  If not, the council will have a written document to fall back on to help guide that employee to learn what is required.


If the council doesn't know what the liquor manager does, ask the manager for a written logbook of daily chores and the time it takes to do the work. 
Our council requires the liquor store manager to come and report at every council meeting.  She brings a list of past, present and future activities at the store.  This includes events, specials or anything she feels the council should know about.  The manager also provides a list of goals for the future, be it remodeling, new furniture, equipment and events.


The liquor store manager is responsible for making the liquor store a positive contributing factor to your city.  Help give them the tools to do the job, such as attending MMBA Boot Camp, Regional Meetings and Annual Conference. 


Better yet, city council members should attend with your liquor store manager so everyone can get on the same page and make a plan to succeed for the liquor store and its employees. 


You don't have to reinvent the wheel, MMBA is here to help.  We can point you in the right direction.  We can get you copies of other city's job descriptions, policies and procedures that can be tweaked to fit your liquor store needs.  Just Ask!




Shelly Dillon

Callaway City Clerk

1.75 Bottles Behind the Bar 


The MMBA received the following note from a member combination facility:


I thought there was a limitation that you could only use 750 ml and liter bottles in the on sale.  A salesman stated that you can use a 1.75 behind the bar?  Do you know what the rule is on this?  Just wondering as I have a certain type of Gin remaining that isn't moving in the off sale that I thought we could use for bar pour in the on sale, but we only have 1.75 bottles of it.


According to Minnesota Administrative Rules:


7515.0560 ON-SALE DEALERS.

Subpart 1.Containers; minimum quantities; minimum proof of distilled spirits.

No on-sale dealer shall purchase or possess distilled spirits in containers of less than one-fifth gallon or its metric equivalent. Containers of less than one-fifth of a gallon, or its metric equivalent, shall be subject to confiscation, provided miniatures containing not more than two ounces, or their metric equivalent, may be purchased for dispensing devices, the use of which has been specifically approved by the commissioner. In addition, no on-sale dealer shall purchase distilled spirits other than cordials, liqueurs, or specialty items which are less than 80 proof.


Click Here to See Entire Rule

Minnesota Off Sales Can Sell Baby Bibs & Underwear

In the 2012 Minnesota Legislative Session the following was added to the list of items allowed to be sold by an exclusive liquor store (off sale):


340A.412 Subd. 14 (14) clothing marked with the specific name, brand, or identifying logo of the exclusive liquor store, and bearing no other name, brand, or identifying logo.


Click Here for the Entire Statute


Your executive director believes the spirit of the law has been violated by including quotes and phrases on the clothing and selling items such as baby bibs, men's boxers and women's hot shorts.


However, he agrees with Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement that, in short, based on the plain language of the statute, these items would not appear to be violation. 


This is another example of how a simple legislative change can lead to unexpected results.

One Day I Accidentally Overturned My Golf Cart...

One day I accidentally overturned my golf cart.

Elizabeth, a very attractive and keen golfer, who lived in a villa on the golf course heard the noise and called out,

"Are you okay, what's your name?"

"It's Jack, and I'm OK thanks," I replied.

"Jack, forget your troubles. Come to my villa, rest a while and I'll help you get the cart up later."

"That's mighty nice of you," I answered, "but I don't think my wife would like it."

"Oh, come on," Elizabeth insisted.

She was very pretty and persuasive.

"Well okay," I finally agreed, and added, "but my wife won't like it."

After a restorative brandy with some driving and putting lessons, I thanked my hostess.


"I feel a lot better now, but I know my wife is going to be really upset."

"Don't be silly!" Elizabeth said with a smile, "She won't know anything. By the way, where is she?"

"Under the cart!" I said...

Future Dates to Remember!!

2013 MMBA / MLBA Legislative Day


January 28, 2013

St. Paul, MN


Click Here for Details


 2013 MMBA Boot Camp 


February 19 & 20, 2013

Breezy Point Resort


Click Here for Details


2013 MMBA Annual Conference


May 18 - 21, 2013

Arrowwood Resort

Ask A Director

Gary Buysse

Cathy Pletta
Vicki Segerstrom
Brian Hachey

Nancy Drumsta

Lara Smetana
Pine City

Michael Friesen

Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center

Steve Grausam

Toni Buchite
50 Lakes

Brenda Visnovec
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Shelly Dillon
Karissa Kurth
Buffalo Lake
Paul Kaspszak

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